Grand Cross events for Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Primary reason

Darkblade has become part of the woodwork in Naga Sadow. He left us for a brief two month period, but swiftly came back to his home within the Brotherhood. Darkblade has overseen the continued growth of Shar Dakhan, culminating in an excellent showing from his House in the recent Clan event, Operation: Firestorm.

Since his last recognition, Darkblade has served as Quaestor of Shar Dakhan for three months. During his term as Quaestor in Shar Dakhan, Darkblade has encouraged his members to participate in the drive to improve gaming. He led from the front, jumping into JA, TOR, D3, Pazaak and SC2. A day doesn’t go by without Darkblade asking on Telegram if someone fancies a game. Darkblade has also promoted activity in every facet of the club, be it ACC, fiction, gfx or gaming. I can rely on his exuberance and drive to succeed to bleed through to his members.

Darkblade also came third in our recent Clan event, Operation: Firestorm, earning 300 points, only 5 points off our second place entrant, Muz. Darkblade participated in every single event and led the charge that saw 14 of the 20 participants come from Shar Dakhan.

He has also earned 3 Crescents with Diamond Stars, 7 Crescents with Ruby Stars, 13 Crescents with Amethyst Star, 2 Crescents with Sapphire Stars and 3 Crescents with Emerald Stars. Add to this, Darkblade has organised 9 Competitions and participated in 80 competitions over the past five months.

Darkblade has also earned 410 Clusters of Fire, 937 Clusters of Earth and 1 Pendant of Blood while participating in 19 PVP matches and 137 PVE matches. He has also completed 4 ACC matches, earning 17 Clusters of Ice and writing 6000 words of fiction.

Darkblade has also been active within the Shadow Academy, completing 5 courses and marking 16 exams as Docent of the HTML courses. This has earned him 3 Scrolls of Foundation.

Finally, Darkblade has earned 2 Scrolls of the Master, for his excellent mentoring of Chizz of Plagueis and Aul Celsus of Naga Sadow to the rank of Knight.

For his hard work these past few months, I’m pleased to award Darkblade this Grans Cross. Congratulations Darkblade, you still owe me that music video, don’t think I haven’t forgotten.

Proconsul of Naga Sadow

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2016-04-20 07:22:58 UTC
Additional reasons

Darkblade's been with us a long time, even though he took a break in between, he's a Sadowan through and through. Since his appointment as Quaestor, Darkblade has gone through major improvement. He's learned how to deal with those who disagree, he's learned how to lead with skill.

He doesn't just lead his House, but his tried to Lead by Example for the entire Clan as well. He has, with a few others, increased our gaming numbers exponentially and is never far from any event in gaming. Even though he's not very fond of the fictional side of the DJB, he still makes an enormous effort to partake in the events which feature it. Even more astounding is that he's managed to make one of our more fictional oriented members take up gaming as his apprentice, resulting in a very well ­rounded member. I'd say his stint as a Master has been very successful.

All in all, since I've met him, Darkblade has grown both as a person and a leader, and I am proud to see him recognized for it. Congratulations DB, you've earned this. Never stop growing!

Rollmaster of Naga Sadow

Marcus Kiriyu, 2016-04-19 06:00:24 UTC

Darkblade returned to CNS only recently, but since then has been a great asset to the Clan. Upon his return, he assumed command of House Shar Dakhan and began settling into his role in the House. But that didn't stop him from participating as much as he was able.

Darkblade has entered 80 competitions since his last recognition, and has been in leadership that entire time. He is driven and competitive, and it's that competitive spirit that often drives others to compete. I know that it has personally influenced me to play Galaxy of Heroes more, because the thought of Darkblade gaining easy Diamond Crescents until he overtakes me in them makes me sick. :P He's also led to me playing more pazaak (where the heart of the cards hates him), and even trying out TOR again.

And that's just me personally. Darkblade games, he ACCs, he writes in runons and fictions. He will enter just about any type of competition, leading from the front lines. This led to him placing third in the recent CNS event of Operation: Firestorm, but his Aedile was also first place. I think the two of them had a contest going on, and even though he wasn't first, Darkblade was still able to propel his members into the spotlight. In addition, four more of his members placed in the top ten of the event overall.

Darkblade's competitive spirit and do­all attitude are two things that make him great to have on the core Summit of Naga Sadow. They're both things I personally really appreciate him, and reasons I wish to add my own recommendation for this award.

Congratulations, Darkblade!

