Lexiconus Qor was born in the deep trenches of Dac's oceans, and his body shows this. His skin is the leathery orange iconic to his species. His body appears frail and slim, but he is physically active and has lean thighs and toned arms. Rough ridges grow from forehead backwards across his bald head. He has long orange tentacles that extend like a beard, with a pair of gills extending on the sides of his jaw. Two fangs protrude from his mouth that are ivory. Being a Quarren, his eyes shine a glorious sapphire colour.
When dressed formally, Lexiconus buckles up an Equite version of the Medic uniform used across the Brotherhood. The tunic and hood are padded for the weather in a sterilised white colour. His undershirt and trousers are a gray elastic cloth that molds around the person. The gloves and boots are made of a charcoal black leather. The uniform has a smooth black leather belt to keep the tunic and trousers together.
When dressed casually, Lexiconus throws on a one-piece chemical-proof overall that he uses when experimenting and working. It is royal blue with a light blue seam running down the zips, across the lining of the pockets and on the letters and logo of the Clan. He also wears a long white laboratory trench-coat with two deep pockets at the bottom front and a tools chest pocket at the upper left, near the opening of the coat. Both made from synthetic fabrics, they have seen some wear and tear shown through burn marks, rips, chemical smudges and sauce stains.
When speaking of equipment, he has holographic communications built into the gloves, and pouches across his belt and thigh straps. A variety of potions, lotions, oils, philtres and vials are strapped onto his arms, shins and belt for a diverse use. He keeps his saberstaff on the small of his back, using a magnetic pad.
- 1x Medpac
- 1x Stim Kit
- 1x Antidote Kit
- 2x Bacta Bomb
- Saberstaff - Green Blade
Lexiconus was schooled in the fields of Medicine and Survival through most of his life. He only begun to unlock his Force powers a few weeks after receiving his Doctorate. Lexiconus is no Jedi peacekeeper who would come to save the day, nor is he a Sith warlord scheming to murder you. He is just simply a doctor who can treat patients, perform autopsies and give you dietary advice.
Lexiconus Qor can be very protective, and when any of his friends are being bullied or threatened, he will step in to defend them. This can gets Lexiconus Qor in trouble when he refuses to back down during these exchanges, and sometimes has trouble discerning between friendly teasing and intentional insults. However, because of this fierce loyalty, his friends know that no matter what, Lexiconus Qor will be there for them.
Lexiconus spends almost every waking moment either working in the hospital, researching in the laboratory, writing in his office, or outside collecting plants and herbs. For the duration of this time, he is alone, unsupervised and unreachable. He doesn’t have much time to socialise with others, so when he does, he lacks the skills necessary to make them feel welcome. His allies and superiors come to think him as rude or vulgar with his language and actions, but that’s just his eccentric behaviour.
As an experienced doctor of his chosen field, Lexiconus knows that services can be expensive to use, and enforces this policy on his own services. It doesn’t matter whether he is approached by his subordinates, a great ally, a stranger or even the Consul himself, Lexiconus will charge them all. Currency isn’t the price he charges, preferring something with history that is sought after by others. This demanding catch can be daunting and sometimes extreme for regular members, even if they are reimbursed for their priceless relics.
Lexiconus was a promising student in the halls of his Clan after training with a Saberstaff in the defensive arts of Soresu. Lexiconus feels most comfortable in combat wielding the weapon of the Jedi and Sith, scurrying around to find a similar weapon if he loses it. While able to demonstrate the core mechanics of this defensive form, he still doesn’t want to use it in battle.
Lexiconus was part of a school of children that lived the majority of their lives on a ship, flying from system to planet to asteroid field. He has learned from these experiences that the wilderness and native flora and fauna can aid as well as hinder you. Lexiconus has developed a productive and life-saving bank of knowledge on how to survive in almost every biome. However, his knowledge in other fields such as combat or tactics are lacking.
Master (+5) |
Adept (+4) | |
Proficient (+3) | |
Trained (+2) | |
Learned (+1) | |
Mediocre (+0) |
Master (+5) |
Adept (+4) | |
Disciple (+3) | |
Studied (+2) | |
Initiate (+1) |
Languages |
Lore |
Primary Martial Art | None |
Secondary Martial Art | None |
Primary Lightsaber Form | Form III (Soresu) |
Secondary Lightsaber Form | None |