Amethyst Kukri events for Master Dracaryis

Amethyst Kukri events
Event ID
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

The Lord of Salt, Commander of Tears, and Battlelord of Checkers, has performed with exceptional grace in one of the most difficult positions within the Dark Brotherhood. The Fist, as per Fist history, receives more hate mail and flack from our members than any other position in the Club. Awards are too hard to gain, awards are too easy to gain, we should have more games, we should have less games, we should have participation heavy competitions, we should have skill heavy competitions, we should add Pokemon Go, we should add WoW, and on and on.

The Lord of Salt handles these issues with skill and has improved our club's gaming through consistent dedication to factual, numbers based analysis on what games to add to our club, what medals to balance, and what games to phase out.

Drac is a modern Fist for the modern changes in our club and he has done an exception job removing old bureaucratic policies, updating existing policies, and bringing in new and common sense rules for our games. He has modernized the way we set up matches with the help of the SCL through the Telegram chat program, and he has remained adaptive to both members and club leadership.

Drac's work on the recent GJW was exceptional and his efforts over the past several months have been outstanding.

Congrats buddy. Mav and I appreciate your efforts.

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2017-12-04 01:59:15 UTC