Steel Cross events for Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae
Primary reason

I'm hugely surprised that Atyiru hasn't been the recipient of any merit medals to date. This member has been an example not only to her fellow journeymen, but to the Brotherhood as a whole. I'll start by addressing her recent explosion onto the main page. Atyiru, then a Protector, completed a 60-page fiction. Yes. 60 pages. Not of fluff. 60 pages of pure poetic majesty. She wrote her heart out. And she did so not for herself, not for personal glory, but for her Clan. She stepped up, demonstrating what it truly means to not only be a member of Arcona - by representing for the clan - but also the Brotherhood, given that she partook in such dedicated work for the sake of enjoyment.

Since then, she's been a boon to Arcona's continued activity. She has been active on IRC, a fervently active member of her battleteam, and a huge figure in Arcona's journeymen circles. In her attempts to network with the clan, she has also gone as far as participating in Google+ Hangouts with Arconans. Not only that, but she has also recently participated in a number of Independence Games events (notably: the Antei Contract Bureau and Call Your Banners, whilst subscribing to the A Dark Jedi On Earth competition), among the other Dark Crusade events within which she participated (4 out of 5 entries), which thus helped the clan attain Rhelg. She has been a true demonstration of what it means to lead not through official channels, but by taking ownership and responsibility and truly leading by example.

On the Brotherhood wikipedia page it states that, "The Steel Cross is awarded for extended service to one's House or Clan... Activity over a period of some time that goes above and beyond what is considered normal can also be rewarded with this award." It is without a shadow of a doubt that I therefore recommend Atyiru be rewarded with a Steel Cross, for she has not only provided a huge service to her clan through her consistent activity and exemplary approach, but also through her ability to communicate and lead by example.

I have not seen a member like Atyiru since Socorra joined our ranks, and I know her future will be bright.

Congratulations, Atyiru. You've earned it.

~Wuntila Arconae. Consul. Clan Arcona.

Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae, 2013-04-16 16:57:13 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Primary reason

Atyiru has always been an active member of Dark Forge, more so than most members I have encountered in any battleteam. Despite being preoccupied with exams and coursework, she has not only worked hard to reach the comfortable Journeyman rank of Jedi Hunter, but she threw herself into the Independence Games, coming 7th overall as well as placing in 5 out of the 9 competitions she participated in. In addition, she has been most useful as my XO, helping out with the wiki pages and the most recent report. Atty has also proven herself a selfless and caring individual which is something that truly is inspiring to see within Arcona, taking time out of her busy schedule to help any and all who would need such a thing. I wish I could offer more than this Steel Cross.

Congratulations Atty!

SW Kalon Dane Beviin

Sergeant, Dark Forge

I am honoured to be recommending Atyiru Araave for this Steel Cross. She has been an active and dedicated member of Clan Arcona and House Galeres since joining the Brotherhood. Stepping up to the plate as always and participating heavily in the Independent Games as well as motivating her team.

She has stepped up to the plate once more inside of the Independence Games, managing to claim seventh place overall, as well as helping her fellow team mates keep up a constant drive of activity form inside Dark Forge with the Battleteam Leader. She is always taking strides with everything she puts her mind to and this was no exception in the Games, managing to take a very impressive five places in competitions.

Congratulations on this Steel Cross, Atty, and nice work in the Games and being an active and devoted member of the Brotherhood. I look forward to seeing what you do in the future.

Cethgus Tiberius Entar Arconae

Aedile of House Galeres

This girl is fantastic and a brilliant addition to the Militant House. She is serving as XO to Dark Forge and is learning the ropes of leadership. She is a future leader of the Shadow Clan and is a cheeky lass who has the whole Summit in a riot of laughter. She had a fantastic showing in the IGs and claimed 7th place. She needs this Steel Cross asap. MAA people, use your magic powers and make it happen.

Congrats, Atyiru.

Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar

Quaestor of House Galeres

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2013-05-16 12:56:25 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae
Primary reason

Honestly, I can't comment enough on how much of an asset Atyiru has been to Clan Arcona since her joining. I know that Arcona has flourished with her creative presence and her consistent dedication to the Clan's welfare.

Moreover, in the recent Svolten Special Forces team, Atty raked in an astonishing 2 Bronze, 1 Silver, and 2 Gold Novae. This is a remarkable feat. Especially from someone who joined the Brotherhood in February. I know Cethgus has a lot to say about her efforts over the previous chapters and regarding her leadership ability, so suffice it to say that I wholeheartedly appreciate and respect everything this woman has done for the Clan, and I can only hope she continues down the path to becoming one of the Brotherhood's greatest leaders.

Congratulations, Abbey. You've earned it.

Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae, 2013-08-04 16:57:02 UTC
Additional reasons

I am honoured to be recommending Atyiru for the Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Her hard work inside of this round of the Dark Crusade saw Clan Arcona and House Galeres achieve dominance on Bhargebba. She has also been a key role inside of House Galeres, assisting leadership inside of the unit.

Hitting the Dark Crusades events first, she has managed to participate in the following events: Chronicle I (Bronze Nova) , High Value Targets, The Plans, Gaming, One Ending One Beginning (Gold Nova), The Pursuit of Knowledge. In these competitions she managed to achieve Bronze Novae in the Chronicle I as well as a Gold Novae for her Wiki contribution. She has also been active and participating in the House wide event which has been running. participating in the following competitions: [Homecoming] The Death Walker, [Homecoming] Graphics, [Homecoming] Caption Competition, [Homecoming] Poetry. She came joint 2nd overall for the Homecoming event in Galeres, alongside doing a buttload of work within the House.

Now time to talk a little bit about what she has been doing inside of House Galeres. Atyiru has been involved in helping with running the last part of Homecoming, releasing two competitions out as well as proofreading the fictional document. She has been an integral part of keeping Dark Forge active, promoting the competitions inside of her team and getting members to participate. Atyiru always volunteers for helping in any way possible. This has recently been in the form of proofing fictional work for the House events and Run-On prompts, reading well over ten thousand words; and doing this quickly and efficiently, helping the upper summit release the competitions on time.

Atyiru has also taken on the mantle of being an Interim Battleteam Leader since the position of Battleteam Leader was left open. She has continued to keep up a constant level of activity from her members and sorted any issue that has come up with them almost instantly. Stepping up to the task when its required and writing recommendation when it is required though its not expected of her. She completed them quickly and efficiently without complaining and to a high standard. Atyiru never stops impressing myself she continues to take the initiative and going above and beyond the call of duty that is expected of her.

I am proud to be recommending Atyiru for this medal. Her hard work and devotion to this club is outstanding. Congratulations on this medal Atyiru, keep up the hard work and I look forward to seeing more from you in the future.

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2013-08-04 16:56:25 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Ascendant James Lucius Entar
Primary reason

Extended participation in both Closed and Open ACC Beta

Ascendant James Lucius Entar, 2014-05-07 16:11:28 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Primary reason

I am honoured to be recommending Atyriu for this Steel Cross, she has been an active and driven member threw out her career in the Brotherhood, always doing her best for Clan Arcona and House Galeres. Always pushing not only herself but others in the House, making sure that everyone pushes themselves to do there best.

Since her last promotion she has managed to participate in a total of Fifteen different competitions, these have varied from House events, to the Fading Light competitions, she always does her best no matter what competition it is. For these efforts that she puts in it has seen her take a few medals to include: Crescent with Sapphire Star, Crescent with Amethyst Star, Crescent with Topaz Star, Legion of the Scholar. She continues to show her willingness to step out of her comfort zone taking her experience of things that the Brotherhood have to offer, this has come in the form of gaming where she has managed to pick up Twenty-Two Clusters of Fire threw gaming. But of course it wouldn’t be the same if she wasn’t writing, always typing something up for this she has managed to earn herself Six Clusters of Fire. For all of her hard work inside of the Dark Crusade Atty has managed to rack up a total of Twenty-Eight Seals of the Crusader.

Now to talk about why she stands out, well lets face it anyone in Galeres could tell you how much work she does as the AED of the House. But its the pillar of strength that she has become for me that has made Galeres as active as possible. We write reports on a monthly basis together, racking up tons of words in which Atty will then sit and proof making sure that each report is to the highest quality before it goes out. I can bounce ideas back and forth from her with ease getting only a truthful answer to the questions I ask, she is always willing to stand up for what she believes in even if its not what I feel is right, a quality that makes her a defined leader in this club. She has been around to proof members writing during the Crusade this has taken her easily over the five members marks, each varying in length but none of them being treated any differently, all getting her full dedication. As well as all of this she is active and continues to strive to give members things to do, aiming tasks at what they want to see and she is always approachable.

For all of her hard work and effort I am proud to give Atyiru this Steel Cross. Keep up the hard work for the Clan and House, I love working with you and making Galeres active and into the place it has become today. Thank you and Congratulations you definitely earned this one.

Quaestor of House Galeres

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2014-11-09 21:36:44 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

Since joining the Voice Staff as a Magistrate at the end of January, Atyiru has spent the last 5 months working diligently approving 47 Character Sheets for members of the Brotherhood. This metric alone does not truly embody her attention to detail and patience when working through remanded sheets. Nor does it cover the competitions she's helped check over and approve or remand for consistency. Atty uses her charisma, empathy, and intelligence to provide introspection during Voice Staff discussions, often tackling an issue from a different perspective or by working through the logistics of how to make something work.

