Sapphire Blade events for Meleu Karthdo

Sapphire Blade events
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

Battlemaster Meleu Karthdo has reached the required 5125 Medal XP to earn their first Sapphire Blade!

Howlader Taldrya, 2023-02-07 14:04:29 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Non-site XP
1200 XP
Requested by
Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar
Primary reason

In the last 5 months, Meleu has not been sitting idly. He has organised 33 competitions and co-organised a further 4. He also managed to participate in 31 competitions, earning himself 4 Crescents (1 Diamond, 1 Ruby, 1 Amethyst, & 1 Quartz). He also wrote almost 1.500 words of fiction, acquiring 2 Clusters of Ice in the process. He managed to attain another Shadow Academy Degree.

Additionally, Meleu has been distinguishing himself as one of the two Taldryan Magistrates. Specifically charged with overseeing the Clan’s storyline and maintaining our historical records. A task he has been working tirelessly on. As shown by the many edits and updates to various pages across Taldryan’s corner of the DJBWiki, ranging from small fixes to large updates and data dumps.

Meleu, since first encountering you as a fresh faced M:HM, you’ve done nothing but impress upon me your stellar work ethic and drive to make Taldryan and the Brotherhood at large a better place than when you found it. Keep up the good work and enjoy this award!

Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar, 2024-10-13 18:22:06 UTC
Additional reasons


It has been great working with you during my time leading the Taldryan Summit, and I wanted to take the moment to give a special thanks for your contributions and everything you have accomplished.

I look forward to what you will continue to give in the future, as I know you are truly capable of great things. Continue to do us proud, brother.

Thank you, and enjoy this Sapphire Blade!

Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya, 2024-10-13 17:57:14 UTC