Kenath Zoron is a great member to have not only in Hoth but Odan_urr as a whole. His activity, leadership and his ability to mentor anyone that has a question are awesome to have.
Since his last recognition Zoron has participated in 25 competitions, Passed 2 SA courses and has earned himself the following awards: 1 Silver Nova, 1 Diamond Star, 1 Ruby Star, 2 Amethyst Stars, 3 Sapphire Stars, 1 Emerald Star, 1 Topaz Star, 27 CLusters of Fire, 4 Clusters of Ice, 6 Cluster of Earth and 16 Clusters of Graphite.
Also, Kenath came out and supported Clan Odan-Urr by earning himself 19 Seals of Wrath in the Great Jedi War XII. He also placed 2nd in GJW XII Phase II - Blast from the Past, 6th place GJW XII Phase II - Puzzle: GJW Edition 2 - Electric Boogaloo, 7th in GJW XII Event Long Multimedia - In a World and 10th in GJW XII Phase II Miscellaneous - We Regret to Inform You.
So Kenath, please accept this Anteian Cross as our thank you for supporting and helping Odan-Urr become the First Clan of the DJB!
Edgar Drachen, Quaestor of House Hoth
Ghost Edgar Drachen, 2017-12-08 14:51:13 UTC