Anteian Cross events for Corvus Corax

Anteian Cross events
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Mar Sûl
Primary reason

For a long time Seridan has been a star member of our Clan, one simply needs to look at the recent history of Odan-Urr and you will see his name pop up many, many times. Since his last medal Seridan has spent 2 months serving as my Aedile before having to resign due to his real-life education taking priority. During this time, Seridan worked tirelessly to improve House Satele Shan by updating the Seher wiki page and helping with the running of competitions and planning for House events, having been such an excellent planner there are still documents that are to be used for the upcoming House event featuring an Organisation (The Kzenoi) created almost entirely by Seridan alone. During this period, Seridan acted as a rock for our House - something not shown on the site, he was always there when I needed him and remains to this day one of my ‘go to’ guys for brainstorming and bouncing ideas around.

Since his last medal, Seridan has co-organized 11 successful Competitions and more recently he has participated in 13 Competitions, 9 of which were for the latest Clan event ‘Rise of the Force Ascendant’. His competition activity has earned him 7 Crescents, 2 with Amethyst Star, 3 with Sapphire and 2 with Emerald Star. His love of fiction writing, both in Run-ons and standard fiction competitions has seen him earn another 6 Clusters of Ice. He has also added the Test of Wisdom to his impressive resumé of Shadow Academy courses.

More recently Seridan has channelled his talents and begun to work on House project work, namely the creation and wikifying of a Harakoan tribe in order to fill up some of the empty space on the maps of New Tython.

For all this i’d like to recommend Seridan for an Anteian Cross.

Mar Sûl, 2015-11-16 01:01:24 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Maximus Alvinius
Primary reason

Seridan played an active part for COUs success in the GJW by participating in 4 GJW competitions and earning 1 Bronze Nova for 3rd place. His activity hasn't stop since then where he has participated in 25 competitions outside of the GJW, earning 6 Crescent with Amethyst Star, 4 Crescent with Sapphire Star, 1 Crescent with Emerald Star, 5 Clusters of Ice, 5 Clusters of Earth, and passing 1 Shadow Academy course leading to 1 degree earned.

Well job Seridan!

Maximus Alvinius, 2017-12-07 18:39:43 UTC
Additional reasons

Seridan has not slowed since stepping down as Rollmaster of Clan Odan-Urr. He has been a consistent source of activity, especially in puzzles and flash games, earning 6 Amethyst Star, 4 Sapphire Star, 1 Emerald Star Crescents, 5 Clusters of Ice, 5 Clusters of Earth, and passing 1 Shadow Academy course leading to 1 degree earned. However those were just the appetizer for the Bronze Nova in the Phase Two Puzzle competition main course of the Great Jedi War. I look forward to continued activity from you Seridan, well done!

Colonel Len Iode, 2017-12-07 18:39:31 UTC