Sapphire Blade events for Dr. Giyana Jurro

Sapphire Blade events
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Primary reason

In the past six months, Kelly Mendes has put up activity numbers that are nothing short of gaudy while also maintaining herself as a steadfast leader of Clan Plagueis (and the Brotherhood via her work in the Shadow Academy that Laren will cover below). It's hard to believe that she has done so much in just six months, but one has to see it to believe it.

On the level of personal activity, she is really without peer in Plagueis. Competitively she has entered 81 individual competitions and placed in 14 of them. Of those competitions, 21 of them came during the just completed Twelfth Great Jedi War, the highest number of competitions entered out of anyone in Plagueis. Additionally, she was one of only three Plagueis members to compete in 100% of the competition bins, gaining maximum participation for her Clan. Her competition placements have earned her 1 Gold Nova, 2 Diamond Crescents, 2 Ruby Crescents, 9 Amethyst Crescents, and 4 Emerald Crescents. As much as she is a general competitive force, where Kelly really brings the heat is with her gaming activity. She's reported 382 PvP matches and 105 PvE activities to earn 15 Pendants of Blood, 542 Clusters of Earth, and 1,950 Clusters of Fire (mostly via her platform of choice: Pazaak). In the realm of fiction, she's completed 8 ACC matches (including representing Plagueis in the GJW ACC Tournament), 12 fiction activities totaling 8,004 words, 3 run on posts of 1,697 total words on her way to claiming 46 Clusters of Ice. Rounding out her activity, she's claimed 26 Clusters of Graphite, completed 11 Shadow Academy courses, and earned 6 degrees. In short, she's rocked.

Now, the above listed activity would stand Kelly in excellent stead just as a member, but she's made sure to give back as a member of Plagueis's leadership while she's been putting up the above numbers. Most directly, she helped Obsidian reach the rank of JM4 and helped build Plagueis's future. As a member of the summit in the form of House Ajunta Pall Quaestor, she has also performed her duties admirably. She helped administer 4 Clan competitions, most specifically the Manifest Destiny Run On events to allow for rewards in the form of Clusters of Ice for her members. She has published all six of her required monthly reports in a timely manner, ensuring that all of her members are kept up to date on the goings on of both the Brotherhood and the Clan. She has also been a constant presence as a leader both in our public Telegram channel as well as in private with her members, working through our Wargame, Plaguies/Taldryan Pro Bowl, and Great Jed War events in order to help guide our members through these long term competitions and maximize their success with both her advice and encouragement. Additionally, she has continued to help mentor her Aedile Azmodius to ensure that the future of Plagueis's summit is in place for success.

Without both her leadership and activity, Plagueis would be a far, far darker place than it is today. Either of those things in a single person alone would be cause for recognition, but few before have combined them both with such consistent excellence before. As such, it is my honor to submit Kelly's name for recognition in the form of her first Sacramental award. Congratulations!

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2017-12-21 05:01:02 UTC
Additional reasons

Six months ago, Kelly’s journey as a Professor ended, and she began down the path of a dedicated, efficient, and dutiful Magistrate to the Headmaster. Kelly is an integral part of the core Shadow Academy staff. In her role as Magistrate, Kelly has assisted with multiple projects, of which implementing the revised Leadership courses were of particular note, taking the entire Leadership Competitions course under her guise and assisting edits with others. She also assisted with the creation of new the new canon history courses, and has created a final draft of a new Battle Plan Course that is to submitted for approval pending final edits. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of Magistrates to grade on behalf of Professors when called upon, and Kelly has met that call, grading a total of 48 exams during her tenure. And finally, Kelly is a reliable and active figure within the Shadow Academy ranks, regularly engaging in dialogue with the other staff for the betterment of the organization. Congratulations, Kelly!

, 2017-12-21 05:00:53 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson
Primary reason

Liandry made quite the entrance on her arrival into Taldryan. Immediately, her level of activity netted her 2nd place in the Orth Prison Break event.

In total, since Liandry's last recognition, she has participated in 74 competitions, organised 16, and Co-organised a further 4. Liandry has also passed 5 SA courses and earned two degrees!

In terms of competition awards, Liandry has won the following;

Crescent with Diamond Star x 1 Crescent with Ruby Star x 5 Crescent with Amethyst Star x 5 Crescent with Sapphire Star x 5 Crescent with Emerald Star x 5 Cluster of Fire x 116 Cluster of Ice x 27 Cluster of Graphite x 21

However, it is her time in leadership which I wish to focus one next. Liandry served as Plagueis Proconsul for 9 months, during which, she helped reorganise the Ascendant Fleet with new possessions and House structure (this was back when Tyranus was Plagueis' only House). She also Co-organised the PLA-COU feud, the Myrkr Crusade, organised the Expanding Horizons event, and Co-organised the House Tyranus opening event.

It is for these reasons that I am happy to recommend Liandry for a Sapphire Blade. Congratulations, Liandry!

High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson, 2022-01-21 14:58:36 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson
Primary reason

Two awards in two days. That's quite the thing. Liandry had 5986 Medal XP left over, which qualifies her for a Sapphire Blade! Yet another stabby!


High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson, 2023-03-01 08:06:00 UTC