Steel Cross events for Scelestus

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos
Primary reason

When I recruited Scelestus into the Brotherhood, he was afraid that he wouldn't have time for much, but with 1 Diamond, 1 Amethyst, 8 Sapphire, 13 Emerald, 10 Topaz, 2 Quartz stars, a Pendant of Blood and 314CFs to his name, I believe he had proven that theory wrong. Not only did he make time for joining us, but he has excelled in everything he has done. In the half-year plus that he has been with us, there has not been a moment where he has rested. His hands have been on almost every platform the Brotherhood has to offer: Shadow Academy, Fiction, Run-On, TOR & Diablo, etc. Mind, this was after the war, during a much-slower period. He had the drive to keep himself busy during this time.

Even with how new he was during the War of the Three Families, Scelestus still managed to participate in most of the events, mostly on his own without direction. After the feud, Scelestus began seeking leadership positions. He was initially turned down, and used it as an opportunity to learn. He worked harder, set more examples, took on more selfless tasks and was eventually rewarded with BTL of Shadow Gate. Though it was only a short period, Scelestus took right to the position, communicating with his members to see what they were interested in doing and provoking activity within the Battleteam.

Shortly after, in Operation Rolling Thunder, Scelestus participated in at least a dozen events and rivaled the top placers with several 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, coming in 3rd overall, while also pushing his Battleteam to participate, helping to bring the Operation to a success. Just recently he landed himself a 1st Level Diamond Star for winning 1st in the DB-wide Debate Tournament.

During all of these events, he has been the mentor of Dalen, helping him through his Journeyman trials. Scelestus has also been an SA Professor and is now the new Magistrate to the Headmaster, once again proving his will to not only help out his Clan, but the Brotherhood as a whole.

Now Scelestus is rolling right into HQD Aedile with gusto, and frankly, I am excited to see what he can bring to Qel-Droma. Thank you for all of your hard work and constant participation - you have certainly exceeded the bar where those are are concerned, and I look forward to seeing how high you can raise it!

~Socorra Erinos, Quaestor of House Qel-Droma

General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos, 2012-07-28 11:44:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae
Primary reason

There are few who entirely embody the term: activity. There are fewer who can amalgamate such activity with leadership. And there are yet fewer who can do both, and still remain a humble, back-room worker. Scelestus is a shining example of that. This man has been a veritable force since his ascension to the Arconan summit, striving only for the very best for Qel-Droma.

Scelestus has, throughout his tenure as Aedile, ensure that all members are awarded on time, and in an appropriate manner, that reports are released regularly, that members are kept in check and informed should they require help, and, most importantly, served as an invaluable supporting body for Socorra. You see, a significant amount of what Scelestus does is behind the scenes work. Whether it is writing up individual emails to the membership to try and spur on activity (whether for a particular event or not) or whether it is him writing out detailed expositions into the future of Qel-Droma and planning the next stages of development, Scelestus is always on time, and always on the ball with regard to what needs to be done.

On top of that sits his activity record. As an independent - but not exhaustive - example of his activity we can look at his record in Horizons. He participated in a total number of 10 events, for which he was awarded a Bronze Nova in one. This is the same amount of events as his Quaestor, both of whom made it their goals to put the house before their own personal progression and success. This is the mark of a true leader. Of a true Arconan.

It states on the wikipedia that: "The Steel Cross is awarded for extended service to one's House or Clan, such as duties that aid a Quaestor or Aedile as well as being a mentor to others. Activity over a period of some time that goes above and beyond what is considered normal can also be rewarded with this award."

Well, Scelestus has done more than 'aid' his Quaestor and Aedile. He has been the very foundation upon which his and his Quaestor's success rests. I dare say, without his administration work, Qel-Droma wouldn't be soaring ahead of Galeres as the top performing House in the Clan. Similarly, Scelestus has done more than 'been active over a period of some time that goes above and beyond what is considered normal'. He has devoted himself to the smooth running of Qel-Droma on a daily basis, without want for reward or progression.

Today he said to me: "I am yours to serve, and I only want the best for Qel-Droma and Arcona as a whole." I feel this sums up more than anything else the amount of absolute, unfaltering devotion Scelestus has displayed for Qel-Droma and the Clan as a whole.

It is for these feats, among many others, that I request Scelestus be awarded with a Steel Cross.

Congratulations, Ben. You've earned it.

~Wuntila Entar Arconae, Consul of Clan Arcona.

Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae, 2012-11-23 16:44:44 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos
Primary reason

After, Horizons, Scelestus continued to be a great boon to Arcona, and as my Aedile, assisted me in making sure our fellow Housemates were rewarded for their participation in Horizons. In Beyond the Horizon, he came 3rd in graphics, 3rd in Flash game, 2nd in Trivia, 2nd in RunOn, with participation in Acronym, poetry, trivia, Wk2 Acro, Fiction, Battleplan, and Graphics, which propelled him to 5th Place overall in the Feud, all the while pushing the Clan to participate and assisting others with their entries. For his valiant efforts, a full 12 out of 13 entries, and the assistance he has given as Aedile and to his Feud team, I wish to award him this Steel Cross. Congratulations!

~Socorra Erinos, Quaestor of House Qel-Droma

General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos, 2013-01-15 11:43:40 UTC