Dark Cross events for Catmatui

Dark Cross events
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Rian Taldrya
Primary reason

Every once and a while, a unit of the DB will come upon a great member, and you know that they will turn out to be something amazing. NOV Catmatui is like this. While she has just transferred to Taldryan during the most recent Chapter of the Dark Crusade, she showed her dedication for Taldryan, jumping straight into the events and even managed to place in the Top5 in one of them. That for I'm proud to recommend the awarding of a Dark Cross to her. Congrats Cat! Keep up this awesome work!

OP Rian Aslar Quaestor of Taldryan #10701

Rian Taldrya, 2013-03-31 13:42:57 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Rian Taldrya
Primary reason

Catmatui, you have participated in a total of four events during Phase Two of the Dark Crusade. For this level of dedication to House Taldryan, I am hereby recommending you to be rewarded with a Dark Cross.

Well done Cat!

Rian Taldrya, 2013-10-01 21:40:56 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

Since her last award, Cat has continued to play an active role in Taldryan. She has participated in 6 competitions, earning a Crescent in the process. She has also earned 61 Clusters of Fire during this period and has been active over IRC. Thank you for your efforts, Cat, and keep it up!

Lord Halcyon, 2014-05-01 13:44:13 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
Primary reason

Since Cat's last award, she has continued her steady activity by competing in 7 competitions and earning 28 CFs from MP gaming. Additionally, she has helped co-organize a DJB-wide competition that has already seen double-digit participation! For her continued activity and contribution to the club, a Dark Cross is well-deserved. Thanks for your efforts Cat!

General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla, 2014-10-06 01:13:56 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Master Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama
Primary reason

Since her last recognition (an Anteian Cross in January) and her return from the Rogues in June, Cat has participated in 11 competitions (including a strong contribution for Taldryan in GJW XIII with ten events), as well as PvE gaming activities since the GJW ended. In the process, she's earned 17 Clusters of Fire, 31 Clusters of Earth, and 8 Clusters of Graphite. Based on her activity over the last few months, I request that she be awarded the Dark Cross.

Master Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama, 2019-10-06 19:09:23 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Rian Taldrya
Primary reason

Catmatui, the dedicated warrior. Cat has once again shown what it means to be an active gamer in Taldryan, competing in three competitions since her last recognition four months ago. But her true forte is gaming where she has snagged seventy-nine Clusters of Fire and sixty-eight Clusters of Earth from two PvP- and eight PvE-matches.

For her continued prowess in gaming in the name of Taldryan, I am hereby recommending Catmatui to be rewarded with a Dark Cross, congrats Cat.

Rian Taldrya, 2020-02-15 22:48:22 UTC