Anteian Cross events for Archpriestess Aay'han Agrona Beviin

Anteian Cross events
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Primary reason

I am proud to be recommending Nath Voth for this Antiean Cross, her hard work and dedication not only to House Galeres but Clan Arcona has been amazing. Since joining the brotherhood she has been a true inspiration to those around her, always striving to achieve the very best of herself and encouraging members new and old alike to do the same.

Since joining one month and eight days ago she has already worked herself through the journeyman ranks to get to the rank of Guardian. Though most people set themselves to only achieve the goals required for the next rank. Nath has stepped out from that and focused on doing other things at the same time, though helping her team inside of the Dark Crusade Run-On and achieving five Clusters of Ice in this event. It is what she does for others; she is constantly a opinion, and a helpful hand on IRC. If you need any help Nath normally is always the first to offer regardless of what it is. Mainly she has been seen proofing anything from Run-On posts in the Dark Crusade for members, till recently.

She was a massive influence in a revamp of the BAC Darkest Night’s wiki pages, proofing everyone’s work and going out of her way to help as much as possible. This took time and dedication in which she was fully involved and something unexpected of a new member. She proofed a total of six wiki pages, added comments and opinion to each of them, as well as having a in-depth look at anything that could be expanded or improved. Spending time with the member who wrote the page and communicating with them she had a massive amount of input into the pages.

Throughout her time inside of House Galeres and Clan Arcona, and for this I cannot say thank you enough. Keep up the hard work Nath, you are doing one hell of a job.

Cethgus Tiberus Entar Aedile of House Galeres.

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2013-02-08 19:52:18 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Primary reason

I’m requesting this Anteian Cross for the second of my two amazing BTLs. Nath has only just recently joined the Galeres Summit and is still learning the ropes. Yet she has constantly pushed forward and improved immensely, justifying my choice in giving her the opportunity to become BTL of Dark Forge. Her BT had a fantastic showing during the first part of the Dark Crusade and she also participated in three events. She got entries In for The Hunt, the SA’s Encryption course and she assisted her wiki team in achieving 2nd place in the Krayiss II wiki event. Her hard work and perseverance contributed to Arcona’s placing and the fantastic showing from Galeres. Congrats, Nath.

Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar

I am honoured to be recommending Nath Voth for this Anteian Cross, her hard work during Dark Crusades was inspiring enough. Though I will speak about what she has been doing in her time as Battle Team Leader of Dark Forge.

Nath Voth is a newer member of the Clan, but is defiantly as determined as older ones; during Dark Crusade Phase I the position of BTL became open of Dark Forge. Instantly we put Nath into the position and she took to it like wild fire. She was determined to get her team active and motivated, instantly talking to them on IRC, Email and any other form she could. Bringing in newer members into the team and leading it from the front during this time.

For someone with no experience or any kind of knowledge of leadership, she stepped up to the plate, pushing herself harder to improve relations within the team, and getting as many entries in as possible from members inside of her team. For all of these reasons and her activity inside of Dark Forge I believe she is deserving of this medal. Thank you for stepping up to the challenge Nath and keep the hard work up in the future.

Cethgus Tiberius Entar Arconae

Aedile of House Galeres.

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2013-02-22 16:33:35 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Primary reason

For participating in 10 competitions during Independence Games, and while not making a final placement, has demonstrated a great deal of battleteam activity during this event. Nath is one of those people that will always make time to participate in any event, more for the team than for herself, and I believe she has earned a Anteian Cross for her efforts.

Congratulations Nath!

SW Kalon Dane Beviin

Sergeant, Dark Forge

During the Independence Games Nath participated in ten events during the games: - Six for Ten, As the light fades from your eyes, Exodus Scramble, Online Mission, Who Said That? Call Your Banners – 4th, Torture by Crypto, Death Star, Tractor Beam, X-Wing. We are proud to have Nath as part of SoulFire Strike Team. Her submissions and quality of work reflected the quality we expect of our members. In addition to her own submissions and above average activity she has managed to frequently work with other members in Galeres. She has often without any complaint helped other members with proof reading, and provided significant encouragement throughout the IG's

Congratulations Nath on the Dark Cross.

-JH S’nar Que Seshai

Executive Officer of SoulFire Strike Team

NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATH! She did 8 events during the IGs and represented Galeres and Arcona. She took the time out of her busy schedule dealing with rl issues. She made me proud and I love being proud of my members. Give her an Anteian Cross for her troubles. Congrats, Nath.

Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar Quaestor of House Galeres

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2013-05-16 12:57:53 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Primary reason

I am honoured to be recommending Nath for this Anteian Cross. Her hard work and participation in the Dark Crusade helped Arcona achieve dominance this round on Bhargebba. There has also been her level of activity inside of the House wide event that is running.

Nath has managed to participate in the following competitions: Chronicle I, The Plans, The Pursuit of Knowledge. Helping Arcona get a score high enough to gain an extra place on the Special Forces Team. On top of this, Nath has managed to participate in the following competitions for Homecoming: [Homecoming] Poetry, [Homecoming] Captions, [Homecoming] Did I stay at the Holiday Inn express last night?, [Homecoming] Break the Code.

I am proud to be giving Nath this medal today for her constant level of activity. Congratulations on this Anteian Cross and keep up the hard work in the future. I look forward to seeing more from you.

Cethgus Tiberius Entar Arconae Aedile of House Galeres.

I am extremely pleased to be able to congratulate Nath for this medal. She is an enormous asset to Soulfire and Galeres through her upbeat attitude, desire to help others, and willingness to compete. She has even gone so far as to develop her Apprentice to reflect these same attributes; and we look forward to seeing further success from them both!

Thanks, Nath.

DJK S'nar Que Seshai Executive Officer of Soulfire Strike Team

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2013-06-28 16:23:15 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Primary reason

Nath is a busy girl. More often than not, she doesn’t even have time to sleep. But, somehow, she is never so busy that she forgets her Clan or her Battleteam. And that, precisely, is what the bearers of any Anteian Cross must uphold: dedicated service to his or her team over time.

Nath has competed for her Battleteam in recent House and Clan events, such as placing for graphics in the three-week long Operation: Figureheads and incredibly studious contribution to Nighthawk’s own RO, Strange and Beautiful. Including those, she has completed nineteen total competitions, helped create several NPCs for her Battleteam’s fictional usage, and mentored a younger member of her team, Rrogon Skar, to DJK, thus continuing the Nighthawk’s legacy of excellence.

For all these reasons and more, Nath has earned this Anteian Cross. Congrats, sister, and keep it up.

Aedile of House Galeres

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2014-09-24 06:02:41 UTC
Additional reasons

Nath Voth has been a great asset to Nighthawk since its creation. Whether it be creating NPCs for the fictional crew or mentoring members through the ranks, we can always count on her to be there, offering a helping hand. Since her last merit, she has managed to participate in 19 competitions and took 12th overall in the joint-house, 3 week long operation known as ‘Figureheads,’ placing in the GFX portions and giving it her all in other submissions even though her free time dwindled due to her real life demands.

The Nighthawk run-on Strange and Beautiful has also been a great source of activity for the crew, to which Nath alone has thus far offered at least 5 posts with over 2.5k words total to help keep the creative juices flowing and shows no signs of slowing as we get everyone else back into the swing of things. Aside from general activity, Nath has offered corrections and changes to the Nighthawk wiki pages so we can finally get them to a point to be proud of the information published. I want to thank Nath for all her hard work with this Anteian Cross. Your help is always welcome, keep up the great work.

~Arcia Cortel, Captain of the Nighthawk

Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel, 2014-09-24 06:02:28 UTC