Sapphire Blade events for Ghost Rulvak Qurroc

Sapphire Blade events
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Primary reason

When a member makes an enormous contribution to our club and leaves his mark on the community around him, it is an impressive feat. These individuals come along rarely and should be celebrated for their long-term commitment, tenacity, and consistency. I am honored to recommend Rulvak ‘Warp’ Qurroc for the Sapphire Blade for his holistic contributions to House Galeres, Clan Arcona, and the Gaming Community of the Brotherhood.

Since his last recognition, Warp has (co)Organized 25 competitions, participated in 89 competitions, recorded 26 PvP Matches, logged 327 PvE Activities, penned 1 Fiction Activity, and passed 1 Shadow Academy course. In that same time, he has collected 40 Crescents (9 Cr-D, 11 Cr-R, 10 Cr-A, 6 Cr-S, 3 Cr-E, 1 Cr-Q), 1 Pendant of Blood, 2688 Clusters of Fire, 2395 Clusters of Earth, and 1 Scroll of the Master (Knight Jake Blazer). In that same amount of time, he has served as the Battle Team Leader of the Nighthawk and consistently had participation rates ranging from 90%-100% each month on his 10 man team. While simultaneously training his new BTS (Shawnathan) to run competitions, write reports, and engage with members via e-mail & Telegram.

Warp represents a member archetype that every Clan desperately needs: insanely active, no ego. As a member, he rallies others and creates camaraderie through constant e-mail/report/TG communication. As a leader, he creates dynamic Clan-Wide content through Arcona Gaming Dominance (2 AGD’s since his last recognition; each averages 8 weeks with 16 competitions) which I will allow others to speak about. And he ran his first, major Brotherhood-wide competition for Destiny - a game where he continues to mold, shape, and enhance many member’s experiences. Each of these things independently make a great member. Together, this shows a member trying to better those around him, rally his Clan to dominate GMRG standings (every quarter for the past year), and improve the Brotherhood’s overall experience.

Thank you for the dedication and sacrifice, Warp. I truly appreciate what you do for me on a daily basis. And I know it cannot be easy to balance the demands on your time, but you always make us a priority. Congratulations on your first sacrificial blade!

Braecen Kaeth
Quaestor of Galeres

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2016-08-28 11:23:20 UTC
Additional reasons

In the years I’ve known Warp, I’ve found him to be a man of many talents. As Battleteam Leader of the Nighthawk, he has kept his members consistently engaged and active, supplying a slew of activities that leaves no one missing out on the opportunity to participate in the activities available to Dark Brotherhood members.

But one thing that Warp is passionate about is being a contributing member of the DB Gaming Community, and in that capacity, he has provided numerous competitions, not just for the Nighthawk, but for all of Arcona and the Dark Brotherhood itself to enjoy. I will let others speak about Warp’s contributions to the DB-wide Gaming Community. It is his impact on Arcona that I want to talk about today.

In every major DB-wide or Clan versus Clan event, there is one sphere of activity that always features in it, and those are the gaming competitions. With this in mind, Warp has created a series of competitions for his fellow members to participate in and sharpen their gaming skills at various platforms; Arcona Gaming Dominance.

The AGD event is a series of competitions that run for eight weeks and features various gaming platforms that is supported by the Dark Brotherhood in two parallel series, allowing our members to participate in virtually any platform they desire in the Free Play series of the competition; a Cluster Race in which all platforms are supported. The second series focuses specifically on various games for each week, oftentimes focusing on certain settings and modes that members might be weak in, other times favored settings in which fun is the ultimate goal.

The numbers speak for themselves. In AGD #1, there was a grand total of 17 participants, 16 competitions hosted, and 104 unique submissions! By any standard, this is an excellent outcome for a major Clan competition! AGD #2 is now under way, with 16 competitions currently set up!. I am very excited to see the results and everyone having fun with it! What I do know, though, is that due to his passion and ability to rally members, Clan Arcona continues to have over 2/3rds of the GMRG Top 9 each Quarter over the past Year.

