Steel Cross events for Lucyeth

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Lucyeth continues to amaze as one of our new generation members. He flew through the ranks to DJK and in the last 6 months of being a DJK he continues to show a supreme work ethic, both as a member and more recently as our newest BTL.

Over the last six months, Lucyeth has competed in competitions around the club, including the Fading Light Run-on and Voice sponsored Create-an-NPC event. On the house front he participated in all seven events of both of the last two LHC events. His efforts on Antenora, also earned him a second place for the entire event. Lucyeth never falters in his active push, carving out his own big piece of the prestige pie here in the club.

Over the last 6 weeks, he has been jumping head first into being an amazing BTL for Acclivis Draco. He has been incredibly responsive in taking his duties as BTL seriously, maintaining contact with his team, working on reports, and leading by example. He quickly picked out a sergeant, and is now gaining the experience of what it is like to work with other people in leading a unit.

He has already given serious thought to the fictional identity of Acclivis Draco, and continues to show a strong work ethic in continuing to push it forward. As the LHC Caina came to an end, he even planned out his own BT level event complete with opening fiction and competitions based around the fallout of the LHC. All this just from a request they run some BT focused competitions. Lucyeth really went the extra mile in bringing something incredible to his team.

For his incredible work as both a member and blossoming BTL, I recommend Lucyeth be awarded this Steel Cross. Congratulations Lucyeth!

Lord Idris Adenn, 2014-08-12 03:28:51 UTC
Additional reasons

Over the last 6 months since his promotion, Lucyeth has been exceptionally active within the House and Dark Jedi Brotherhood at large, and starting to find himself contributing to the House as well. It is always great when a new leader steps up who thrives in an environment of creative freedom, and handles their role like they had been at it for a while. He is a role model of a member through consistent activity over the past 6 months.

In the realm of activity, he has participated in 48 different competitions across the DJB, including many major events representing the House, as well as perfect participation in both the Caina and Antenora phases of the current Looking Home campaign. To improve his writing skills, he also completed his Dark Maven in writing, hopefully to the benefit of the quality in his entries going forward as he represents the Royal House.

For all these incredible contributions and activity at the House and DJB wide level, and recently showing interest to start to give back more as a contributor as well and create lasting content that will serve the entire unit, I recommend that Lucyeth be awarded this Steel Cross. Congratulations. Looking forward to all you can accomplish as a Battle Team Leader.

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2014-08-11 23:30:47 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Evio Nezsa
Primary reason

Lucyeth joined the House summit around the same time I became Aedile, and while I was learning the ins and outs of my new position, he was doing the same as BTL of Acclivis Draco. His rapport with his team, and the communications I see, as he instills a sense of community is great to see. BTL are not as high profile as some positions, though with each report he sends out he improves, and with each competition he goes through he gains more experience in how to motivate members on what works and what doesn’t, with each summit discussion on direction and opportunity he speaks up more and contributes. it’s growth that’s been great to see.

Beyond this role as BTL, he has completed 33 competitions, and earned 7 crescents, 15 CF and 6 CI. He completed all 11 events in the House wide event on Judecca, contributing great pieces to the story and helping drive its overall success as one of the best contributing members. He also completed 9 events in the Great Jedi War, all except gaming which he only dabbles in on mobile where he also contributed to the 10th place run-on team earning the House points.

For all this growth and contribution, as well as activity and accomplishment since his last promotion, this Steel Cross is well deserved. Congratulations Lucyeth, and thank you!

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2015-02-18 21:22:30 UTC
Additional reasons

Lucyeth is one of those members you always pray you get when a new member joins the house. He is a beast of activity on top of being our strongest BTL in Scholae Palatinae. Lucyeth has a deep passion for this club, and it shows in everything he does.

He is in regular contact with his BT. He pushes and pulls them to greatness. He leads them from the front of the trenches. He has participated in 33 different competitions, earning 7 crescents. These competitions include all of HSP's Final Looking Home Campaign in December and all of the GJW events save gaming.

As thanks for his tremendous activity and efforts as BTL, I recommend he be awarded this Steel Cross.

Lord Idris Adenn, 2015-02-18 21:06:21 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Since his last award back in Feburary, Lucyeth has stepped up as a motivated leader, and continued to show his unending work ethic. Serving as Aedile of House Excidium, he has been working to push the house forward, and to show the Excidium members how far they can go with activity. He has co-organized 3 competitions for his house and he has participated in 44 different competitions, including 6 events in the recent Red Fury event. He has earned 7 crescents, 10 clusters of ice, and 13 clusters of fire as well. For his great work the last few months I recommend Lucyeth be awarded this Steel Cross.

Lord Idris Adenn, 2015-06-03 23:19:25 UTC
Additional reasons

Lucyeth is definitely the type of member that takes part in everything. By the mix of competitions completed, earning almost equal clusters of fire and ice, and crescents for quality in many areas. Including an ACC battle with his counterpart in Imperium Zagro Fenn. I've always enjoyed his attitude and spirit going into competitions, and his drive to do so much and lead from the front. His character has dark circles scarred into his face from lack of sleep, and maintaining life and the level of activity in the DJB that may be a very fitting feature. You've earned this Steel Cross for the past 3-1/2 months, congratulations my friend!

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2015-06-03 22:56:24 UTC