Sapphire Blade events for Adem Bol'era

Sapphire Blade events
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Envoy Zuza Lottson
Primary reason

Adem Bol'era has been a slow and steady force within Arcona. While we have plenty of rabbits hopping around and doing All The Things, Adem can be guaranteed to be present and doing what he enjoys best in the moment, and can be guaranteed to be doing it damn well. Since his last award, he has competed in 77 competitions, 20 of which containers and earned 7 Crescents and 1 Bronze Nova. Alongside that, he's earned 21 Clusters of Ice from 10 fiction activities, 1 Cluster of Earth and 8 Seals of Transcendence! He's also been busy with the Shadow Academy, earning two degrees after passing a total of 14 courses.

Even more significantly, this effort was tactical and has gotten him 13 society rank ups. He has also greatly benefitted the clan, bringing in an astounding 250,920 credits!

It's been a long road, but I'm very happy to get to award you your first Sapphire Blade Adem. Stick 'em with the pointy end.

Envoy Zuza Lottson, 2024-05-16 19:44:31 UTC
Additional reasons

It's not easy coming back from an extended leave from a club that relies very heavily on social connections. Sometimes the people you used to know aren't there, or they're different or in different places. Sometimes you're the one that's in a different space or place.

Adem, for any concerns he probably had himself, simply shrugged and said "sure why not" when I approached him about some cool new possessions stuff tying into a game he was talking endlessly about- Jedi Fallen Order. So, Adem rejoined Arcona and, almost immediately, dove back into not just the clan, but all the new things we've created while he was out.

Adem has always been a good pulse check of what a typical member experience is like. He's articulate, level, and offers great insight- but also really dives in deep to the design of our systems and asks really great questions that provoke introspection. Possessions is such a wild, crazy database that it takes members like Adem actually reading things, paying attention to details, and investing the time to "work" towards goals and such.

It makes being a "System designer" feel worthwhile. So Adem's passion, energy, and general willingness to engage with the Brotherhood's content and systems should be an example for how we hope all new and returning members get a similar feeling or experience as we create and roll things out.

Outside of that, I'm just happy that Adem has not just returned to us, but has been kicking butt and genuinely making his fellow clannmates proud with his insight, contributions creatively, and his welcome sarcasm that is 99% of the time at my own expense.

Congrats, buddy! Proud of you as always.


Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2024-05-16 16:39:27 UTC