Steel Cross events for General Stres'tron'garmis

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Primary reason

I am honoured to be recommending Kordath for this Steel Cross. He has been an extremely active and dedicated member of Clan Arcona and House Galeres not only helping Arcona secure first clan of the war showing his passion and dedication to the Club.

Since his last awards Kordath has continued to expand his experience of the Brotherhood, taking part in a very impressive twenty one competitions, ranging from House wide events to Great Jedi War events. Showing his ability to take on any competition seeing him participate in Fiction events with ease and while using his creative nature in this seeing him switch it and try his hand at Graphics. Never giving up or backing away from a challenge no matter how difficult he finds it or how challenging it becomes for him.

He continues to grow in other areas taking on different tasks he has been challenging himself with, I have seen Kordath prove himself time and time again inside of the gaming scene, this saw him earn a total of Two-Hundred and Eleven a huge number for someone with his talents. He continues to earn himself medals in every possible way, since any reward he has managed to get himself a Cluster of Ice, Three Pendants of Blood, Three Crescents with Emerald Stars, Two Crescents with Sapphire Stars and One Crescent with Ruby Star. This shows all of his hard work and effort that he puts into everything he does, always trying to improve himself and his efforts to make sure he gives everything to the club.

Congratulations on this Steel Cross, you continue to inspire those around you putting in the work and the effort to make sure that go above and beyond the normal call of duty for members. Thank you for everything that you have done and keep up the hard work in the future.

Quaestor of House Galeres

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2015-02-21 06:50:21 UTC
Additional reasons

Kordath is one of the most dedicated, selfless members of Arcona not currently in leadership. Not because he can’t be, or he isn’t willing to help out -- on the contrary, he’s served Arcona well as a BTL in the past -- but because he understands how important it is to have leaders who aren’t leaders. That is, regular guys who are putting in the work, demonstrating their dedication to the First Clan, and serving as the backbone of a championship-caliber community without any obligation.

Kordath does that, and he does it well. He’s an enthusiastic and well-rounded competitor, a team player, and a delight to have around. He participated in all eleven events in Great Jedi War XI and placed in one of them, delivering just the kind of performance that Arcona asks all of its members for. He did it all with a smile, inspiring his fellow Arconans to do the same.

Thanks for all that you do for us, Kord, and congratulations!

Proconsul of Clan Arcona

Legorii Arconae, 2015-02-21 00:58:29 UTC

I feel obliged to give something back towards Kordath since he has given so much towards the team so here it is. Kord, the Ryn from within has truly let loose his productive side, not just for Dark Forge but for the Clan. Since his promotion, he has earned 211 Clusters of Fire, some of which were earned in the GJW XI. Gaming has always been a big part of Kord’s life in Arcona, and has earned three Pendants of Blood since he became a Krath priest. Beyond his gaming activity, he has also been partial to activity in competitions. By submitting to twenty-one of these, he placed in six of them.

But his activity doesn’t just stop there, in light of the recent Great Jedi War, he stepped up to the task at hand. His hands dug deep into any and every place possible. In Arcona, Kord was always one of the first to submit his entries, and the first to proof his team-mates. His entry placed in only one event, the Run on, but his edits, suggestions and advice can be seen across the Arconan board. In my personal experience, whenever our Run on team needed a proofer, Kord was there, and whenever someone needed a post before theirs, he was there to quickly produce a strong story for them to continuously retaliate from. I am proud to call Kord my brother in arms during this war.

Congratulations for earning this award, Kord. Now rest in your new cabin.

Battleteam Leader of Dark Forge

General Stres'tron'garmis, 2015-02-21 00:58:58 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

The Fall of SCEPTER was comprised of 13 competitions spanning over the entire month of September. By the end, we had 27 participants and over one hundred event submissions! The story unfolded from a simple distress call into a major event that brought back an old enemy to Arcona; however, this story was entirely created by the submissions of the participants.

