Steel Cross events for Omega Kira

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Primary reason

Omega has been a staple in Taldryan, and has grown steadily into his position as one of my trusted Lieutenants. More than that, Omega has taken to heart all of the lessons, and tenets with which I attempt to instill in the leadership of Taldryan, most notably the idea that personal activity is one of the most important factors in being a leader in the Dark Brotherhood.

It's been a little over 5 months since I last rewarded Omega for all of his hard work, and it honestly has never been something he has mentioned... which is another little bit about being a leader in the Brotherhood I like to see: it's not about the recognition, it's about the results... and Omega's results have been formidable.

Since he promotion he has been a force, both organizing and co-organizing 10 competitions, as well as participating in nearly 50. He continues to be active in gaming, earning over 320 gaming clusters, as well as having been active in his less preferred milieu of writing. Omega has taken to heart the lessons his Clan Summit have tried to teach him, and made the knowledge his own. He's truly becoming a leader that Taldryan, and the Brotherhood itself can be proud of.

As a token of my appreciation for all you do Omega, please accept this Steel Cross.

Dark Prophet Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, Consul of Clan Taldryan

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2015-08-24 16:49:02 UTC
Additional reasons

Omega's been a great Quaestor these past three months, and a wonderful Battletream Leader before that, having put out reports and run a number of competitions. Moreover, he's practicing what he preaches in leadership. He doesn't just tell the members of Dinaari to go participate in competitions - he actually does it himself. Since his last recognition in February, Omega is has participated in 45 competitions, organized/co-organized 10 more, earned 5 Crescents, one Pendant of Blood, 63 Clusters of Fire, 267 Clusters of Earth - and earned the Leadership Dark Maven. The leadership maven tells us something that we can see demonstration from Omega's behaviour - he's becoming a leader (not because he earned a Shadow Academy degree, but because of his competition creation and his overall participation in Brotherhood activities - the degree is just the piece of internet paper confirming it all). Congratulations, Omega!

Howlader Taldrya, 2015-08-24 16:47:44 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Rian Taldrya
Primary reason

Three years have passed since Omega has last been rewarded for his activities. One of Taldryan's top gamers, Omega has assumed a total of over thousand-four-hundred Clusters of Fire (1409 in total) and two-hundred-sixty Clusters of Earth along fifteen Pendants of Blood from one-hundred-twenty different Gaming Activities.

Omega has also collected a total of nine Crescents of different rarity (two Diamond, five Ruby, one Amethyst, and one Emerald) and one Seal of Fury from forty-three individual competitions.

Furthermore, he has taken the time to pass three Order Core Courses (Sith Order Core, Grey Jedi Order Core, and Jedi Order Core) at the Shadow Academy in addition to the Dark Maven Philosophy Degree.

Since his last recognition, Omega also received two Seals of Loyalty as an additional display for his continued dedication to the club.

For this constant level of activity, I am hereby rewarding Battlemaster Omega Kira with a Steel Cross. Congrats Omega, you earned it.

Rian Taldrya, 2020-02-15 22:50:55 UTC