Steel Cross events for Boss Ragnar Kul

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Since his promotion back in February, Zagro has continued to be a kickass member and leader here in Scholae Palatinae. He has been serving as Aedile in House Imperium, working with Dante to push the house forward. He has participated in 43 competitions, including 7 in the Red Fury CNS/CSP event. He has earned 6 crescents, 16 Clusters of Ice, 21 Clusters of Fire as well. For this awesome effort as both a leader and a member, I recommend he be awarded this Steel Cross.

Lord Idris Adenn, 2015-06-03 23:19:50 UTC
Additional reasons

Zagro Fenn, the handsome Hapan slicer, and Aedile of House Imperium. He continues to be a huge asset to our Clan, and now giving back in both a leadership and mentor role as he continues to grow into a great future leader in the DJB. Most recently helping mentor Drake Starfire to Dark Jedi Knight. There hasn't been a fiction submission of his I haven't enjoyed reading, and I expect his influence on CSP will continue as he only gets better at what he does. In the meantime, you have earned this Steel Cross my friend, congratulations.

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2015-06-03 23:05:17 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Zagro is on a whole other level when it comes to "down time". The last several months, Zagro has kept it in high gear as a member, putting many others to shame with his incredible activity. Participating in some 67 competitions, 5 PVP matches, 2 PVE matches, and almost 8400 words of fiction, Zagro defines what it means to be an active participant in the Brotherhood. This activity has earned him 4 Amethyst Stars, 7 Sapphire Stars, 10 Emerald Stars, 3 Topaz Stars, 2 Quartz Stars, 2 Pendants of Blood, 29 Clusters of Fire, 17 Clusters of Ice, and 3 Scrolls of Foundation.

For continuing to go above and beyond, I recommend Zagro be awarded this Steel Cross. Congratulations!

Lord Idris Adenn, 2016-04-02 01:22:25 UTC
Additional reasons

Zagro deserves this award in terms of sheer levels of activity alone. Furthermore, these have been constant over a very long period of time. Zagro almost always finds time to compete in my monthly topics, and the numbers alone go to show how high his activity levels are. 67 competitions is a colossal number and the Steel Cross is a fitting reward for Zagro after his terrific participation record over the past few months.


General Zentru'la, 2016-04-01 10:33:51 UTC

Zagro Fenn is a highly respected member, known for his high activity, a strong sense of competition and his leadership skills when mentoring or inspiring others. He recently stepped up as Battleteam Sergeant to assist Delak with Shadow Guard's backstory, member rotation and their progression into becoming a highly active team. So far their combined methods have worked and they are well on their way to becoming the best around.

Congratulations Fenn, drinks are on you!

Quaestor of House Imperium

Qor Kith, 2016-04-01 12:11:00 UTC

Zagro Fenn eats and sleeps competitions. His blistering rate of competition participation is unrivaled, and his podium finishes are quite numerous. In the world of competition, Zagro is slaying it. Xen described it best: “Zagro defines what it means to be an active participant in the Brotherhood.” I unequivocally agree with this statement and applaud the sheer magnitude of Zagro’s feats. As Sergeant of Shadow Guard moreover, he sets an excellent example for the rest of the battle team and house. This was especially apparent in the House Feud Subterfuge, where he participated in every competition. This effort towards activity is deserving of a Steel Cross.


Aedile of Imperium

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2016-04-01 21:58:20 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Primary reason

Mauro Wynter is someone who should require no introduction to our members. Having served at every rank from BTL up to Quaestor, he was a constant presence in House Satele Shan. It’s no exaggeration to say that Tython Squadron would neither exist or be half the success it proved to be without his constant wiki work and narrative control. The fact that he readily returned to the role of BTL after Shan and Hoth’s merger into Sunrider, and contributed significantly to several major decisions regarding its fleet, is a testament to his dedication. Proving to be one of the most vocal individuals in guiding our new direction, a significant portion of whatever follows for House Sunrider will ultimately be built upon his contributions.

Wynter’s work with our leadership alone would have made him worthy of this award, but he has rarely halted his activity at any point over the last several years. In the five months since his last recognition, he earned himself thirty-one Clusters of Graphite cross fifteen graphics competitions, along with winning two Crescents with Sapphire Stars and three Crescents with Emerald Stars. Furthermore, in the recent Great Jedi War, Wynter proved to be one of our most active members, participating in almost every single bin. All of this was capped off by organising and running four of his own competitions, all while also maintaining a six-month tenure as Magistrate to the Voice.

I hope that this Steel Cross makes a fine addition to your collection, Wynter. Clan Odan-Urr simply wouldn’t be the same without people like you in it.

Essik Lyccane
Aedile, House Sunrider

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2019-09-18 04:17:23 UTC
Additional reasons

In addition to the above, I want to recognize Mauro’s excellent work to get Tython Squadron back together. He reached out to each member of his old squadron and got them so excited the unit was revived back to life. This required major cheerleading and an infusion of his own personal energy, both of which worked magic. He even lent some of that energy to hype up Odan-Urr itself to get ready for the Great Jedi War and the new House Sunrider. This acts of community are not only amazing to see but essential for Clans. Thank you so very much for your community efforts and your help in reviving our beloved Tython Squadron. You’re the man!

Aura Ta’var
High Councillor, Odan-Urr

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2019-09-18 00:32:54 UTC

Since his last recognition and elevation to Equite 4, Mauro has served vigilantly as Magistrate to the Voice for the last 5 months. During this time, he has lead the Voice Staff with 135 character sheet approvals. This metric is of course not all-encompassing as it does not speak to the professionalism and attention to detail Mauro exhibits when working with not just approving Character Sheets, but helping members to get their sheets approved. Beyond this, he has helped with day-to-day conversations and reviews of existing policy and features. He helped proof read our teams revamp of the Character Sheet guidelines to be more user friendly, and also assisted with NPC administration and wikipedia article work in help with creating assets for the Severian Principate.

It has been a privilege to have him on my staff, and I know he will continue to excel in whatever he puts his mind to in the club. Great work.


Voice of the Brotherhood

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2019-09-18 03:10:01 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
Primary reason

Having known Mauro Wynter from both his time in Battleteam Deathwatch and in House Wren, I'm honestly astounded that it has almost been a year since his last Merit award.

Since his last Merit award in July last year, Mauro Wynter has participated in a total of sixty three competitions. Of which he has been awarded 2x Crescents with Sapphire Star , 2x Crescents with Emerald Star, 2x Crescents with Topaz Star, 1x Crescent with Quartz Star, 3 Clusters of Ice, 7 Clusters of Graphite and has written 3618 words of fiction. An impressive list indeed.

In the time that I've known him, Mauro Wynter has been an active member of Clan Vizsla, House Wren, Battleteam Deathwatch in both activity, and the Telegram chats and email.

I am honoured to award Mauro Wynter his fourth Steel Cross! Congratulations Mauro, you earned it!

Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson, 2020-04-01 17:49:57 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Hand of the Emperor Korvyn
Primary reason

Mauro has since his last recognition competed in 9 competitions. This has earned him 1 crescent, 37 clusters, and 8 seals of Transcendence. Congrats on your Steel Cross Mauro!

Hand of the Emperor Korvyn, 2024-01-15 21:37:51 UTC