There are very few things I’ve seen that can render me speechless. Nicolai “Rod” Rodell is now listed as one of those few things. From being a Protector to Dark Jedi Knight, he took the Antei Contract Bureau by storm. Not only did Rod do several consecutive contracts and nearly eight thousand words between them, he scored just shy of full marks on his first contract. That does not happen often. Not only that, he fought and clawed his way to the top against veterans that have been writing for years.
Yes, Rod won first place in the November-December Pilot of the Antei Contract Bureau. But, no, that is not all that he did. Rod jumped to SECOND PLACE in the overall standings in a series of competitions that begun in June!
Though, all of that pales in comparison to his contributions to Clan Arcona as a whole in his first ever Great Jedi War. He went beyond what is expected of your average Journeyman. Considering that he was promoted to Dark Jedi Knight in the midst of the war, most Journeyman would make you proud by doing half of the events, if that. No, Rod thrashed all expectations with perfect participation, three placements and a Silver Novae to boot!
For his tremendous efforts, I am more than honored to present Rod with this Anteian Cross.
You’ve more than earned the prize in this case, kiddo. Congratulations!
- Aedile, House Qel-Droma, Clan Arcona
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri, 2015-02-20 07:32:02 UTC