Dark Cross events for Xenna Azara

Dark Cross events
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Frosty Romanae Tarentae
Primary reason

Xenna Azara is one of our up and rising stars, she is active not only through competitions and the Shadow Academy but on IRC and Telegram also. She has participated in a total of five competitions, of which the latest one is clan wide competition "Reanimated Chapter 3" in which she took a great second place. In addition to that she has earned two Pendants of Blood, two Crescents and seven Clusters of Earth. I look forward seeing her activity in the future.

It is my honor to award Acolyte Xenna Azara, this Dark Cross. Congratulations!


Battlelord Frosty Romanae Tarentae

Rollmaster of Tarentum

Frosty Romanae Tarentae, 2015-08-29 14:20:51 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

I would like to recognize the achievements of Xenna with a Dark Cross as she continues to advance towards the prestigious Equite Ranks. Her continued work ethic and participation mirror her growing personality and voice within the Clan. I am very thankful for both and hope this encourages her to continue this amazing trend of activity and social blossoming.

Since her last merit medal, Xenna has participated in 11 competitions, submitted 2 PvP Matches, collected three crescents (1 Cr-S, 1 Cr-E, 1 Cr-T), fifty six Clusters of Fire and five Clusters of Earth. What cannot be enumerated from a website database, though, is her growing presence in our House and Clan Chat and the positive contributions she has made as a member of Soulfire as they transition to a new team. Additionally, while not an approved format, it has been very rewarding to watch her passionately discuss Dark Souls 3 in Clan Chat and get others wrapped up in the fun. That - community - is what this is all about and I think I have finally seen that last piece click for Xenna. Congratulations, we are all so very proud!

Braecen Kaeth
Quaestor of Galeres

Zakath Agrona
Team Leader

Braecen Kaeth, 2016-04-20 23:33:42 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
General Ood Bnar
Primary reason

Since returning to us from the rogues in November, Xenna has been re-establishing herself in the Clan and the House. A sociable presence on Discord, she’s finding her bearings again after a year’s absence. Despite this, she’s already ranked up 3 times across the various societies.

Xenna, as I said in our last conversation: Welcome back and I hope to be able to write many more recommendations for you in the future! Enjoy this Dark Cross, you earned it!

General Ood Bnar, 2024-01-17 12:09:36 UTC