Grand Cross events for Councillor Turel Sorenn

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Seer A'lora Kituri
Primary reason

There are some people out there who surprise you with the level of work they put out, their dedication to a cause. There are some people out there who take that cause and run with it so hard that they floor you with the kind of work they do.

Enter Turel Sorenn.

Let's look at what he has done without a single award given out: he participates in almost every single competition available to him, earning one crescent in the past month alone along with 48 Clusters of Fire and 3 Clusters of Ice. He worked on getting himself to Jedi Knight in the absence of his Master with a drive and determination that I very rarely see in a Journeyman of this club. We expect that of most high-end Journeymen, who receive at minimum an Anteian Cross for their efforts. No - this would be an insult. Turel has gone miles above and beyond this.

There are three major achievements and accolades that Turel has earned that set him apart from the rest of Odan-Urr. First off is his domination of Odan-Urr's gaming. Turel dominated Odan-Urr's major gaming competition so well that he beat out experienced Equites for the title. Secondly, Turel has become the battleteam leader of the Knights of Allusis, a position with very big shoes to fill thanks to the highly experienced and highly driven V'yr Vorsa. Already, within his first month, he's shown how well he can handle the position. The team is working hard on their entries for Return of the Light and he has not once stopped moving forward. He has set up competitions already and has had them successfully executed, preparing his team for the future that he will inevitably lead them towards.

Lastly and arguably most importantly. His major project work is a gigantic Google doc listing every single Odan-Urr wiki entry, what kind of work needs doing to it, what kind of graphics it requires, who is working on it. This document spans a mind-blowing 52 wiki pages. The sheer scope and size of this project is incredible. This work takes a disparate series of Wiki pages and turns updating the canon of Odan-Urr into a streamlined and simple process without clashes or difficulties. He coordinates this project, done by his own initiative. He was not asked; he did this on his own. This is the kind of undertaking we expect from a Summit member - but he wasn't even a Jedi Knight, was not Battleteam Leader. He did this on his own. This alone is something worth our thanks.

His passion for the House is undeniable. He supports everyone in the House, is a rather large presence on IRC and on the mailer. His skill at both gaming and fiction have been recognised beyond the House level. It's rare to see new members be so multi-talented but Turel is the very definition of talented. Were they looking I would recommend him to both the Voice and Fist staff for sure. He has the ability to take himself wherever he wants to go in this club.

Take this Grand Cross with my thanks, Iron Man. There would be no Titan without you.

  • Mirus Hi’ija

Seer A'lora Kituri, 2014-06-06 04:42:35 UTC
Additional reasons

  • @Turel pulls out his bottle of Jack Daniels

  • dbb0t . o O ( ? )

  • @Turel offers some whiskey to dbb0t

  • dbb0t offers Turel back with a recc

dbb0t, 2014-06-06 01:17:52 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

There are certain members that come along and you can just tell that they are going to be something special. It can be something so small as the finer details of their first character sheet, to the way that they somehow get other members to follow them despite not necessarily knowing the full extent of what’s going on around them in a new environment. You then start to look at their intangibles--elements that make up their personality and demeanor. And slowly you create an image, and can anticipate where you think they might fit in within the Brotherhood.

Turel is one of those members.

Turel is one of those rare people who just have a gift as natural born leaders. His experience in real-life leadership translates seamlessly into the Brotherhood, and it is why I think people find it so easy to fall in line with him. His organization skills are elite, and when it comes to any task I’ve thrown at him, he’s always the first person to not only have the task completed, but done so with an additional perk or adjustment or add-on that I hadn’t even requested and that ultimately make the task all that more useful.

An example of this: I had to read through 140 pages worth of Run-On posts. I do most of my reading on my mobile phone while commuting on the subway, and the Discourse forums aren’t the best for that. Turel took it upon himself to create not just a PDF version of the RO, but with a table of contents, a breakdown of each member and how many posts they did, and some nifty formatting that made it much easier for me to read.

Turel has continued to shine as one of not just Arcona, but the Brotherhood's, most promising leaders. As Quaestor of House Qel-Droma he has revitalized communication with the House WhatsApp group, to the point that this is the most active I’ve ever seen HQD since I left for Clan Leadership. He has shifted the culture to one that embraces activity and promotes it by leading by example. In that same time he has earned 6 Scrolls of Foundation for his work in the Shadow Academy, a scroll of the Master for mentoring “Rod” to Dark Jedi Knight, and an inbox-breaking amount of Clusters. He was a full participant in Great Jedi War XI (11/11), and even earned a Gold Novae in Multimedia with his team along with another set of placement points for Arcona.

Little things like this are what Turel does everyday. Small things that don’t look that important but become so pertinent when looked at as the sum of a whole. Having him here with us in Arcona has been nothing short of a blessing, and I’m very thankful to have him as part of our team.

The Grand Cross is given to those who have shown exemplary work in their position, demonstrating a keen understanding of their surroundings and helping to further their planned goals. For all the reasons listed above, and in the accompanying reccs, I think this Grand Cross is more than earned. The sky is literally the limit for you, Turel. Thank you for all your hard work, dedication, and for inspiring this slightly jaded veteran into still wanting to keep fighting the good fight.

Consul of Clan Arcona

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2015-02-23 20:18:26 UTC
Additional reasons

Turel has been a breath of fresh air since the moment he stepped into Qel-Droma as Aedile. The guy is a boundless bundle of energy that leapt into the deep end from day one. He didn’t just swim; he rose to the surface and flew across it. He’s one of those few people that can find the roughest hewn stone in the pile, chip away the coarse surface and leave a beautiful work of art in its place.

