2nd place, 3 way tie, for Beat up the Fist's Magistrate: Dante. Downgraded due to low participation. ~ OE Fremoc Pepoi Sadow, Fist of the Brotherhood, Son of Sadow Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-08-01 16:10:22 UTC
2nd place, 3 way tie, for Beat up the Fist's Magistrate: Dante. Downgraded due to low participation. ~ OE Fremoc Pepoi Sadow, Fist of the Brotherhood, Son of Sadow
For 1st place in Doom Train 2 (for the month of December), congrats! Epis Locke Sonjie, 2012-01-01 20:53:35 UTC
For 1st place in Doom Train 2 (for the month of December), congrats!
For achieving first place in the [TOR] Highly Decorated competition. The awards for this competition were downgraded due to low participation. Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, 2012-12-02 15:40:06 UTC
For achieving first place in the [TOR] Highly Decorated competition.
The awards for this competition were downgraded due to low participation.