Anteian Cross events for Magik

Anteian Cross events
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
Primary reason

Magik has shown some nice activity since his promotion to the rank of Knight.

If not on Telegram, you will often find Magik wandering the Halls of the Shadow Academy, expanding his knowledge. Since his last promotion he passed 16 SA-Courses and gained 2 Degrees, including one Dark Maven (Philosophy) and one Dark Savant (History & Lore). Well done!

Activity mostly takes the form of competitions, Magik participated in 32 miscellaneous competitions. He didn't just participate, but he managed to place in 8 of them as well. This resulted in one Ruby, two Amethyst, two Sapphire, one Emerald and two Topaz Crescents.

You've got a nice trophy case Magik. It pleases me to see you add this Anteian Cross to it.

Ranarr Kul-Tarentae, 2016-12-06 21:39:21 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Master Zsarion Bloodfyre
Primary reason

Since Magik was last promoted four months ago, he has continued his remarkable endeavor of attempting to provide competitions to both Clan and Brotherhood, as well as competing at his best. Magik submitted to at least seven events for the GJW, but has also organized one event, participated in a total of 18 events, passed six Shadow Academy courses and gained three degrees, two Crescents, two Clusters of Ice, and 17 Clusters of Fire. He continues to be very active on Telegram, and is committed to making Tarentum the best place possible. His last Merit award was just about one year ago, and I am proud to give him another.

Magik, you make Tarentum better and brighter (or darker, because -- you know, evil and all of that) and we are happy to have you as part of our family. You are never forgotten, or lost among the rosters, because you stand out among your peers. Your name is known within Tarentum, and you are well on your way to being one of the pillars of this Clan’s foundation.

Congratulations, my friend.

Master Zsarion Bloodfyre, 2017-12-11 17:18:49 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
Primary reason

Magik has only been with us in Arcona for the past few months, but it has been enough for him to have become part of the family. And he’s been earning his keep to boot! Since his last recognition, Magik had participated in 18 competitions, netting him 1 Crescent with an Amethyst Star. With 4 fiction activities equaling a total of 1,653 words of fiction, he had earned 3 Clusters of Ice. His activity also included a number of graphic entries that had squirreled away 18 Clusters of Graphite for the man. Magik has also gained 3 Shadow Academy degrees, illustrating his interest in expanding his learning.

Magik may be one of our more quiet members when not busy with real life, but he certainly has a supportive drive that all could stand to follow suite, even by a mere fraction. Out of the 18 competitions he had participated in, most had been for Arcona or ran by a fellow clan member. Magik had also organized 5 competitions of his own and almost on a consistent monthly basis as well! He promotes these consistently, demonstrating a dedication to his efforts and the club. Not only does his activity presents an enthusiasm for the djb, his personality is wonderful. Magik is always friendly, outgoing, and welcoming to others whenever the dove speaks. (Dove, because Magik tricks. Get it?)

It is my pleasure to award Sir Magik an Anteian Cross. Congratulations, Magik! It has been a wonderful time with you joining us, and I look forward to seeing where the stars guide you.


Quaestor of Qel-Droma, Arcona

Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna, 2018-05-19 09:04:12 UTC