Steel Cross events for Mystic Kor Vaal

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Karan is a true roll model of Qel-Droma, he proved his loyalty and comitment toward the house and clan many times. His leadership attitudes ensured well proserity of the Prophecy Phyle by long time, and his activity helped to Qel-Droma in many events, contest and competitions. His performance is a great example to others, he always serve with help hand in need. his advices are always high appricated. His ideas are very useful for not only his phyle but a house as a whole, under his leadership the Prophecy Phyle became full, 12 members. He also brings a humor into our clan live, always ready to cheer us up in cantina. For all his efforts and great help put into building Qel-Droma before and after the split, we would like to honour all that by awarding DJK Karan Callidus Entar the Steel Cross - Quaestor JaM3z Lucius Entar & Aedile Tissaya Luna Entar

, 2003-06-11 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Since returning to Qel-Droma last month, Karan has maintained an impressive record of activity. He was the most active Qel-Droman in the Independence Games, has taken to his duties as Tetrarch with enthusiasm and ideas, participated in House competitions and has recently taken over House Envoy - something else I am sure he will do well with. His support and passion for my House is very comforting and quite considerable, and for his strong loyalty and hard work I wish to award him a Steel Cross. -Epis Denath Ciarus

, 2005-07-06 22:00:00 UTC