Character Snapshot (Qor Kith)

Character Snapshot for Seer Lexiconus Qor (2016/11/26, Seer Lexiconus Qor vs. Knight blackhawk)

Seer Lexiconus Qor

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Scholae Palatinae
Male Quarren, Force Disciple, Techweaver
Height: 1.68 m / 5'6" - Weight: 53.0 kg / 117 lbs
Age: 23 years - Left Handed
Physical Description

Lexiconus Qor was born in the deep trenches of Dac's oceans, and his body shows this. His skin is the leathery orange iconic to his species. His body appears frail and slim, but he is physically active and has lean thighs and toned arms. Rough ridges grow from forehead backwards across his bald head. He has long orange tentacles that extend like a beard, with a pair of gills extending on the sides of his jaw. Two fangs protrude from his mouth that are ivory. Being a Quarren, his eyes shine a glorious sapphire colour.

When dressed formally, Lexiconus buckles up an Equite version of the Medic uniform used across the Brotherhood. The tunic and hood are padded for the weather in a sterilised white colour. His undershirt and trousers are a gray elastic cloth that molds around the person. The gloves and boots are made of a charcoal black leather. The uniform has a smooth black leather belt to keep the tunic and trousers together.

When dressed casually, Lexiconus throws on a one-piece chemical-proof overall that he uses when experimenting and working. It is royal blue with a light blue seam running down the zips, across the lining of the pockets and on the letters and logo of the Clan. He also wears a long white laboratory trench-coat with two deep pockets at the bottom front and a tools chest pocket at the upper left, near the opening of the coat. Both made from synthetic fabrics, they have seen some wear and tear shown through burn marks, rips, chemical smudges and sauce stains.

When speaking of equipment, he has holographic communications built into the gloves, and pouches across his belt and thigh straps. A variety of potions, lotions, oils, philtres and vials are strapped onto his arms, shins and belt for a diverse use. He keeps his saberstaff on the small of his back, using a magnetic pad. A Sith Dagger, with an ancient hilt and blade, is sheathed across his chest.

Equipped Weapons (Legacy)
Medpac, Antidote Kit, Bacta Bomb, Saberstaff - Green Blade, Sith Dagger - Type II Debilitation
Preferred Weapon Loadout (Legacy)


  • 1x Medpac
  • 1x Stim Kit
  • 1x Antidote Kit
  • 1x Bacta Bomb


  • Saberstaff - Green Blade
  • Sith Dagger - [Type II - Debilitation]
Let Us Not Stand On Ceremony (General Aspect)

Lexiconus has turned from his old ways and took the path of the Gray Jedi. Drifting from any loyal bonds and all other factions, he only follows the guidance and teachings of the Force. Lexiconus knows the effects and influences from strict dogmas and doctrines can do to a person, so he tries his best to avoid them all if possible. While this flexible guidance aids him, others see Lexiconus as being non-committal or agnostic.

Suffering Builds Character (General Aspect)

When Lexiconus was young and on Dac, the New Republic took him from the planet and into a life of education. He was trained with other children his age, under the guidance of adoptive guardians. This makes Lexiconus believe that his parents are no longer interested in his welfare, that they have forgotten him or worse, they’re dead. He considers himself an orphan and better off without blood-related family getting involved, so adoptive mentors are preferred over any family he has left.

All-Terrain Veteran (Personality Aspect)

Lexiconus has served in so many wars, battles and skirmishes as a combat medic, that he is quite comfortable working with his tools on the battlefield. He doesn’t mind getting down and dirty in the trenches, and can stay calm under duress. He has the experience to deal with problems like scarce resources, make-shift morgues and stealing supplies. However, he needs to let his steam go somehow. Sometimes it’s art, sometimes he disappears for days.

A Simple Samaritan (Personality Aspect)

If Lexiconus is passionate about or blessed with anything, it’s his expert medical practice. He takes the gimmick of a travelling doctor and healer to heart by always helping those he can. He does not turn down those who are too poor to buy medicine, or those too weak to take nutrients themselves. Lexiconus tries to the best of his skills and abilities to save all he can, even if it is too late for the patient. Lexiconus feels sad and depressed when losing a life, but that sadness only teaches him to move on.

Catch This! (Combat Aspect)

Lexiconus has earned a reputation for his ability to use the Force as a lethal weapon. His focused training in Telekinesis in particular gives him a very direct and upfront combat style that relies more on destructive intent than controlled finesse. He will look to use objects around him as projectiles in order to overwhelm and overpower his foes. This militant approach to harnessing the Force lends merit to his raw power, but he is noticeably less proficient at the more subtle and subdued uses of the Force.

MEDIC! (Combat Aspect)

Lexiconus is considered to be the top combat medic in his clan after serving in countless wars, battles and skirmishes and saving many lives. Lexic feels most at ease when running back and forth from the medic tent, to the front-lines and saving the wounded soldiers. He will always look to protect their life, before dragging them back to safety. While able to pull off a diverse range of medical procedures on the battlefield, his combat and self-defense skills are something to be desired.

Skill Feats
War Hero Elusive Prey Poison Weapons
Force Feats
Accelerated Healing I Saber Throw Field Triage I
Granted Feats
Order Feat: Force Disciple Steel Curtain Quarren: Xenophobe Quarren: Just Keep Swimming Hexing II Mechu-deru II
  • Basic
  • Quarrenese
  • Herbs and Plants of the Galaxy
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Poisons and Toxins of the Galaxy
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art None
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form III (Soresu)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None