Consul of Naga Sadow

Epis Locke Sonjie, 2016-04-19 06:02:01 UTC

Darkblade is an interesting individual that has come to the collective clan we call Naga Sadow. When it comes to Diablo 3, he can power level your characters like a beast. He was kind enough to help me out with getting my characters more powerful and when it comes to friendly rivalry, he's proven to be a fun challenge in character and is fun to chat with on telegram. Whenever he is in telegram, you can be sure to hear some gaming tips about diablo 3 or some of his funny ramblings. So I would like to say congrats on your new award.

Tasha'Vel Versea, 2016-04-19 06:03:01 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Primary reason

Darkblade is one of those members who works his arse off 100% of the time. There are many differing opinions on him, but to me? They don't matter, because Darkblade's actions speak for himself. He's overcome opinions and shown me just how great a Quaestor he really is.

For the last 5 months, Darkblade has served as Quaestor of House Shar Dakhan. While doing this, he has run 20 competitions, which had a combined total of 138 participants. That's almost 7 entries per competition.

Darkblade has also participated in 47 competitions, which garnered him 1 Crescent with Ruby Star, 9 Crescents with Amethyst Star, 3 Crescents with Sapphire Star and 1 Crescent with Emerald Star.

His continued excellence has seen him editing over 300 articles on the Wiki, updating all of our NPCs, many of our locations and updated tags on several pages for members not only in Naga Sadow, but in other Clans too. This work has been invaluable to Naga Sadow and is allowing us to update our pages from a position of strength, rather than continuing to neglect them.

DB has also worked as a Professor in the Shadow Academy, overseeing the Novitiate Hall for the past 5 months, where he was one of the first to complete the audit of the SA's departments.

Darkblade has also lead his peers in gaming, earning 10 Pendants of Blood, 35 Clusters of Fire and 127 Clusters of Earth. DB also hasn't shrunk from writing either, which he claims is his weakest point. He underestimates himself and has written 8,397 words in various fictions in competitions and event fiction for House events. Combine this with 2,607 words written for ROs, earning 19 Clusters of Ice and Darkblade shows why Locke hired him as Quaestor. He leads from the front, demands the best from his members and provides them with opportunities to excel and have fun.

His recent event, S.P.E.C.I.A.L., took advantage of our Clan storyline and had a lot of interest from members across the Clan, not just from his own House. Without Darkblade, our Clan would suffer. He has learned and grown from the man we hired almost a year ago as Quaestor. He has proven his detractors wrong and continues to amaze me with his dedication to his job. He keeps me on my toes and ensures that I do my job to the best of my ability.

Darkblade has trained two members as Aedile and is now on his third with Aexod. Darkblade seems to specialise in creating excellent summit members, who focus on activity, drive and engaging with members. Bentre and Aul were excellent House Summit members under Darkblade's guidance. I look forward to Darkblade turning his attention and skills to Aexod and seeing all the cool stuff they'll be doing during 2017.

Darkblade has taken the rough with the smooth, continuing his work as Quaestor, despite being unable to use his arms very much due to a medical condition. As soon as he heard about this, he informed Locke and I and promised to continue acting as Quaestor, without toning down any of his work.

I can't complain at all about Darkblade's work as Quaestor, he's hard working, encourages others, provides events and activities for others to do, trains his replacements and comes to me and Locke for advice and projects for him to complete to improve his skills as a leader. I do see Darkblade one day taking over from me if he continues to work so bloody hard.

Thank you for all your hard work these past 5 months, Darkblade. You show us everyday why you're the right man for the job in leading House Shar Dakhan. Enjoy your Grand Cross, bro.

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2017-01-14 23:29:18 UTC
Additional reasons

As the Professor for the Novitiate Hall Darkblade doesn't get to mark too many courses. Nevertheless he has one of the most important roles in the SA: Keeping the novitiate hall up to date and accurate. It is often the first area of the SA that new members come into contact with, and as such is an integral and vital part of the SA.

When the audit came around, Darkblade was initially a little unsure of what to do, after all he didn't need to grade the exams as those were all covered by Dbb0t's auto-grading. After some directions though, he took off like a rocket. Within a week he had his first round of revisions done, and after corrections by the staff he had his drafts done within days. Make no mistake, those are a whopping 18 courses, covering not one broad topic but almost every aspect of the Brotherhood. Through this, Darkblade was one of the first Professors to have his audit work completed.

Congratulations, Darkblade

Marcus Kiriyu, 2017-01-14 23:23:53 UTC

Darkblade is, no pun intended, like a battle-hardened sword. Rough around the edges, but trustworthy and reliable and exactly who/what I want by my side when the going gets tough. He's a leader I want to follow and as good a mentor as I could have hoped to luck in to when I joined the DJB.

