Grand Cross events for Envoy Taranae Rhode

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia
Primary reason

Taranae, quite simply, is one of the key pieces that holds this unit together. First as Rollmaster, and now as Aedile of Karness Muur, she has done, quite simply, everything we could ever ask of her. She’s worked hard to make sure we maintained our clan status both by working with our new members and by recruiting them herself, earing 2 Scrolls of Indoctrination since her last award. She’s never stopped looking for ways to better the unit through her efforts.

Of course, one of the ways to lead is by example and an example she is. Her activity has been steady and strong over the past months. She’s participated in over thirty competitions over that time, most notably going 9/11 in the GJW, 8/8 in the Anchorage event. She’s taken home 3 crescents for her work, but that’s not the most impressive bit to me. Taranae has earned an astounding 20 Clusters of Ice since July. This is easily the most of anyone in the unit and likely ranks up among the higher totals in the DJB in that time. Her writing has noticeably improved over the past few months which included a 9th place finish in the second round of the GJW. Oh, and she games occasionally too, earning almost 80 CFs and 2 Pendants of Blood.

Considering all she’s done, I’m pleased to endorse this award. Good work and keep it up!

Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia, 2015-02-24 19:11:38 UTC
Additional reasons

Wow Taranae, she is an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. Her work as Rollmaster was fantastic and it was without a doubt one of the best working facets of Plagueis. Almost instantly after receiving a new recruit she had already contacted them and had them going on the right path. This is something she has continued with since her appointment to Aedile before even our current rollmaster can respond Tara is already on the ball. She is making me look like a Quaestor who is good at his job. Not only has she done this but her performance in the recent GJW was nothing short of amazing not only did she show out in participation doing 9 out of 11 minus Round 1 gaming since she couldn't play either of those games. She even placed in events in round two earning us crucial points that helped secure our 4th place finish. Taranae has been one of our hardest working, and most dedicated members of late and I don't see that changing anytime soon. She's done so much work that doesn't get recorded or recognized or marked down, that's the curse of being Rollmaster and Aedile. We decided we needed to make a gesture to show her beyond words that we appreciate everything she's done.

Callus Bo'amar, 2015-02-24 19:06:50 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Primary reason

Taranae Rhode has been an invaluable asset to both House Karness Muur and Clan Plagueis over the years while serving in leadership positions almost the entire time. In the time since her last recognition in February, she has been no different as she continued to provide indispensable leadership and activity to her House and her Clan. She has put up activity numbers and provided leadership that show she is one of the best and brightest of the Clan.

As a leader, she spent five months between her last recognition and July serving as Aedile of House Karness Muur. Even with Clan Plagueis focusing on single, House level reports, Taranae made sure to provide meaty sections to Callus’s House reports every month while she was in the position, including all the activity tracking across Karness Muur in the way of medals, promos, Shadow Academy activity, and ACC matches. These contributions were often nearly report sized on their own, even including her own graphics header to make sure that she was providing highly visible leadership as opposed to fading into the background. She was integral in driving activity for Karness Muur during the first two phases of Restoration, helping them set a pace of activity that served them well once the final, house vs. house phase of Restoration arrived. Without the work she did in the months leading up to that competition, it is doubtful that Karness Muur could have seen participation from a full sixty-five percent of its roster in the final Restoration phase. During phase three, she was in charge of assembling the Karness Muur battleplan team and she managed sign ups and put together the members for that event. In addition, Taranae has hosted three competitions for Clan Plagueis, and is currently finishing up administering (all on her own) the second annual DB-wide single elimination Pazaak tournament. Additionally, she and Callus teamed to run the HKM Hailstorm Run On, with Taranae also co-authoring the opening set-up post for the event.

Evaluating leadership alone, however, would be highly unfair to Taranae because she has been an absolute beast in the area of personal activity as well. Her activity during our recent three phase clan feud was excellent. Across the three rounds, Taranae participated in thirteen of the nineteen possible events, broken down as three for five in each of the first two phases and seven for eleven in phase three. She also placed in two events, taking first place in in the phase 1 puzzle and second place in the phase 3 battleplan, and earned a total of 115 competition points across the event.

Overall since her last recognition, Taranae has participated in forty-nine competitions while earning eleven competition crescents (five ruby, four amethyst, and two topaz). She has also earned thirty-three clusters of fire, thirteen clusters of ice, 14 clusters of earth, and one legion of the scholar. She has also completed four ACC matches (one during the recent Rivalries competition). Finally, she has also directly recruited two members and mentored a third to the rank of Knight. In short, Taranae has had an incredibly active seven months months when taking into account activity, placements, and leadership. Her continued presence, mentoring activity, zealous nature to succeed, and remarkable overall activity level show her to be very deserving of this award.

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2015-09-23 17:25:40 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Primary reason

If one were to look up the definition of “awesome” in the dictionary, I remain firmly convinced you could find a picture of Taranae Rhode. If there is anyone who better embodies the definition of that word (“Extremely impressive or daunting; inspiring great admiration”) anywhere in Clan Plagueis, I’ve yet to meet them. She has been an absolute force when it comes to both activity and leadership in the four months since she was last recognized, acting as the thundering heart of House Ajunta Pall.

