Steel Cross events for Marcinius Turelles

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Adept Macron Goura Sadow
Primary reason

I would like to commend Daedric for his work on our revamped Warhost Army. He took the initiative after seeing a need for a comprehensive redesign and detailing out of the Warhost Army page. He began with a proposal that he ran by the Summit. We worked out the details. This included an NPC officer for every major position, logistics, unit design and layout... it was a massive project. The final draft was over 23 pages long! He took many hours to develop it- days, even. And Daedric didn't stop at that. He created the large wiki page and got it approved by the staff as well. During all this, he still participated in our development runon with well over 6,000 words written, entered other comps, and generally has been very supportive of the Clan overall across email and IRC communication. Daedric is a real gem. For his long, dedicated work on our nice new Warhost Army page, I would like to commend Daedric with a Steel Cross.

-Proconsul Macron

Adept Macron Goura Sadow, 2014-09-13 14:29:38 UTC
Additional reasons

A couple of weeks ago Daedric came to me and the rest of the summit with a proposal for a change to the Clan Naga Sadow ground forces Order of Battle, or Warhost Army. At the time we just had a list of numbers of how many we had of each unit type, copied from the Military Possessions Record.

He had taken that list and written up a nine page gdoc with a suggested setup for the army, this sparked a lengthy discussion among the summit, fifty or so emails, with suggestions for changes, instead of being dissuaded by this Daedric quickly reworked his initial proposal to include the suggestions that had been made and once again sent it to the summit, this time it ended up filling 21 pages.

Not only that but after some more discussion and final approval from the summit he took it upon himself to create the wiki article for the Warhost Army.

For showing such initiative and quick and excellent work I would like to reward Daedric with this Steel Cross. Congratulations Daedric.

Master Malik Sadow, 2014-09-11 23:17:57 UTC

When Daedric first came to the Summit about the War host proposal i was skeptical cause i felt like it was beating a dead dog at first. But after discussing the proposal and then seeing it first hand, i was very happy that he had done so. By doing so also revamped how our Dark Jedi will be incorporated with fictional NPC troopers. Due to his initiative and drive to help revamp the Clan fictional element he also sparked a drive to work on the wiki and even coded the Wiki for the War Host himself. Proving to be a very dedicated member in my eyes. Congrats Daedric you earned it buddy.

Obelisk Adherent John "Dragoon" Witwalker, 2014-09-12 09:51:03 UTC

I have to say I've been awed by the consistent reliability coming from this individual. Daedric has been amazing in his efforts of walking the Dark Path into becoming a Knight of the Brotherhood. But there's also his call to arms without being called. On his own he militarized our army in a impressive and easy to understand document. More impressively it was about 23 pages of work and he wikified it himself.

We always needed it done but had nobody with the expertise to do so. Daedric was quick with this massive workload while also doing his trials. Being an all around active Battleteam member and Apprentice, he has proven his dedication to the clan and to having fun doing what he is doing. Which is why we all joined and stayed.

Awesome work Apprentice I am very impressed with your tenacity.

Shirai Dupar, 2014-09-12 16:11:18 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Master Malik Sadow
Primary reason

Daedric has participated in ten competitions since his promotion and has placed in the top three in over half of them. Included in those ten are four events in round three of Fading Lights and three events in the recent Clan event, Vengeance.

Furthermore, following his creation of the Warhost Army setup and accompanying wiki article we had him do the same for the Navy which ended up with a several pages long googledoc and the Warhost Navy wiki article.

Your work ethic is excellent and Naga Sadow will continue to benefit from it. Thank you Daedric!

Master Malik Sadow, 2014-12-30 18:08:38 UTC