One member stood above the rest. He participated in every event and collected the most points to claim the title of Campaign Champion. With participation in 13 events and 51 total points, I want to commend Kordath for his excellent performance and domination of the major Clan event. He not only participated, but several of his fiction entries went on to rewrite the plot line and drive the story arc; setting us up for future events in Arcona.

Additionally, Kordath has competed in seven other competitions. That is twenty entries since his elevation a little over a month ago! Does anyone have a motor that runs at a higher level in the entire club? I think not. He has earned ten Crescents (2 Cr-D, 2 Cr-A, 3 Cr-S, 2 Cr-E, 1 Cr-T), one Pendant of Blood, seventy four (74) Clusters of Ice, fifty five (55) Clusters of Earth, 20 total submissions (11 PVE activities, 3 ACC Battles) and 7 Fictions for 34,231 words! All on top of continuing his excellence as a Battle Team Leader of the Nighthawk.

Quaestor of Galeres

Braecen Kaeth, 2015-10-10 17:27:07 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Terran Koul
Primary reason

Kordath continues to be a powerhouse of activity in Arcona. In the past two months, our rambunctious Ryn has participated in twenty-four competitions - an average of three a week. He placed in eight of them (fully one-third of those in which he participated), earning two Ruby Crescents, three Amethyst Crescents, one Sapphire Crescent and two Emerald Crescents. In that same period of time, he accumulated eighty Clusters of Fire and Earth and an astonishing twenty-four Clusters of Ice for his 12,000 words of fiction. He also passed four Shadow Academy courses and gained a Dark Maven in Philosophy. He accomplished all of this while faithfully executing his numerous duties as Clan Rollmaster, no small feat in and of itself given the number of Journeymen in Arcona. For his numerous contributions, his stellar activity and the incredible example he sets for his peers, it's my honor to recommend that Kordath be awarded a Steel Cross.

  • Terran Koul, Aedile, House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona

Terran Koul, 2016-06-03 03:25:06 UTC
Additional reasons

Kordath executes his position as Rollmaster in an exemplary manner. He is the first contact any Journeymen has upon joining Arcona, and this spans not only into their knighting, but beyond as he continues to mentor and be involved in the development and awarding of our Equite members as well. He has personally reviewed a number of award recommendations since April, becoming the Clan's go-to resource when drafting recommendations before they are sent to the MAA.

As mentioned above, he is also the first individual to contact every joining member. He has sent 11 emails since April alone, opening the door and assisting members as they integrate into the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. And this is not the full listing of his conversations, simply the first step he takes in greeting new members.

Beyond this, Kordath continues to be a constant source of ideas on how to develop our existing members and prepare content for new members joining or returning to Arcona, including providing regular updates via email on the status of the Journeymen members and feedback for their Masters in guiding the Journeymen to Knighthood. He is also the first to congratulate new Knights at their final Journeyman rank, working closely with their summits to draft fiction emails for each new Knight.

For his dedication and efforts to better the future of our Journeymen and Equites within Arcona, I want to congratulate Kordath on this Steel Cross.

Fist Uji Tameike, 2016-06-03 03:19:01 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Jael Valsi Chi'ra
Primary reason

Since his last recognition seven months ago, Stres'tron'garmis (Kordath) has been a steady and persistent member of Arcona, having organized 2 competitions, Arcona's annual VD. He has participated in 41 total with 3 gaming activities in which he was awarded 4 Clusters of Earth. He has written 2 fictions and 1 run-on for a total of 3,216 words which has earned him 10 Clusters of Ice. Of his participation, he has placed for several crescents: 1 Diamond, 1 Amethyst, 3 Sapphire, 3 Emerald, and 3 Quartz. Last but not least, Kordath participated in 9 GJWXV: Ascension events, hitting all 9 bins, and won a Silver Nova for writing in the Run-On. All of these have earned Arcona a total of 171,020 credits. For his steady activity and presence we are happy to present this Steel Cross!

-Socks (Socorra) Battleteam Leader for Dajorran Marshals

Jael Valsi Chi'ra, 2022-08-01 20:23:49 UTC