Anteian Cross events for Trideo Arkson

Anteian Cross events
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Governor Tierra Suha'sen
Primary reason

Since Suur became a Padawan, he has continued to prove himself as an active gamer in our Clan, and I wish to award him an Anteian Cross for his efforts in going beyond and above what is required of a Journeyman. He participated in 12 competitions, and has won himself 6 Pendants of Blood, 203 Clusters of Fire, 14 Clusters of Earth, 2 Clusters of Ice, and Crescents with a Sapphire, 2 Amethyst and 3 Ruby Stars. This is an exceptional effort, and I look forward to seeing more from him in the future. Congratulations, Suur!

Governor Tierra Suha'sen, 2015-07-09 00:36:44 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

Sometimes, a member reaches the coveted rank of Knight and tapers off; other times, they soar onward, earning accolades and rewards. I hope for this to be one such reward for Suur, because he sorely deserves it. Since joining KoA on June 29, 2015, the Pirate has settled well into his role on our team while becoming our most distinguished member of the Mercenary Order since it was released.

In his time here, Suur has achieved the rank of Knight, shortly before his Order change. He has also participated in thirteen competitions, earning himself a Crescent with Diamond Star, a Crescent with Ruby Star, three Crescents with Amethyst Stars, two Crescents with Sapphire Stars, and two Crescents with Quartz Stars. He has distinguished himself as a gamer as well, elevating himself to the rank of GMRG VIII and earning six Pendants of Blood, three hundred and four Clusters of Earth, and three hundred forty-three Clusters of Fire.

On the personal front, Suur is a friendly and approachable member who is not afraid to share advice, and also willing to take it when he needs to. In his time here he has fostered a desire to write more, seeking me out for better education in the art and practicing every chance he has; he has worked with other members to help them establish their characters, while developing his own into a swashbuckling corsair with a heart of gold - a treat to write, as he is to work with. Suur adds warmth and unity to this team, and backs it up with solid activity.

Overall, Suur is a fantastic member, and merits a Anteian Cross for his work so far. Congratulations!

-Liam Torun-Urr, KoA BTL

General Daniel Stephens, 2015-09-26 22:54:04 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Ghost Edgar Drachen
Primary reason

Trideo Arkson aka Suur has always been a solid member of House Hoth during big events and makes his presence known by participating in as many competitions as he can. In fact, since his last Merit award, he has participated in 40 competitions, earning himself 4 Crescents with Amethyst Stars, 2 Sapphire Stars, 2 Emerald Stars and 3 Topaz Stars. Not to mention his recent bout of activity netting him 34 Clusters of Fire and 98 Clusters of Earth.

Triedo definitely answered the call during the most recent Clan event Desperate Measures by participating in 7 of the events and also taking 2nd place in [COU] - Back to the Gaming Past.

It’s always a pleasure to see such a competitor bring his A game to any competition they submit to and I can’t wait to see what he will do in the next Great Jedi War. For now, I’m happy to award Suur with his 3rd Anteian Cross of his DJB career.

Keep up the great work!

Edgar Drachen, Quaestor of House Hoth

Ghost Edgar Drachen, 2017-06-08 17:31:42 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Primary reason

It is my pleasure to recommend that Trideo Arkson be granted an Anteian Cross for his activities for Odan-Urr. Since his last recognition, he has participated in 20 competitions, 5 PvE activities, and passed 1 SA course. During the course of these efforts, he has achieved 2 Crescents with Diamond Star, 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star, 2 Crescent with Sapphire Star, 5 Crescents with Emerald Star, 1 Pendant of Blood, 32 Clusters of Fire, and 2 Clusters of Earth. Thank you so much for the energy you’ve put into the club and your clan. Congratulations!

Aura Ta’var
High Councillor, Odan-Urr

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2019-09-16 01:43:04 UTC