Character Snapshot (Creon Neverse)

Character Snapshot for Savant Creon de Neverse (2023/12/31, Savant Creon de Neverse vs. Warlord Nora Olen di Plagia)

Savant Creon de Neverse

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Human, Force Disciple, Sorcerer, Mandalorian
Height: 1.87 m / 6'2" - Weight: 89.99 kg / 198 lbs
Age: 31 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Creon's musculature is of a lean athletic structure. He has light skin with a slight farmer's tan. His dark brown hair is kept short, and groomed by militant standards. He is clean shaven. His eyes are green. There is a minor scar located on the left side of his right knee and another across his right ring finger. There are no tattoos.

Loadout: Arsenal (Snapshot)
Strategist (General Aspect)

Through a combination of preparing, studying, and analyzing, Creon de Neverse creates detailed battle plans and tries to think two steps ahead of the enemy. At times, however, this can lead to Creon de Neverse creating complicated schemes that can baffle less intelligent subordinates.

Resourceful Researcher (General Aspect)

Creon de Neverse's life is filled with training and learning for all sorts of situations, from the mind-numbingly normal to the utterly bizarre. As such, Creon de Neverse has developed into a rather resourceful individual. This has made Creon de Neverse a mix of academic and scholar, always with something to offer to any discussion. However, knowledge and training does not always translate well to the tense environment of the battlefield, and no amount of textbooks can prepare one for reality...

Universal Soldier (Personality Aspect)

Creon de Neverse has a military background, and draws upon his experience to tackle the obstacles in his life. This makes him decisive, efficient, and fearless; provides him with a strong sense of duty and strength; which tends to influence his ability to fight and lead. However, a rigid mind is less compassionate towards individuals and less imaginative, and Creon de Neverse sometimes risks appearing callous, relatable, or incapable of compromising.

All Who Gain Power... (Personality Aspect)

All who gain power are afraid to lose it, and Creon de Neverse is no exception. Some use their power for good, some for evil; Creon de Neverse, however, knows that these are just points of view. He is on a quest for greater power, and uses all his skills and abilities to ensure his supremacy, regardless of the consequences.

Minister of War (Combat Aspect)

Creon de Neverse is utterly devoted to success in combat, no matter the mission, no matter the cost. He has spent his life building himself in the image of war, utilizing a dogmatic regimen that has lead him to a single-minded obsession with military success and requires intense physical and mental training. This training, however, has come at the cost of anything resembling empathy or concern for others - even his superiors and subordinates.

Adaptive Combat (Combat Aspect)

Without the gift of the Force, Creon de Neverse has trained rigorously with a wide range of melee weaponry and technology to better handle opponents that are able to harness the mythical power. Creon de Neverse has been conditioned to fight against foes that are Force-sensitive and are able to compensate against fighting an adversary wielding something as deadly as a lightsaber. While this adaptive combat training makes him lethal in close quarters combat against any kind of threat, they are still at the mercy of a long ranged fighter, assailant or Force user that prefers to attack the mind instead of the body.

Skill Feats
Second Skin II No Scope Won't Attract The Worm
Force Feats
Telekinetic Strike III Force Drain II
Granted Feats
Human: Eye Of The Tiger Human: Just Another Face Primed II Order Feat: Force Disciple Battle Mind II
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Mando'a
  • Armstechnology
  • Jedi & Sith Philosophy
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Mandalorian Culture & Traditions
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Imperial Martial Arts System
Secondary Martial Art Mandalorian Core
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None