Steel Cross events for Scarlet Agna

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade
Primary reason

Scarlet has been slowly working her way back into CNS. After a brief period of almost no activity right before the summer, she has come back and shown that she has found her niche in the DJB. I am excited to see what else she will achieve and what she has to offer to the Clan. Scarlet has shown the dedication to help improve HSD and has already proven that she is an extremely reliable and valuable asset to the House, Clan and to the DJB! Thank you very much for helping and participating in the Kel Rasha event!

Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade, 2016-10-21 20:36:01 UTC
Additional reasons

The re-recruitment of Scarlet to Devil's Shroud is one of my proudest achievements since taking the helm of the Battleteam for a simple reason: she is a fantastic member to have in your troop. Since her last recognition just over two months ago, Scarlet participated in twenty-five competitions netting her one Crescent with Sapphire Star and one Crescent with Topaz. Her further activity in nineteen PvP and four PvP submissions brought in seventy-four Clusters of Fire, twelve Clusters of Earth and her graphics work was awarded with a magnificent twenty-two Clusters of Graphite! Oh, and she decided it would be fun to complete an SA course amid the fray!

Beyond just participating, Scarlet is a creator. Her artistic and creative contributions were critical to the planning and success of House Shar Dakhan's recent Leadership for Kel Rasha event, in which she also put in great effort as a participant. Namely, she produced the high quality images of both key NPCs featured in the competition: Maya Nikeisha and The Traveler.

Scarlet is one of the most positive presences in the TG room and displays model member behavior on a regular basis. She is a critical member of Naga Sadow and her return to Devil's Shroud spells wonderful things in the future.

Scarlet's efforts are not just for her own accolades, but for the enjoyment and entertainment of others and I cannot stress enough that this mentality and accomplishment is worth rewarding. I hereby recommend Scarlet for a Steel Cross. Congratulations!

Aul Celsus, 2016-10-21 15:59:03 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
Primary reason

Savant Scarlet Agna has been a member of this House since I first came over as Aedile. She is always a positive influence on us all and is one of the nicest folks you can meet. She has kept herself very busy over the last few months and she shall stand and be recognized. She recently has recruited a prior member back to active status and a new member to House Shar Dakhan. She has earned one second place finish, two third place and one fifth place finishes in Club wide graphic comps. She has participated in thirty seven comps and has earned 17 CLusters of Graphite, 1 Crescent w/Amethyst star, 1 Crescent w/Emerald star and three Crescents w/Sapphire star. She is a force to be reckoned with within the graphics community and a positive role model for the House. Savant Scarlet Agna is well deserving of this award.

Adept DarkHawk Sadow, 2020-02-25 00:02:52 UTC