Character Snapshot (Padawan Tisto Kingang)

Character Snapshot for Peacekeeper Tistito "Tisto" Kingang Okami (2016/05/06, Vanguard Raiju Kang vs. Peacekeeper Tistito "Tisto" Kingang Okami)

Peacekeeper Tistito "Tisto" Kingang Okami

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Kiffar, Jedi, Juggernaut, Guardian
Height: 1.8 m / 5'11" - Weight: 80.0 kg / 176 lbs
Age: 20 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Tisto is a male Kiffar with a few oddities. His redish brown hair marks he is not a pure Kiffar, even though the human in his family was his Great Great grandmother. His qukuuf tattoo is a green crescent running from his left jaw to the top of his nose to his right jaw. He is broad shouldered, yet thin, and carries himself lightly. He has several small scars across his arms and face from several racing accidents. He has hazel green eyes, which are often never seen.

Unlike most Kiffar males, he is not muscular, being leaner, and seems more to fit into the role of a artist or racer than the warrior he often is. Unlike his lean built his eyes are harsh and seem to pierce the souls of those he examines.

On the rare occasions when he takes off his jacket, one can see two long, but perfectly healed scars, run from his shoulders down his back from an explosion he was in when he was younger.


Tisto is mostly seen in his racing gear, a Durasteel inlayed black leather jacket, with blue and yellow armored pants with a look similar to mandolorian armor, and a red undershirt. His racing jacket has several patches on it, due to his activity working with several groups. His wrist laser, polished to a shine, is never not worn on his right arm.

His lightsaber hangs from his waist. His Twin blasters are also obvious, one strapped to each leg.

Equipped Weapons (Legacy)
As on CS
Preferred Weapon Loadout (Legacy)
  • Lightsaber

  • Wrist Laser-> Dur-24 model

  • Westar-35 blaster pistol

Sky Pilot (General Aspect)

Tisto loves to fly and work on his swoop. When not training, hanging out with his close friends, or on missions he will find any reason he can to fly a ship, have a swoop race, or simply tinker on one of his swoop bikes. He has, on more than occasion, skipped an ‘important meeting’ to simply fly his swoop around New Tython. His love of piloting however, has set him at odds with those who think a Jedi should focus mainly on the Force.

Scar In The Force (General Aspect)

When seen through the Force, Tisto is seen as a jagged scar in the normally fluid energy field. It is unknown how this happened, and aside from the inability to use some Force abilities, it does not hamper Tisto in anyway. While some people are unnerved by the Force scar, it does not effect them in anyway.

Maybe We Were Just Tired Of Being Pushed Around (Personality Aspect)

Spending life on the streets since the age of ten, Tisto knows what it is like to be mistreated. Saved only by his skill as a swoop racer, he hates seeing people enslaved, discriminated against, or mistreated. When he sees it happen, he treats the people who commit these atrocities like animals that need to be put down, and often will respond with violence. This has driven a wedge between him and many of his colleagues who would rather talk things through.

My Boys Would Never Do That (Personality Aspect)

Tisto is a hard person to befriend. Hardened by years on the streets as a swoop gang member he finds it difficult to trust people he is not familiar with. That being said, once he makes friends with someone, he is there for them almost for life. He is willing to put his life on the line for them, trusting they would do the same. This mindset gives him a close group of friends, yet makes it hard for him to see betrayal. When he does see it however, there a few things that can stand between him and vengeance.

Streetside Force User (Combat Aspect)

Learning to utilize the Force on the streets had lead to strange development with it. Since Tisto was never the strongest, he decided not to use the Force like he was the strongest. Instead he focused in on defensive abilities, and ways to off balance his foes. This choice was made because he would rather take down through skill than power. This reliance on tricking a foe does mean he uses the Force more for defense, and lacks many offensive options, yet it has saved his life on numerous occasions.

Swoop Bike Jaguar (Combat Aspect)

When fighting, Tisto is fast and aggressive. Using a combination of Niman and Juyo, he has personalized his fighting style for dealing with multiple opponents. In combat against such a group of foes, he will dart between each one and use a fast flurry of attacks. Defensively, he will redirect their attacks rather than stop them, conserving energy and saving himself in the event he is dealing with group of people stronger than him. This focus on redirection allows Tisto to move through large groups, and systematically take out foes. However, when pitted up against a fighter who is more experienced with conventional duels, Tisto is at a disadvantage as he does not have an adequate defense in such an instance.

Skill Feats
Lightning Reflexes Parkour! Pistol-cuffs Do A Barrel Roll!
Force Feats
Bounce It
Granted Feats
Order Feat: Jedi Kiffar: Facial Recognition Kiffar: Psychometry Iron Pillar II Surge II
  • Basic
  • Kiffar
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Sliding Hands
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form VI (Niman)
Secondary Lightsaber Form Form VII (Juyo)