Amethyst Kukri events for Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia

Amethyst Kukri events
Event ID
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Primary reason

Since his last Clan recognition in July of 2016, Arden Karn has been a steady source of both activity and leadership for Clan Plagueis. He has been a highly active participant in Clan activities, helmed both of our Houses at one time or another, and served ably as Clan Rollmater while carrying more than his fair share of the leadership weight. It goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway) that Clan Plagueis would not be where it is today without his tireless efforts.

On the level of personal activity, he has maintained a level of activity that continues to astound. Competitively he has entered 102 competitions and placed in 17 of them. Of those competitions, most of them came during major Clan events or Vendettas: 17 during A Call to Arms, 17 during the Aftermath event with COU and ARC, 10 in the Plagueis Winter Trials, 21 during our Plagueis Pro Bowl with Clan Taldryan, 14 during the Twelth Great Jedi War, and 18 during our recent Vacation on Dagobah event. Suffice it to say, if it's a major competition, Arden brings it. His competition placements have earned him 1 Gold Nova, 1 Ruby Crescent, 4 Amethyst Crescents, 9 Sapphire Crescents, and 2 Emerald Crescents.. In the realm of fiction, he completed 4 ACC matches, 17 fiction activities totaling 7,093 words, 5 run on posts of 4,167 total words while earning 39 Clusters of Ice. Rounding out his activity, he has claimed 16 Clusters of Fire, 8 Clusters of Graphite, and completed 4 Shadow Academy.

Beyond simply being an active contributor in the realm of activity, Arden has been an indispensable leader for Clan Plagueis. He has done a great job as Quaestor of both Ajunta Pall and Karness Muur, serving in both posts for a combined seven months. He then took over as Rollmaster at the end of January of 2017 and kept it going. As Rollmaster, he faced the unenviable task of being the sole active Clan summit member during the recently completed Great Jedi War given our PCON's absence and my availability being impacted by the Northern California wildfires. He did a great job helping guide both our House summit members as well as general membership through the harrowing realities of participating in a Brotherhood Vendetta, many of them having never experienced one before. He has recently instituted an overhaul to our Master/Student program which features a new member survey system as well as master surveys designed to engage new arrivals quickly and pair them with the best fit of all the available masters, putting those that share interests. He is also a constant presence in our Clan Telegram channel, a must for the Summit member charged with focusing on new members. Additionally, he has posted 17 monthly reports over the intervening time (having not missed one save for times when another summit member has claimed his report date for another announcement), making sure that entire Clan beyond simply his designated Journeyman charges remain informed about news from around the Clan and Brotherhood. His steady presence on our Clan Summit has helped us to maintain a steady level of activity and engagement across the Clan, spanning from new neophytes to the longest tenured equites. He has also been a major contributor to nearly every major Plagueis event since taking on the position of Rollmaster. He helped craft events, graded competitions, or composed fiction updates (sometimes all three!) for every Clan wide event held under my tenure. He directly organized or co-organized 20 competitions for either Clan or Brotherhood-wide consumption. In short, he "does work, son".

Without both the leadership and activity Arden brings, Plagueis would be a far, far weaker place than it is today. As such, it is my honor to submit Arden's name for recognition in the form of this Amethyst Kukri, his second Sacramental award. Congratulations!

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2018-02-21 01:44:44 UTC
Event ID
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

Arden Karn di Plagia has been an active and engaged member of Clan Plagueis for more than two years. He spent a substantial amount of that time as Consul, as well as Right Hand of Justice, and after both those tenures has remained a strong member of Plagueis' group of advisors and active members.

As Consul, Arden oversaw numerous events, ranging from interclan competitions like Operation: Antiquities or a three-Clan Pro Bowl, to internal events such as run-ons and large, multi-week events like Mysteries of Aliso. In total, Arden organized 31 competitions and co-organized another 9. During his tenure as Consul, Plagueis had a hard-fought fourth place in the Rite of Supremacy.

