Grand Cross events for Rathus Marr

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

Rathus has been a huge asset to the Character System team. From the early designs on the system, Rathus has been a willing test subject. Shadow and I needed a low ranking member that was eager to help, and that had no idea what Fate was. Rathus was the perfect test subject, and he contributed instantly.

But his help didn't end there. Rathus spent the majority of the time Wally and I were working on the character sheets working for Taldryan, but once he submitted to the Aspect competition, he returned to the fold. Rathus spent a great deal of time in the weeks immediately preceeding our beta test brainstorming skills. He went through every Skill and created at least one Feat for them, though not all of them made it into our initial release. He also worked on additional Aspects, and has had a hand in balance and design of numerous Feats for Disciplines. Despite his Crusade work, Rathus found time to help out with the Character System to a huge degree, and absolutely deserves this Grand Cross. Congratulations, Rathus!

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2013-09-14 15:08:38 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Primary reason

For a member so inexperienced, Rathus is something that is quite simply an anomaly to my experience of the Dark Brotherhood. He's a throwback to the days of members joining and then being on the Dark Council a year later. Rathus Marr, quite simply, is amazing. This is a man who only joined the Dark Brotherhood after the Prologue to the Dark Crusades had begun. He wasn't even a member during the last Vendetta, and yet he still has managed to put together one of the most impressive arrays of participation and placement that I have ever seen out of a new member.

Rathus has managed over the Dark Crusades to take part in over a two thirds of the events he was around for, while rising up through the ranks and his trials during the Crusades to be raised up as a Dark Jedi Knight. I mention this because so few of the old promotion requirements dealt with actual competitions, and instead required members to go above and beyond. Rathus has done that, with a razor sharp wit that is all his own, and established himself as one of the most reliable members in Taldryan. For all of the events he participated in, Rathus managed to place in a quarter of them. More than that though, he was truly dominant when he did place. Of the 5 Nova that Rathus has earned during the Dark Crusades, 4 of them have been Gold.

Most recently, Rathus proved once again his dedication, by submitting a perfect participation record on Dromund Kaas. Despite the fact that he had an insane amount of course work to complete during the same span of time as the Dark Crusades occupied, Rathus fought through, and made sure to dedicate some time for Taldryan. His efforts, go far above and beyond what we would have expected from a newer member, and truly classify him as a member of an elite group of people, who will sacrifice their few spare moments of free time in order to help Taldryan. As a member of our Special Forces team, Rathus stood up, and ensure that Taldryan would continue to dominate by being one of the largest contributors to the eventual Gold Medal winning entry in the Advertising Campaign event.

Quite simply, Rathus is a machine of excellence, and for that reason I am proud to award him this Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Aedile of Taldryan,

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2013-12-02 16:23:03 UTC
Additional reasons

A true example, Rathus Marr has, while still working through his promotion requirements for Dark Jedi Knight pushed for one of the highest participation ratios in Taldryan. Having participated in two thirds of the events and placed 5 times. Such a dedication is rarely seen for a member just biting through his Journeyman days and thus needs to be rewarded with only the best we can offer, the Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Rathus Marr, please take this token of appretiation for your hard and diligent work during the last year.

Quaestor of Taldryan

Rian Taldrya, 2013-12-01 00:43:08 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Primary reason

I’m sure I have said this before, but regardless of that, it still rings perfectly true: Rathus is the embodiment of Taldryan of old. His willingness to step up during the big events is becoming nothing short of legendary. Rathus participated in all but one event during every stage of Fading Light, as well as 10 out of 11 events in the Great Jedi War. His contributions in fiction and the battleplan both earned him a Bronze Nova, and his work in the runon is one of the primary reasons his team’s runon placed second. At the end of the day, in Rathus, Taldryan has found a fierce competitor, and capable ally.

But it’s not just his prodigious participation record in the events that makes Rathus so special to us though, Rathus is one of our most consistent and entertaining members on IRC, and on Clan mailing lists. His ability to bring levity into every situation makes him an extremely valuable member of our family, and it is with great pleasure that I award him this Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

DJM Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2015-02-18 05:40:27 UTC
Additional reasons

There's a reason Rathus earned a Bronze Nova award for the Great Jedi War 11. He competed in almost everything. Rathus doesn't compete often within the DJB standard competitions; but when he does, it's the main events; when Clan Taldryan needs him the most. He comes out swinging 110%. I'm not sure how he keeps his skills trained; but he does. He never fails to compete in just about everything. When he does; he's nearly in the top every time. His dedication to the battle team and thus the clan in times of need is something we can always count on. He competed in 4/5 for FL3; and 10/11 in the GJW. This is more than any other member of the battle team; possibly the clan. As being the fore-runner in Clan Taldryan; I think he more than deserves a Grand Cross for his efforts in Fading Light 3; and Great Jedi War.

--Omega Kira

Omega Kira, 2015-02-18 05:10:39 UTC

Rathus was a fantastic contributor to Taldryan's Great Jedi War and Fading Light 3 efforts - earning himself a silver and two Bronze Novae in the process. From my perspective - it was his initial efforts and ideas, combined with his consistent work throughout the Great Jedi War that allowed our run on team to place as high as we did. In addition, Rathus worked his ass off - competing in 10 out of 11 GJW events (thus, practically doing all the things) - and being a constant presence and inspiration on our mailing list and on IRC. For his efforts and his ultimately his accomplishments? Rathus has earned himself a Grand Cross.

Howlader Taldrya, 2015-02-18 05:35:38 UTC