Character Snapshot (Councillor Turel Sorenn)

Character Snapshot for Obelisk Templar Luna Okami (2015/06/18, OT Turel Sorenn vs. SBL Terran Koul)

Obelisk Templar Luna Okami

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Male Human, Obelisk, Marauder
Height: 1.8 m / 5'11" - Weight: 77.0 kg / 170 lbs
Age: 36 years - Right Handed
Physical Description


Turel is a human male of average height. He possesses the svelte build and muscle tone of a welterweight fighter. He has taken to keeping his salt and pepper hair in a trendy undercut hair style. Turel hates shaving so he usually has stubble or a short cut beard in the same salt and pepper color as his hair. His bright green eyes and cocksure smile convey the confidence of a man who has beaten the odds numerous times and knows it. Despite his outward confidence and initial warmth Turel also has the face of a man for whom the passage of time and countless fights have taken their toll.

Distinguishing Marks

Turel has recently undergone bacta therapy and reconstructive surgery such that the distinct scars which dominated the right side of his face and body are no longer visible. Similarly, his prosthetic right forearm and hand have been replaced with a skin grafted model that is nearly undetectable to the naked eye.


Turel prefers function over form when it comes to everyday or mission attire. He typically wears dark colored clothing of a utilitarian, yet stylish, nature. He wears a form-fitting jacket, gloves, pants, and boots. He also wears a functional belt containing his lightsaber, and a holster for his pistol.

When leading Arcona forces into open battle or missions where blending in to the civilian population isn't a factor Turel wears a set of more traditional Patriarch Robes cut in the earthy tones of the Jedi and the teal of the Guardian order.

Equipped Weapons (Legacy)
### Traditional Weapons * Lightsaber * .48 Enforcer Pistol (Slugthrower) * Karpaki Fifty Sniper Rifle (Slugthrower) ### Miscellaneous * Tybalt Erinos (Fade)
Preferred Weapon Loadout (Legacy)
You Merely Adopted the Underworld, I Was Born in it. (General Aspect)

Turel Sorenn grew up on the streets of Nar Shaddaa and received his education in the cutthroat ranks of the Hutt Cartel’s enforcers. As such, Turel is perfectly at home in the seedier parts of the galaxy. Crowed city streets, dive bars, spaceports and sleazy clubs are Turel’s home turf.

Turel’s comfort and ease in shadier, more urban environments is contrasted by his discomfort in high society and more natural, rural environments. He is a city boy to the core and not the guy you want leading you through the woods.

Prodigal Son (General Aspect)

Turel has taken an unorthodox path as a Jedi, straying between the Odan-Urr Jedi and the Shadow Clan. This had led to mistrust and accusations of treason from certain members of both clans. He is a man haunted by his past actions and the innocent blood on his hands. This desire to atone drives his stubborn idealism regarding the protection of civilians and commitment to the Guardian Order.

He has returned to Arcona a fully realized and confident Jedi Guardian, a master of warfare sworn to the service of the Shadow Lady so long as such service does not conflict with his personal code.

Turel is extremely proud of his status as a Jedi Guardian and takes great pleasure in shattering people’s misconceptions of Jedi and practitioners of the Light Side. This pride leads him to issue challenges to his darker brethren that range anywhere from drinking contests to single combat.

Why So Serious? (Personality Aspect)

Turel Sorenn has a dry, sarcastic sense of humor that he employs with mixed results in response to stressful situations. While Turel’s use of humor helps him maintain his calm demeanor, it can sometimes get him into trouble as not everyone appreciates his sass. He uses situationally inappropriate humor and flimsy bravado as a defense mechanism to hide his stress and fear. This defense mechanism rarely fools anyone.

The Devil Wears Jedi Robes (Personality Aspect)

Turel was apparently sick the day celibacy and temperance were covered at the Jedi Praxeum. A self-professed connoisseur of cigarras, Corellian whiskey, women, and most recently men; the ex-gangster takes a ‘live life to the fullest’ attitude toward practicing his Jedi religion and has no qualms about indulging in certain personal vices. As long as no other people are harmed (without their consent) it’s fair game in his book.

When it’s time to unwind Turel is quick to lay on his trademark hit or miss charm to make friends or secure more intimate relations. He knows he’s not the youngest or prettiest stud on the walk, but he owns it, moving with the quiet swagger that comes with age and experience. Those not enthralled by the sly old fox typically react with exasperation or disgust, especially if they catch him looking down their blouse.

Old friends know that behind the mask and past the games, Turel is a soft-hearted man who cares deeply for those close to him.

History is written by the winners (Combat Aspect)

For Turel there is no substitute for victory. When faced with a combat situation he will look for the quickest and most effective means of prevailing, even if that means resorting to less than honorable tactics. Sneak attacks, low blows, trash talking and sucker punches are all means to an end for the ex-gangster. Turel will use anything and everything at his disposal and press any advantage to win or at least live to fight another day. He always looks for a way to use his environment to gain an edge.

Turel’s penchant for dirty fighting and generally being tricksy hasn’t earned him any dueling honors or respect from more principled warriors, but it has allowed him to prevail or escape some impossible situations.

Smoke and Mirrors (Combat Aspect)

As an avid Sabacc player, Turel knows the value of bluffing his own hand and misleading an opponent. He uses the same calm, calculating style on the battlefield that he does at the card table. He has recently began augmenting his physical skills and smooth talking with attacks on an enemy’s perception and very mind using Illusion and Mind Trick. The ex-gangster uses this bag of tricks to distract, taunt, evade or confuse opponents. If an enemy is weak willed enough, Turel can even stop a fight before it happens. In larger scale engagements, he will try to pull off ruses and feints in conjunction with conventional tactics to give his forces the upper hand.

This approach is not without risk, as mental attacks take precious concentration away from the physical reality and ruses take time and a bit of luck to pull off. Turel also isn’t nearly as clever as he thinks he is; his schemes sometimes blow up in his face.

Skill Feats
Trick Shots
Force Feats
Shield Wall I Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain Moving The Masses Manchurian Candidate
Granted Feats
Human: Just Another Face Battlefield Awareness II Battle Haste II
  • Basic
  • Huttese
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Military Tactics (Ground Combat)
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Mandalorian Core
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form III (Soresu)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None