As an individual she has entered twenty-eight competitions, earning placements in four of them (one ruby, one sapphire, and two topaz crescents). Parsing that activity through the lense of our recent Between Light and Dark feud with Clan Odan-Urr, however, reveals true excellence. Taranae was the only member to enter all eleven possible events during the feud, and she scored top ten, point-scoring placements in a staggering nine of them. Second place in Battleplan, fourth in Multimedia, fifth in the prologue puzzle, seventh in round one fiction, eighth in round two’s puzzle, fiction, and round one graphics, and finally tenth place in round one gaming. No member of either clan placed in so many events, and Taranae’s performance and 100% participation makes her easily the MVP of Plagueis during the event. In addition to competitions, she’s earned nineteen clusters of fire and twenty clusters of earth from her gaming activity. And, between her two completed ACC matches and general fiction activity, collected three clusters if ice.

Now, all of this activity would be impressive from any general member of the Brotherhood, but it’s made all the more impressive given Taranae’s performance as a leader and Aedile of House Ajunta Pall. Taranae was absolutely integral towards galvanizing her house to the tune of fifty-six overall entries during the course of our feud with Odan-Urr. She’s also been an invaluable member of our summit in general over the past four months, never missing a monthly report while still making sure each one contains valuable information for all of her subordinates. She’s always there on Telegram or via email to provide advice and guidance for our “younglings”, helping shepherd them through the unique quirks of the Brotherhood. As a mentor, her success can be best measured in how she’s there to provide for Plagueis’s future: her service as master to Kul'tak Drol on his path to the rank of Knight.

Taranae has continued to make lasting contributions to Clan Plagueis as a whole and House Ajunta Pall in particular, demonstrating a zealous nature to succeed, remarkable overall activity, and unequaled leadership. Each and every action she takes shows her to be incredibly deserving of this award.

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2016-04-27 23:45:00 UTC
Additional reasons

Slagar has covered all of the tangible aspects of Taranae's recent efforts, so it's no secret that she is an absolute bastion of activity within the clan. Instead of rehashing what has already been said, I'd like to speak to the intangible facets of Taranae's efforts. For nearly eight months, I had the distinct pleasure to work with Taranae, first as a BTL, and then as my Aedile. During that time, she showcased her exceptional ability to lead and motivate the members under her care. Taranae is always the first to post a constructive comment on a report, the first to say "I'll do it" when a task or project comes up, and serves as an ever-present voice in the Clan and Summit telegram channels. Taranae gives her absolute best at everything she does in the club, every single day. To say she has earned this award is a massive understatement: Taranae DESERVES this award. Congratulations, Taranae. Thank you for everything you have done, and for all that you will do in the future!

Master Dracaryis, 2016-04-27 21:06:45 UTC

There is little more I could add about Taranae that hasn’t already been covered by Drac or Slagar, but nevertheless I would like to say my bit. I have worked with many summit members across the Brotherhood, and rarely do they possess the traits that can be found in Taranae. She is extremely approachable, always making the time to converse with the other members of the Clan. Additionally she has a talent to lead by example, having participated in every single competition in the feud to name but one scenario. Taranae is always there ready to help contribute to the club any way she can, and is always willing to do anything that is required of her as an Aedile with the utmost dedication. There isn’t much more you can ask from a member than that.

Taranae can also be found in the Clan channels on telegram daily, consistently providing valuable insight amongst the summit and/or participating in the infamous banter that I have come to appreciate in Plagueis. I hope this Grand Cross can put across how much we appreciate all that she has done and continues to do in service to the club. Thanks for being a pleasure to work with, Taranae. You rock!

Warlord Tracinya Beviin Entar, 2016-04-27 23:42:41 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Primary reason

What can I say about Muse Nashesir, better known as Taranae Rhode, except that she has done great work for the Clan? To start off, she served as Aedile for 5 months and Quaestor for 3 months of House Ajunta Pall. During that time, she organized 10 competitions, two of which I co-organized with her during my term as Aedile of Karness Muur, all of which were mainly for the Clan Plagueis and the Houses. She has been an inspiration to me as a leader and super helpful.

Muse is always a really big participator in the Clan events when she isn’t running competitions. Whether it was in Plagueis’ co-op event with Clan Naga Sadow, Plagueis’ Vacation on Mustafar or Plagueis’ Nightmare before Sithmas, she took on many, if not all of, the competitions. Muse also represented the Clan during the last 2 big DJB wide events: the RoS last year, and the recent GJW XIII Discord. In the Rite of Supremacy Meridian, out of the 29 competitions, she participated in 10 competitions. During the GJW XIII Discord, she took on every single bin, doing 12/12, participated in 14 competitions out the 32, and won a Gold Nova.

Out of the 108 total competitions, she has earned herself a Gold Nova, 16 Crescents (a Diamond, a Ruby, 2 Amethyst, 8 Sapphire, and 4 Emerald), 11 Clusters of Fire, 44 Clusters of Earth, 18 Clusters of Ice, 29 Clusters of Graphite. Along with these, she also received 10 Seals of Fury and 14 Seals of Discord.

Along with all this activity, Muse is one of best, influential, and helpful (when rl isn’t being a pain) people in this clan, not just to me, but to quite a few other people as well. I am honored; one, to follow in her footsteps into the leadership of House Ajunta Pall; and two, be friends with her. I’m proud to be one recommending Muse for the award of a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Thank you Taranae, and Congratulations on your award. You deserve it.

~ Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae

Quaestor of Ajunta Pall

General Ronovi Tavisaen, 2019-09-22 18:05:56 UTC