Arden also served the Justicar's office as Right Hand - described by Dacien below - while Consul, and since his time as Consul, Arden's activity has helped to drive Plagueis forward, as Ronovi details later in this recommendation. For his leadership of Plagueis and his time as an active and contributing member, I am pleased to award Arden this Amethyst Kukri. Congratulations, Arden!

Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Grand Master

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2020-09-16 03:13:55 UTC
Additional reasons

It has been a long time coming, but I am so happy to be writing this recommendation for Arden Karn di Plagia. Arden has been a constant presence in Plagueis, serving as its Consul for over a year in 2019 and continuing to contribute to the clan’s activity, structure, lore, and competitions.

During his tenure as Consul, Arden led, co-led, and supervised a number of events for Plagueis, including the third Pro Bowl with Clans Taldryan and Scholae Palatinae, the Song of Discord run-on, Mysteries of Aliso, Operation: Antiquity, and Vacation on Mustafar. He was Consul when Plagueis got a 4th place finish for the Rite of Supremacy: Meridian, and appeared on multiple episodes of the PlagCast as a regular. During and since his Consul tenure, he has worked to update the fleets and possessions of Plagueis and maintains a consistent presence on Telegram as a mentor and master of various apprentices.

In terms of participation, Arden delivers hardily. Since his last recognition, he has organized or co-organized 40 competitions, but he has also participated in 94. He completed all the bins for both the Thirteenth Great Jedi War and the Fourteenth Great Jedi War, earning himself a slew of awards in the process: Two Gold Novae, one Silver Nova, one Bronze Nova, one Crescent with a Ruby Star, four Crescents with Amethyst Stars, one Crescent with a Sapphire Star, two Crescents with Emerald Stars, nine Pendants of Blood, 407 Clusters of Fire, 33 Clusters of Ice, 25 Seals of Graphite, a Seal of Loyalty, thirteen Seals of Fury, 16 Seals of Discord, and eleven Seals of Vision (that’s a lot of seals for a seal-adoring guy). He is known for his Great Jedi War: The Movie competitions as well, providing a creative outlet for members following the vendettas. He has assisted the clan in winning the run-on event in the wars twice in a row, collaborating and bringing fresh ideas to the table every time.

Most recently, Arden helmed and co-organized the fourth Pro Bowl with Plagueis, Naga Sadow, and Taldryan, judging a week of his own comps while also helping two new organizers with their own weeks of competitions. The Pro Bowl raked in 745 overall submissions, an astonishing number given the size of the three clans’ rosters. Arden made sure he had news posts ready to go, frequently checked in with teams, and assisted the team captains in order to make sure that all the event rules were followed. He wasn’t just an organizer with the Pro Bowl: He was the head mentor and leader of it.

As a former second to Arden and a friend, I am honored to recommend an Amethyst Kukri for him. He has demonstrated, time and time again, his ability to both be active and be a role model for newer members and older members alike. His strengths lie in his ability to organize and collaborate, creating successful interclan events and working diligently with other clan leaders to help them get the job done. In a time when it’s easy to isolate within one’s own unit, it is refreshing to have Plagueis constantly reach out to and have fun with other clans in events and storylines.

Congratulations, Arden, and thank you.

~ Ronovi Tavisaen Dread Lord of Plagueis

General Ronovi Tavisaen, 2020-09-16 03:12:34 UTC

Arden served as my first Right Hand of Justice and proved himself to be capable and reliable in that role. He carefully considered all issues that I presented to the Chamber for discussion and provided useful advice. We did not always agree, but his arguments always helped me craft and improve my decisions.

During his tenure the Chamber issued two public decisions, both of which he contributed to in material ways. He also spent considerable time and effort on matters that did not result in public decisions - the nature of the Chamber's work means that many of the issues it investigates and considers are never publicly revealed.

Arden was a major factor in the smooth transition from Jac to myself as Justicar, and I am very happy to lend him my recommendation.

~ Dacien Victae Justicar of the Brotherhood

Lord Dacien Victae, 2020-09-16 03:12:53 UTC