A Sacrificial Blade is a recognition of one’s outstanding service to their Clan and/or to the Dark Brotherhood. For Rulvak ‘Warp’ Qurroc, it is in recognition for his hard work and passionate service for both Arcona and the Dark Brotherhood. And it is very well deserved! Congratulations, Warp! I look forward to seeing you reach even greater heights!

Larrik Dul’vak Aedile of Galeres

Larrik Dul'vak, 2016-08-28 11:20:31 UTC

When I first met Warp I didn’t know how much of an impact he would have on my day to day life. Another member I was playing Destiny with (Esca/Arcia) grabbed his friend so we could play one of the weekly strikes. My first impression was “damn, this guy is good.” Time passed on and he had helped us finish an incredible amount of activities. He finally joined the Brotherhood and even then I still underestimated him. I thought he would just be there so we could submit clusters and not really participate in much else. How wrong I truly was. While Warp is one of the best gamers, especially in shooters, that we’ve got in the Brotherhood he has shone as a leader and producer.

On top of nonstop Telegram activity and grooming his Battleteam for success he recently ran an extremely successful Destiny event which had 19 unique participants across 8 competitions. This was a great help to the Fist Office, because of it’s popularity and our ability to focus on promoting additional games.

Warp is one of the most patient and helpful guys you’ll ever play with. He’s always willing to help you accomplish your goals. Since he was last recognized he has completed a multitude of Raids, Strikes, Crucible matches, and other activities that don’t award clusters. He has impacted an astounding 29 members within the Brotherhood including: Sarin, Turel. Celahir, Dracaryis, Mako, myself, and many others. This adds up to hundreds of hours helping us all gear up, reach that next light level, improve our skills, or just have fun.

We can’t thank you enough for all your contributions, Warp. I’m honored to help add this Sapphire Blade to your plethora of medals. Congratulations!

Ernordeth Puer-Irae Praetor to the Fist

Ernordeth Puer-Irae, 2016-08-28 11:21:11 UTC

I don’t get to really chat with Warp much, don’t have too many chances to just sit down with the guy — but that’s not a bad thing. I don’t much chat with Warp because he’s always working on something. He’s always working to improve the gaming community and promote gaming activity somewhere and somehow. He’s not the type to be loud about this work, except to invite others to join him, participate, and find friends. He’s not the type to ask for or expect anything, except to see his fellow Brethren logging into Destiny or whatever other game, with their DJB gamer tag live, ready and raring to play and advertise our club. He’s the type of person who, at the end of the day, has quietly accomplished multitudes, whether it’s in bringing home Clusters, running his gaming competitions, or discussing specific gaming training and scheduled gaming nights in a thirty-something email chain. I don’t get to chat with Warp much, but when I do, it’s always to see him doing more of the same — good work, and dedicated work. We could ask for no more, and could give no less than is appropriate.

Congratulations on this Sacramental, my friend. And thank you.

Atyiru Caesura Entar

Consul of Clan Arcona

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2016-08-28 11:22:01 UTC

The Sapphire Blade is awarded to those who show long term commitment and loyalty to their unit. Warp does this in a quiet way, letting his actions and consistency speak for themselves. On paper, his statistics support everything you look for in both a leader and battleteam leader. His reports are always informative, on time, and thoughtful. Beyond that, he is an invaluable facet of some of the DB’s most popular platforms. As a fellow Destiny player, Warp is always the first person to offer a hand to any member looking to get into Destiny. This willingness to help others adds to his stellar activity record, and leads him to have an endearing and positive impact on the Brotherhood Gaming community on the whole. When you think of gaming in Arcona, Warp has been the poster child and forerunner. He leads by example, and encourages others around him to do the same. And that’s what you look for when awarding a Sacramental.

Congratulations, Warp. I’m so proud of how you’ve grown as a member and leader from the time you decided it would be cool to join this crazy club just to get credit for Destiny. You’ve become a big part of the unit, and the larger club, and I’m proud to serve alongside you in Clan Arcona as a classmate and friend.

