Steel Cross events for Armad

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Master Malik Sadow
Primary reason

Since his promotion three months ago Armad has competed in twenty competitions, including four events in round three of Fading Lights and four events in the recent Clan Naga Sadow event, Vengeance. Of those competitions he placed in the top three in four of them.

He’s also very active on our mailing lists and drops by on IRC from time to time to socialize with the other members of the Clan and the Brotherhood.

It is always great to see someone hit Dark Jedi Knight and then just continue keeping up their amazing level of activity. Excellent job Armad!

Master Malik Sadow, 2014-12-30 18:08:50 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
Primary reason

I'd like to recommend Armad for a Steel Cross. Since his last recognition back in June he has been a workhorse for the Clan. Not only undertaking a full-on and tiresome Wiki project but also working his ass off outside and inside the club.

Since Armad was last recognised he has participated in a whopping 55 competitions! Most recently he partook in 12 of the 27 available competitions in the GJW earning himself not just Seals but also some of the highest participation in House Marka Ragnos, on top of working a full-time busy job and having a family.

Besides this insane competition participation, he has also taken part in 14 PvP matches, 18 PvE matches, a ACC match and one fiction activity with a word total of 1059 words! Undertaken and passed 3 SA courses and been awarded a plethora of shinies!

His list of shinies is equally impressive, Crescent wise he's earned 1 Diamond, 5 Amethyst, 5 Sapphire, 1 Emerald and 2 Topaz. On top of this Armad has gained 66 CoF's. 18 CoE's. 6 Clusters of Ice, 6 of Graphite and 12 Seals of Wrath.

Armad has also assisted me with the running of House Marka Ragnos and done me proud most recently when I requested he lead the recs for the House. This has been an immense help given my full-time Christmas retail job has me away from the computer for upto 13 hours a day and I could not manage without him during this busy time period!

I am beyond proud to recommend Armad for a Steel Cross and hope to see great things from him in the future!

  • Kojiro

Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow, 2017-12-12 10:06:41 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Master Bentre Stahoes
Primary reason

Armad is a long-time member of Clan Naga Sadow. He has been in a number of positions. Of late, he has been quieter, but like many he pitched in to help bring our Clan to victory in the recent War. Of his 53 competitions since December of 2017, 4 were completed during GJW XIII: Discord. Though he brought home no Nova, his contribution to the War effort cannot be understated. Life gets to us all, but Armad still came in and put in what he was able.

Given that, the 12 PvP gaming activities and 2 fiction activities for which he gathered Clusters, I think that Clan Naga Sadow is a tad overdue in recognizing Armad's contributions. He served for seven months as an Aedile to one of our former Quaestors. It was during this tenure he organized 4 competitions for House Marka Ragnos and helped by co-organizing another 7 competitions.

Armad has a small trove of clusters, seals and crescents for his efforts over the last few years. Besides the 2 Crescents with Diamond Star, the 2 Crescents with Amethyst Star, 8 Crescents with Sapphire Star, 2 Crescents with Emerald Star, 2 Crescents with Topaz Star, the 30 Clusters of Fire, 4 Clusters of Ice, the 2 Clusters of Graphite, 3 Seals of Fury and 4 Seals of Discord.

The longevity of his record with us is admirable. The contribution during the War is commendable. I hope that he will accept this medal as a token of our appreciation.

Bentre Kairn'tel Sadow

Overlord of Naga Sadow

Master Bentre Stahoes, 2019-09-22 02:50:15 UTC