From his time as Aedile to taking the reigns as Quaestor of House Qel-Droma, everything he has touched has thrived. Under his leadership, Qel-Droma is steadily flourishing and growing to rival our sibling-House of Galeres. As Wally has stated, we haven’t seen this kind of activity since Wally himself was Quaestor. And I feel this is only a starting point.

Before he joined, I was perfectly willing to stay in my position as Battleteam Leader and keep things moving along. However, when he stepped in as Quaestor, I was inspired to take a more active leadership role to further the Clan as a whole. Whilst I am trying my best, I don’t think I will ever be able to fill the shoes as he did. Turel Sorenn is the very definition of leading by example, something of which I am a very firm believer in.

The possibilities for his future in the Brotherhood are endless and I look forward to seeing every moment of it.

For your service to both House Qel-Droma and Clan Arcona, take this Grand Cross as a small token of our appreciation. I look forward to seeing what else we can do together to breathe more life into our little sandbox.

Congratulations, Turel!

  • Aedile, House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona

Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri, 2015-02-23 20:17:41 UTC

There are a few things that must be said about Turel for you to understand why he deserves all that he does. He can be as light and free as air when interacting with his members, boldly joking with everyone as an equal, while also being steadfast in spirit, patient, calm, and serious whenever needed. He is the epitome of balance, always fair and vocal in his judgements during arguments yet perfectly reliable and loyal once a decision has been made. And perhaps most importantly of all, he is open to great change. Not many people are as adaptable yet unflinching as Turel is. It’s a special combination that makes him an incredible leader, one we’re lucky to have.

We had a rough start, he and I. Turel was so invested and passionate about all our members, not just those in his House, and really stood up for one of Galeres’ kids when promotion time came around. While honorable and a wonderful thing, it did step on a few toes. We, Arcona, just didn’t work that way, and it was a culture shock. But we resolved it, and looking back, I will swear up and down that that was the moment this man earned my respect. Turel is the kind of person who stands, immovable, by what he believes in and yet is willing to bow to other beliefs, opinions, and decisions for the greater whole. That is, again, a unique quality to say the least, and it’s come into play over and over: when we sat down together with the rest of the House summits to plan a Clan-wide Run-On; when we hashed out various promotions and awards for members; when we had to contain messy member issues and make sure everyone walked away, if not happy, then fairly represented; and when we fought side-by-side in our first Great Jedi War. Today, I’d call no other man my sister (that’ odd statement, but hey).

To be frank, T, you make me want to be a better person, as an individual and especially as a leader in this club. You have light and peace inside of you, and you show me everyday that if you let it out, you can change the world around you. Thank you for all you do, and congratulations on the Grand Cross, my friend.

Acting Quaestor of House Galeres

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2015-02-23 20:18:10 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
General Zxyl Bes'uliik
Primary reason

Since becoming my Magistrate on April 22nd, 2021 during my first round of staff picks as Regent, Turel has been an active member of the Regent Staff in both name and activity. He and Sang have handled the majority of the item aspects that have come in since them, reviewing each carefully to make sure they conform to our specific standards, and isn't afraid to question anyone - including me - on whether something is legit. Turel has been an active fixture in our staff channel, contributing to discussions and conversations and offering his opinion on each subject.

More recently, for the nearly-completed Weapon Upgrades project, Turel has contributed/written a total of 7 weapon upgrades himself. Furthermore, he's reviewed every single upgrade written in the document (a whopping 347 upgrades) for suitability for our system, whether the item upgrade fits into the category it's entered in, whether it makes sense at all, and whether there are any changes that would make it work better or more accurate, and hasn't been afraid to question anything in regards to these upgrades to make sure that when this project launches, it's providing the best and most sensible experience for our members.

Based on the above, in my opinion Turel is much deserving of this Grand Cross and I am proud to be recommending him for it. Congratulations Turel, and keep up the good work. I appreciate it.

General Zxyl Bes'uliik, 2021-08-13 21:10:34 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Dracaryis
Primary reason

One of the benefits of having six month Magistrate terms is that I have the chance to work with some truly exceptional people. In a single year, six new magistrates walk through the proverbial doors with one singular focus: provide content for members. All have the opportunity to make some form of impact on the club, but it's truly special when one makes an impact that can truly be considered enduring.

Turel Sorenn is just that type of Magistrate.

On top of the quality competitions and massive number of activities he has approved (over 108 at the time of this recommendation) in his four months on staff, Turel's greatest contribution is something the site does not track.

One of the requirements I place on every magistrate is for a proposal. They can recommend a game or a system change, but I want to see that they have the ability to identify a need and recommend change. Turel did just that. In his first month as Magistrate, Turel recommended the implementation of the Discord Events function to help schedule events for gaming. This was put into test first with the return of Gaming with the Fist, which had a higher turnout than any other GWTF event I have run in the past. Discord Events was also adopted for the reinvigorated SWTOR position, with multiple events running each week. And in all of them, Turel is there participating and giving back to the club's members.

I am truly appreciative of Turel's advice and commentary over the years (and there has been a LOT), and this is a small token of that appreciation.

Congratulations, Turel, and thank you.

Master Dracaryis, 2022-04-05 18:09:49 UTC