Atty has helped with revisions and helped implement clearer wording on procedures and guidelines for both the staff and the club as a whole. She was a big help with the NPC project in terms of logistics and planning, and has quite literally proofed every single report, document, or email that I've created as Voice. Having her eyes (har har) on things helps bolster the overall quality of projects and documentation that gets put out, including the recent additions of the Fiction Center, Canon Character's Guide, and other important updates to the Cluster of Ice and Approval Guidelines. I am grateful to have her as part of my staff.

Keep up the great work.

Voice of the Brotherhood

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2017-05-10 01:54:27 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

Over the last 4 months as Praetor to the Voice, Atty has approved a staff-high 79 Character Sheet's. This statistic alone does not convey the number of professional, polite, and patient remands she processes in an effort to continually direct members into having Character Sheets that are in line with the approval guidelines and the expectations of the system. This level of attention and service helps to create a better process for members both new and old when creating their character sheets.

Furthermore, Atty has proofread every major document or report that I have published, including the latest two fiction updates (Chapter 4: Order and Chapter 5: Engame). She was a heavy hand in helping to proof read the Arx article, and contributed artwork to the Art4Arx competition in a meaningful way that helped enhance the quality of the Arx articles.

Atty is an active and vocal participant in Voice Staff chat, leading the charge on maintaining the competition and character sheet queue. She has taken on the task of onboarding Braecen and our newest hire, TuQ, and has done an excellent job getting them both up to speed while I was focused elsewhere.

Atty also manages and posts the daily questions for Fiction Chat. On top of being an admin, she makes sure to post the daily question each day and helps drive member activity and attention by answering the questions herself while also encouraging others to answer and expand as well.

Most importantly, she knows me well enough, for the most part, to handle my style of leadership and administration. I do not have to double check her work, and know that when I leave the CS or Competition queue in her hands, things will get done.

Thank you for your service as Praetor, Atty. I appreciate it.

Voice of the Brotherhood

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2017-10-04 01:08:42 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Quaestrix Sivall Tenbriss Ya-ir Zoria
Primary reason

Atty, even after stepping down from her position, has continued to be a huge part of Arcona and it's culture. In the two months since her last award, Atty has competed in a whopping 34 competitions-- 29 if you don't count containers. That equals out to competing in a competition once every two to three days, which is crazy. 13 of those competitions were fiction based and in those competitions Atty wrote a staggering 6888 words... which is not surprise to anyone who knows her. The woman writes like she's running out of time.

Ruka/Atty/Atriyu/She Who Tortures Their RPCs competed in a grand total of 7 roleplay sessions as a player and 1 session as a DM. She contributed 48,586 words to these sessions, 9,804 of those as a DM. She cultivated activity in a mass, multiclan social RP in that time frame that allowed handfuls of members from all over the Brotherhood to mull together and have fun in Space Buckees.

In the three months since her Ruby Scepter, Atty has accumulated 15 crescents (1 Diamond, 2 Ruby, 4 Amethyst, 5 Sapphire, and 3 Emerald), 113 Clusters of Ice, 4 Clusters of Earth, and 9 Clusters of graphite.

On top of those numbers, she continues to do what we have always known her to do-- help support and drive Arcona onwards. This force of nature disguised as a woman continues on as a figurehead for her clan, cultivating a welcoming and warming atmosphere for new and old Arconans alike.

It is my honor to award Atty (Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir) another Steel Cross to add to her stack of well earned medals. Thank you for all you do Atty, we're lucky to have you here.

Quaestrix Sivall Tenbriss Ya-ir Zoria, 2024-03-19 22:51:30 UTC
Additional reasons

As a member of Exarch Staff, Atty has continued to be a stellar team member. She has continued with running DB-wide social RPs via the Shame Corner, and stepped in to help DM a multi-clan event RP for the organizers.

She has helped with looking over data from the RP survey, helping with conversations based around policy, culture, and team dynamics, and also stayed on top of approvals queue. She helped us figure out the best way to handle our new "DM-less" option, and continues to contribute on a daily basis to improvements to our systems.

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2024-03-18 15:48:24 UTC

It's always fun to write a recc for Atty. You get to look over all she's done, realise you should have awarded this medal sooner and then you get to write a paragraph or two about what she's like to work with while attempting to not plagiarise your own reccs from the last medal or the one before or... you get my point I hope.

Atty is still the beating heart of the house as it were. Always doing stuff, helping people, joking around and socialising. If there's something going on, she's there doing the stuffs.

Congratulations on the Steel Cross, Atty!

General Ood Bnar, 2024-03-19 22:25:57 UTC