I won't spend much time talking about his productivity because that's been covered by others, but suffice to say that DB keeps himself busy and present and on the grounds of activity alone is certainly deserving of a Grand Cross. He sets an excellent example for all members of CNS and the DJB as a whole. I should note, though, that in my time as AED of Shar Dakhan, DB has been skillful in guiding me into learning the ins and outs of the position. He's been constantly available as a supervisor crucial to helping me flesh out my idea for a story arc-driven multi-comp event (which, I am delighted to say, was greatly successful in no small part due to his efforts).

But, years from now when I think back on my friendship with Darkblade, I will remember his kindness and understanding when I told him that I needed to step down from my position of AED. What does this have anything to do with a medal request, you might ask? Because Darkblade is the type of leader that makes others want to be better; a leader that helps his subordinates understand that even though the plan may change somewhere along the way, there's always an opportunity to get exactly where you want to be, when you want.

Congratulations and well-deserved, Darkblade.

Aul Celsus, 2017-01-14 23:24:22 UTC

Darkblade has done an excellent job lately as Quaestor, having run the Project S.P.E.C.I.A.L. event with Aul, as well as worked on other projects and continued to be an active member. I would especially like to talk about the wiki-related work Darkblade has done for us. He first categorized all of CNS' NPCs into either former/outdated, or currently active. This required going through over 100 NPC pages and determining whether they were still in use (or could still be in use) or not. This required a lot of reading and was ultimatey much more difficult than just changing the category on a bunch of pages.

Darkblade also updated or wrote over a dozen solid, quality pages himself. He updated the Sons and Daughters of Sadow page. He wrote backgrounds and entire biographies (and wiki-fied them) for somewhere around 20 NPCs for Naga Sadow. Darkblade took the initiative to do this all by himself. He didn't just sort what was usuable, but discussed possibilities with myself and then wrote out details for these characters. This gives our members new resources to use in their writing and helps make the Clan have more background lore and details to make things seem more alive.

Darkblade also oversaw the creation and development of the Battleteam Devil's Shroud HQ wiki page, as well as a new research center location for House Shar Dakhan. These were both projects that got his House's membership involved and allowed them to take ownership of their House and the areas it controls.

If Darkblade had not worked on these pages, our wiki would still be in a massive state of disarray. It is largely thanks to him that countless pages are now functional and complete.

In general, Darkblade has been an excellent Quaestor and I couldn't have hoped for a more hardworking individual to have as a member of my Summit team. I'm extremely proud to add my recommendation for Darkblade's Grand Cross.

Epis Locke Sonjie, 2017-01-14 23:28:09 UTC

If there is anything to be said for Darkblade- that hasn't already been covered in the other recommendations- it would be that the man is driven. Despite his previous difficulties, he keeps pushing forward to improve his House, and working with him, first as an Aedile and now as a Rollmaster, has shown me that he approaches each problem or opportunity that arises with the mindset of "how can we do this better?" or "how can we improve the experience for our members."

When he isn't crafting events with his Aedile, he is reviewing or editing wiki articles to ensure they are up to date, or fleshing out pages in greater detail. Examples of this include the page for Naga Sadow's Covenant star destroyer, updating and creating various NPC pages, updating unit pages like the Night Hawks or Sapphire Squadron, updating the page of our Clan itself and doing a lot of miscellaneous footwork- rather impressive for someone not under the employ of the Wiki Tribune's office.

There have been plenty of discussions on a Clan level that Darkblade hurries to take part in, and his lack of fear in voicing his opinion while at times can seem heavy-handed he nonetheless appreciated for his transparency. His eyes are always set on a horizon sometimes yet unseen. I could gas on for a while on some of his other accomplishments and merits, but I don't want to steal the opportunity from other members to sing his praises, so I will merely join my voice in recommending Darkblade's Grand Cross.

Enjoy the latest shiny, Darkblade!

Master Bentre Stahoes, 2017-01-14 23:28:34 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
General Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama
Primary reason

Since his last recognition in May of 2018, Morax has organised 15 competitions and participated in 48 others. For his efforts, he’s earned a Crescent with Ruby Star, 7 with Amethyst Stars, 5 with Sapphire Stars, 4 with Emerald Stars, and 1 with Topaz Star. In addition, his overall activity has netted him 12 Clusters of Fire, 27 Clusters of Earth, 7 Clusters of Ice, and 14 Clusters of Graphite.

Besides his personal activity, Morax served as a leader within Taldryan, sitting on Ektrosis' House Summit as Aedile for six months (December 2018-June 2019), and as Quaestor for a further two months, including during the first portion of GJW XIII. He also spent nearly a year on the Wiki Staff (September 2018-July 2019) since his last recognition.

In recognition of Morax’s leadership and activity, both within Taldryan and in the DB as a whole, I hereby nominate him for a Grand Cross. Well done!

General Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama, 2020-02-15 22:58:30 UTC