Character Snapshot (Verse Theris)

Character Snapshot for Knight Verse Theris (2014/05/02, DJM Aidan Kincaid vs. DJK Verse Theris)

Knight Verse Theris

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Arcona
Female Hapan, Sith, Seeker
Height: 1.65 m / 5'5" - Weight: 61.24 kg / 135 lbs
Left Handed
Physical Description

Verse stands at a fairly standard height and build for a young Hapan woman, with long, lithe limbs and subtle curves. Her body appears unremarkable in terms of athleticism. When exposed, her skin appears fair and free of blemish or freckle. A testament to her cultural background, Verse dreads the possibility of scarring or disfigurement, and is consequently fastidious in care of her skin. Sculpted brows arc above light-colored eyes. Her auburn hair is cropped at an angle, shorter at the nape of her neck and falling in fuller tendrils around her face. Her voice is soft and carries a recognizably Hapan lilt.

Attire: Verse prefers to don garb that highlights her femininity. She is attracted to designs cut from rich fabrics, and her style changes with the season as well as trends of fashion. However, when armored, Verse wears dark fitted hide that maximizes freedom of movement. Verse’s utility belt and holsters carry many essentials of combat, but not so many that the Hapan would become encumbered. Her face and hair remain invisible underneath an impact helmet with tinted visor. In addition, the inside of her helm is equipped with night lenses that can be activated in dark conditions. While the lenses may provide some compensation for her Hapan night-blindedness, Verse finds them cumbersome and disorienting enough that she prefers not to use them, rather avoiding darkness when possible.

Equipped Weapons (Legacy)
Glop Grenade, Flashbang, Vibrodagger, Lightsaber, Relby-k23 blaster pistol, Bryar pistol
Preferred Weapon Loadout (Legacy)
  • Standard armory issue Lightsaber
  • Relby-k23 blaster pistol (worn in quick-draw holster)
  • Bryar pistol (worn in standard holster)
  • Wrist laser
  • Glove spikes
  • Vibrodagger (worn concealed)
  • G-20 glop grenade
  • Fire grenade
  • Flashbang grenade
  • Caltrops
  • Dampener Aerosol
Droid Enthusiast (General Aspect)

Verse has always been particularly fascinated by droids. Learning about them, interacting with them, and generally keeping them in her company. From protocol droids, to astromechs, to lowly servant droids, Verse is fond of them all. Perhaps it is because they are familiar; Verse interacted only with droids and other Hapans during her childhood. Or perhaps, more likely, she simply thinks they are neat. Whatever the cause, Verse is quick to employ automated labor to accomplish her ends more effectively. While this may allow Verse to more efficiently reach her goals, it sometimes serves to isolate her from her flesh-covered, breathing peers.

Affinity for Intrigue (General Aspect)

While on her home planet of Hapes, Verse was raised as a member of a house of minor nobility. This led to her learning much of the political machinations and techniques used to improve station in a courtly setting. While her noble ties are but a memory now in the Brotherhood, Verse retains her ability to detect subtleties in politics and utilize them to gain an advantage. For as much as Verse may benefit from this skill, the infighting that she witnessed during her time on Hapes has made her somewhat petty, and slower to trust.

The Quiet One (Personality Aspect)

Verse is often a Hapan of few words, especially with those that she does not know. While listening, her expression often remains impassive and less than interested in things going on around her. When spending time in a group, she is likely to speak very little, and questions addressed to her will be answered with as few words as possible. To Verse, her lack of response is an effect of great focus on her environment and the individuals within it. This behavior can be off-putting to others, thinking her ignorant or uncaring of the outside world; but when left to her own devices, Verse can glean great insights during her silent study.

You are Different Than I (Personality Aspect)

Born within the isolationist Hapes Cluster, only recently in history opened to the borders of the rest of the Galaxy, Verse was raised largely unfamiliar with other species. From this she has developed a sense of the superiority of her own species, as well as a mild discomfort in interactions with other species. In addition, the matriarchal society of Hapes has cemented Verse’s notion that she is intellectually superior to males. While these factors serve to boost her confidence during interactions, her notions sometimes lead her to unfounded arrogance when dealing with unknown individuals.

Passive Aggressive (Combat Aspect)

In combat, Verse is patient enough to concoct cunning plans and traps that do not result in (immediate) defeat of her foe. From use of slow poisons to carefully-concealed tripwires or pits, Verse is happy to set up her enemy’s defeat in advance and be long gone by the time they are sinking helplessly into quicksand. While these techniques may take longer to set up, leaving Verse vulnerable to attack while she attempts them, if successful, Verse may enjoy her victory from afar in much better shape than if she attempted a frontal assault.

Dead Sprint (Combat Aspect)

When Verse Theris gets in trouble, she finds no fault in bravely turning tail and getting the hell out of dodge. Obviously, this means that she tends to survive even the most deadly encounters... but the same can't always be said for her compatriots. This fact hasn't exactly made her the most popular among her peers, but hey, at least Verse Theris isn't dead yet.

Skill Feats
I've Got A Bad Feeling About This The Force is With Me Trick Shots
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Seeking I Hapan: Distilled Beauty Force Interrogation I
  • Basic
  • Hapan
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Corellian Kickboxing
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form III (Soresu)