Grand Cross events for Ascendant James Lucius Entar

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

For the creation of the Krath Combat Centre, the new Krath Website, and the synthesis and management of the aforementioned websites. This is being awarded in place of the two Steel Crosses that were given separately for both endeavors, at the behest of DGM Mairin and with the approval of CHAN Shadonyx.

, 2002-11-29 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

JaM3z Lucius Entar, one of Arcona's MANY greats.

JaM3z served both as my Aedile and now my Proconsul. His rewards for AED has been, his reward for PCON will eventually we must discuss his reward for Quaestor!

JaM3z has lead Qel-Droma fantastically. Numbers are strong, reports are a plenty and the House is always a buzz with a variety of competitions; and not just from the summit, but from the eagerly encouraged members of the House.

JaM3z's work for the House is well known. his talents as a leader have only improved and his dedication and loyalty to QUA were nothing short of phenomenal.

Congratulations JaM3z and thank you both for everything so far, and all that's still to come!!!

DJM Mejas Doto Consul of Clan Arcona


The feud between Arcona and CSK passed by fast.. everyone received deserved awards, and it was great fun.. however there still is one person, who did at least two times more than anyone else there, and who cannot be skipped now. JaM3z Lucius Entar. Former Quaestor of Qel-Droma, and now, respective ProConsul of Arcona.

Since the first days of the feud JaM3z kept motivating, and giving example to Qel-Dromans. His enthusiasm and will of fight made whole thing an excellent event. Everything was worked in the smallest detail. Even an excel table with procentage of participation of particular members. There was no day without at least short note from him. Jimmy is excellent leader, and I - speaking in my own as well as all Qel-Dromans name, would like to thank JaM3z for all the work, time and effort put into our house, for making every day better from the previous, for keeping our morale and moods up. For not letting us to give up at any point, always being there for anyone who needed help.

You made awesome work with QD, JaM3z. You also taught me a lot by this long time when I was your Aedile. You truly deserve this award Jimmy.

KE Tissaya Luna Argat QUA of Qel-Droma

, 2003-10-03 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

For his service above and beyond the call of duty to the brotherhood during a time of need. Our database would have not been recoved as fast if it wasn't for his diligence. - Jac

, 2004-01-21 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Pontifex JaM3z Lucius Entar has once again proven to be an invaluable asset to the Brotherhood in providing coding services that make things poissible in the first place.

Point in case: From a basic idea I had and a short IRC discussion in which I laid out some "I'd like to have this and this" specs, JaM3z has created an extremely well running competition submission and management system - exactly what I asked for, too - for the Independence Games that has worked so well that it was transferred practically unchanged (except for some added functions) to be our management system for the Great Jedi War as well.

It was only due to this work that it was possible to manage such a large and complicated competition efficiently and without any disturbances. The system has provided a previously unknown level of speed, comfort and reliability in judging large competitions (it was likely the first time in DB history that a judge going AWOL didn't cause any trouble because everything was still available in the central database for assignment to a new judge) and will most likely be expanded to become one of the core benefits of the new Project Rebirth enabled site.

In spite of the short timing scheduled I imposed on him, JaM3z has managed to not only complete this functionality but also do it in a Rebirth-compatible way even when this required him to re-code some functions he could have used from the existing site - and in a way stable enough to function even when most of the remainin Brotherhood site was down in April.

This award is my way of, in the name of the entire Brotherhood, saying thanks for being there with enthousiasm and skill whenever it is needed, even when the ideas and requirements to be implemented are extremely difficult. Congratulations!

, 2004-06-04 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Once again, James Lucius Entar has proven to be a most reliable and quick coder in times of need with the creation of the Independence Games site backend for 2005.

In under two weeks in April, James has managed to set up that site completely from scratch, bug-free and with all functions required to run a smooth competition on a large, interclub scale. Also, whenever I needed assistance and expansions during the games, James provided those at extremely short notice, enabling me to not worry about any technical issues at any time and concentrate fully on providing the actual competition experience.

My deepest thanks go to this man who has once again stepped up beyond the call of duty and served the Brotherhood and, in this case, also the Interclub Alliance admirably.

, 2005-07-04 22:00:00 UTC