Tisto appears to be an almost normal Kiffar male. His qukuuf tattoo is a green crescent running from his left jaw to the top of his nose to his right jaw, making him as a member of the small Kingang Clan. He is broad shouldered, and lean muscled. Despite this lean build he carries himself as if he was larger. This is helped by his hair, red dreadlocks that reach below his shoulders.
His eyes are a deep hazel, but often appear to get lighter when he is angry. When topless two smooth scars run down his back from the shoulders to his waist line. These are the only evidence of surviving an explosion many years ago. While these scars are mostly hidden, his forearms bare scares from previous swoop crashes. His eyes and scars also make him look a few years older than he really is.
Tisto is most often in his black armorweave racing jacket, a red undershirt and yellow armored pants. To complement this he wears black and yellow boots and yellow gauntlets under his jacket. The jacket itself is almost always with Tisto and has numerous patches from various organizations, gangs, and companies that Tisto has worked for or been a part of. Recently he has been forced to wear a set of remote control stun cuffs, making it seem like an odd fashion accessory.
When seen through the Force, Tisto is seen as a jagged scar in the normally fluid energy field. It is unknown how this happened, and aside from the inability to use some Force abilities, it does not hamper Tisto in anyway. While some people are unnerved by the Force scar, it does not effect them in anyway.
If there is one thing Tisto has learned from being in and leading Swoop Gangs, it is that a friend is better than an enemy. As a result he is almost always friendly, even when he is ready to destroy someone's life. This helps deal with people who are violent or used to this kind of treatment from gang leaders, though it does make him seem cruel to those unfamiliar with it. However, despite the willingness to destroy someone's life, Tisto truly does care for his friends and gang mates, and they know they can count on him too fight for them.
Having been thrown in prison for treason against the Clan Odan Urr, Tisto was only recently released. Now forced to wear a set of remote activated stun cuffs, he is a different man than he once was. He has set goals for himself, but is less reckless and takes more time to think everything through. He hopes to redeem himself to his allies, while building himself back up as the leader of a swoop gang. His past has caused tension between him and those in charge, and he is constantly being watched for any sign of treachery, but he is content to help out the best he can.
If growing up on the mean streets of Nar Shadaa taught Tisto anything, it's that often times the best answer to a problem is the simplest. Whether this is trying to sneak into a place, or simply punching someone, he has found that the statement is true far more often than not. This often leads people to believe Tisto is a simpleton, and as a result causing many "high class" folk to view him unkindly, it has served him well all of his life.
Recently Tisto has taken to focusing on his abilities in Telekinesis, and has found them to become easier the more he works on it. With this new focus and strength in the ability Tisto has become more prone to using it in combat adding chokes, pulls, pushes, and even Telekinetic Waves into his combat style. He isn't one to hold these back, but instead attempts to time such attacks perfectly. This often keeps opponents on their toes as it can be unclear when he will unleash a telekinetic barrage or when he is simply going to attack with his lightsaber.
Having only himself and a few holocrons to train with for most of his time with a lightsaber, Tisto was heavily influenced by his experience as a swoop gang member. This has lead him to develop his own unique fighting style rooted in the fundamentals of Banlanth. Tisto has learned to mix his aptitude in Form 0 with the more adaptive street-fighting elements of Corellian Kickboxing. Athletic, adaptable, and somewhat unpredictable, veteran swordsman and practitioners might be thrown off by his unconventional style. Against a true technician, however, his lack of formal training can put him into situations where he is outmatch or overpowered.
Master (+5) |
Adept (+4) | |
Proficient (+3) | |
Trained (+2) | |
Learned (+1) | |
Mediocre (+0) |
Master (+5) |
Adept (+4) | |
Disciple (+3) | |
Studied (+2) | |
Initiate (+1) |
Languages |
Lore |
Primary Martial Art | Corellian Kickboxing |
Secondary Martial Art | None |
Primary Lightsaber Form | Form 0 (Banlanth) |
Secondary Lightsaber Form | None |