Character Snapshot (Maenaki Delavi'in)

Character Snapshot for Battlemaster Maenaki Dalevi'in (2016/11/15, Savant Mune Cinteroph vs. Battlemaster Maenaki Dalevi'in)

Battlemaster Maenaki Dalevi'in

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Female Sephi, Sith, Seeker
Height: 1.82 m / 6'0" - Weight: 62.0 kg / 137 lbs
Age: 73 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

General Appearance- Aside from her flaming red mane, Maenaki appears to be a regular Sephi- at least, from a distance. She's tall, well formed and endowed with the pointed ears and angular features of her race. She wears her hair tightly braided at her temples, a fishtail braid connecting them down the center of her back, leaving the majority of her hair to tumble freely past her shoulders. Often times she will adorn them and her clothes with exquisite gems and fine chains, carefully weaving them in so to seem apart of her hair and garments. Upon a closer look, one can see that her skin color is a little too pink for a pure Sephi. Her eyes are too brightly colored, too wide and her sweet and flirty smile comes a bit too easily for the haughty race. The key feature that shows her half-breed genetics is her sea-green gaze, a feature not seen in Sephi, a trait inherited from her mother's Zeltron blood; making her a Seltron. No matter to whom she is speaking, voice is always calm, velvety smooth and bestowed with an educated lilt.

Wardrobe- As Maenaki's dresses are all made from soft, shiny black silks and other rich, expensive materials. She frequently makes minor modifications to all of her outfits, adding shiny jewels and soft lights to catch the eye. When necessary, she wears the Inquisitorious robes, matching the upper armor with silkier skirts and expensive thigh-high heels.

Tattoos and Other Markings- Maenaki wears the Inquisitorious tattoo along her back, after fully devoting her life to their cause. Along her outer thigh scrawls the words: Power is power. She has a series of piercings through her upper ears that she laces a gold, spiral barbell through. Her lobes are always adorned with long hanging, delicate earrings which look like drops of colorful blood dripping down molten rose-gold.

Equipped Weapons (Legacy)
Preferred Weapon Loadout (Legacy)

Rose hilt Lightsaber - Ceremonial. Intricate hilt, red shoto saber- For Combat.

Schadenfreude (General Aspect)

Maenaki is not quite a sadist. She derives no joy from harming others; instead, she revels in the suffering people cause each other and themselves. Few things are more pleasurable to her than watching one person suffer another's actions, or having a foolish decision utterly ruin someone's life - even momentarily.

I Disagree With Your Command (General Aspect)

Mae has been a recluse for most of her seventy-three years of life and has always been in very strict control over what she does with it. As a result, she will not follow orders she personally disagrees with and certainly will not take them from those that she does not favor. The charming side of her nature compels her to change the mind of those above her if she disagrees with the task. Being a new member, and one of the few devout Inquisitorius, Maenaki has found many in Arcona to be opposed to working with her.

Fit For Slaughter (Personality Aspect)

Maenaki values politeness, and she considers rudeness to be the most distasteful trait a person can have. Those who treat her as such instantly cease being people in her eyes. Instead, they become meat, crude matter that the Sephi can carve up, use and discard in whatever way she wishes. Their suffering, pain and emotions become afterthoughts, if that. This short temperament often stifles her ability to get close to others, as people who know her seem to approach her tepidly for fear of triggering.

Wry Smile (Personality Aspect)

Maenaki has been around for a long time and has experienced everything from love to tragedy and anything in between. She knows how to remain composed and how to hide her thoughts behind a blank face, but she is not without emotion or the ability to express her feelings. Her face seems to be stuck in an ever-present portrayal of smugness or disdain. When confronted by something amusing she casts a wry smile that shows her pleasure, but her tastes are anything but normal and her joy usually comes at the expense of another being. At heart, Maenaki is a sensitive person and those who get close to her will never have a more loyal and compassionate companion or friend. But, as part of the Inquisitorius, this could very easily become her downfall.

My Voice Is My Weapon Of Choice (Combat Aspect)

Although Maenaki is skilled in combat, she strongly believes that words outweigh violence. While that does not make her a pacifist, she understands that causing physical pain can play just as much of a part in breaking someone's will or body as psychological torture can. In a fight, Maenaki will study her opponent and then strike using her wits, words and martial skill. Her goal is primarily to capture and interrogate as she believes the best assassins take their enemies alive. This technique can give her difficulty against stronger willed or resilient foes where getting her hands dirty is the only resolution.

Close Enough To Cuddle (Combat Aspect)

As Maenaki prefers to harm rather than kill, she does her best to stay close to opponents. Between the Force and her own training, she ideally remains within kissing distance, uncomfortably close from the perspective of others. This gives her an advantage over those who are not used to such claustrophobic space, but can cause problems when she is unable to close the gap and kept at a distance.

Skill Feats
Is That The Best You Got? Disarming Smile Assess The Situation
Force Feats
Moving The Masses Puppet Master
Granted Feats
Sephi: Everyone Has A Tell Sephi: Tinkerer Force Interrogation II Seeking II Order Feat: Sith
  • Basic
  • Sephi
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Poisons and Toxins
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Mandalorian Core
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form II (Makashi)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None