Dark Cross events for Padawan Tisto Kingang

Dark Cross events
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

Calvo participated in five events during the recent Plagueis house feud “Sphere of Influence,” for which we would like to reward him for dedication to the betterment of house and clan ~ DA Aabsdu Dupar, Consul of Plagueis

Zanet Xox, 2014-07-16 21:09:29 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Jai'de Serpens
Primary reason

JH Calvo has singled himself out recently within Battle Team Disciples of Dreypa by becoming a flurry of activity. Since his last promotion, Calvo has participated in 3 competitions as well as organizing 2 competitions for his clan to compete in.

In between competitions, Calvo has found time to further his studies in the Shadow Academy, completing 3 separate exams as well as completing the requirements for his Dark Pundit: Vendetta, and elevating his Shadow Academy Society rank to rank III, Sophomore.

Calvo was also instrumental in recruiting another member to Clan Plagueis, GRD Taysar (Svere), and has been helping introduce Taysar to the DJB. The two are now co-organizing an event for the clan to participate in.

Through his activity and dedication to his battle team, house and clan, Calvo is quickly becoming a role model for those new to the club or even those who aren’t as active as he is. We are looking forward to seeing Calvo continue to make his way through the ranks and to continue to be a role model to those in Plagueis and the DJB. With this, I am proud to award JH Calvo with a Dark Cross for all of his efforts.

Jai'de Serpens, 2015-05-07 02:26:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

Tisto aka Man with 1k Names. The bane of anyone who tries to put names to dossier's or gamer tags. As usual he keeps everyone confused about what character he is playing at a certain point, but he isnt one to cause confusion with his activity.

In the 3 months since his last recognition Tisto took to the GJW ACC prelim like a fish to water completing 5 battles. He has also participated in 10 competitions (not counting containers), earning 6 Crescents for his work. To even out his works he has also received a Cluster of Graphite for art, and a Legion of the Scholar for proving that knowledge of Star Wars is not useless!

Beyond those metrics, he is active in Clan and House chat. Here he engages his leaders and peers for new character ideas (not only his characters, but others), and generally chats with anyone.

THanks for what youve done Tisto. Here's to helping your Clan dominate in the upcoming war!

General Daniel Stephens, 2017-09-16 14:18:33 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Since his last recognition, Dirg has earned a total of 3 Seals of Vision and participated in 15 total competitions. On behalf of Clan Plagueis, I’d like to recommend Dirg for a Dark Cross as well as to thank him for being a member of Clan Plagueis! I speak for everyone when I say that we enjoy your telegram presence and love having you in the Clan!

Congrats Dirg!

--- Shimura Keibatsu

House Tyranus Quaestor

, 2020-09-09 03:40:36 UTC