Combat Master DB Gamer Scrub

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2016-08-28 11:23:00 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Primary reason

Rulvak is a staple member of Galeres and of Arcona. Leading constantly from that front with his activity and engagement among the Clan and the Gaming community. Since his last recognition, he has participated in 55 competitions (claiming 1 GN, 3 SN,1 BN, 5 CR-D, 7 CR-R, 1 CR-A), 5 Pendants of Blood, 1266 Clusters of Fire, 2071 Clusters of Earth, 8 Clusters of Ice and 16 Clusters of Graphite during the course of completing 39 PvP Activities and 212 PvE Activities with 4 fictions and 2251 words of Fiction alongside 4 RO Posts with 1687 words submitted.

Rulvak was one of only six members of his Clan to claim 100% participation during the Great Jedi War and tied his Consul for the most number of Novae earned within Arcona. For his tremendous efforts for Arcona we are proud to request a Sapphire Blade.

Uji Tameike Quaestoe of Galeres

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2017-12-17 05:11:10 UTC
Additional reasons

There isn’t much I feel I can say that hasn’t already been covered. Rulvak is one hell of a member. By far, he is helpful in the most auspicious of ways at the most random times, and he does so in a way that is often neither overt or obtrusive. He is a Galeres household name that, given his activity, should be an example for the ambitious to follow, and the unable to envy. I wholly support the recommendation of a Sapphire Blade for Rulvak, Galeres’ shining star.

Qyreia Arronen, 2017-12-16 14:27:26 UTC

Battlord Rulvak Qurroc has served as the Magistrate to the Grand Master for the past ten months. In that window he has served as an adviser, idea generator, and gaming guru. Rulvak's insight and comments have supported changes in gaming policy, changes in DB events (GJW), and changes in the manner in which I interact with our members.

Rulvak has also served as one of our few gaming leaders who has the capacity and ability to organize DJB wide raids in the games that he plays. This recently led to a DJB raid that generated fellowship and DJB activity.

Grats buddy!

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2017-12-16 15:51:59 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Vynn Salm
Primary reason

Placing reccomendation for Zoron

Vynn Salm, 2021-07-29 05:57:30 UTC
Additional reasons

While browsing through the Vizsla roster for recognition and awards, one thing that jumped out to me was the huge hole left by Warp transferring to the Rogues. That clued me in as well that, as commonly happens when members go rogue, Warp’s accomplishments had been missed for recognition.

Prior to Warp’s move to the Rogues, he was a steady leader in the club and the clan, serving as a Magistrate to the Fist for a term, thereby helping approve over 75 gaming submissions as well as running monthly competitions as part of the M:Fist mandate. Further to that, he held a position as Quaestor of House Wren for over a year since his last recognition for that. In that time, he co-organized Vizsla’s third Great Hunt competition which drew in 18 unique competitors from the clan. He produced 4 reports in that time frame as well. As was expected of Vizsla leaders, he lead from the front and

Beyond his formal leadership roles, Warp has earned regular praise for his willingness to help anyone and everyone participate in gaming. This is perfectly illustrated from numbers for 2020, showing that he led the club in PvE/PvO events submitted with the second-most unique participants. That alone shows that he is willing to play with a wide swath of other players and that he volunteers to step up to submit the score screens.

Looking to the hard activity numbers, let’s be honest - there’s basically no one who can compete with this guy. 80 competitions participated, placing in 44 of those. Yup, better than a 50% placement rate. 4 of those were Gold Novae along with a Bronze Nova! That also includes a 4th place overall in GJW XIV with 100% event completion.

As already alluded to, he participated in almost 270 gaming activities, earning 2769 Clusters of Earth, 782 Clusters of Fire, and 12 Pendants of Blood! Not just a man of action, he also completed 8 fiction activities and another 4 run-on posts for nearly 5,500 words of fiction and 15 Clusters of Ice. Add in as well another 27 Clusters of Graphite and you have a well-rounded participant. He also flexed his academic muscles, completing 11 courses too.

As such, I would like to present a Sapphire Blade to Warp for his efforts for the past year and a bit!

General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla, 2021-07-29 05:57:18 UTC