Character Snapshot (Moff Alethia Archenksova)

Character Snapshot for Commander Alethia Archenksova (2017/07/02, Commander Alethia Archenksova vs. Knight Revs)

Commander Alethia Archenksova

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Female Human, Loyalist, Director
Height: 1.69 m / 5'7" - Weight: 55.0 kg / 121 lbs
Age: 31 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Alethia doesn’t much look the part of a ruthless enforcer of government authority. Perhaps a bit too tall to be called dainty, she is nevertheless slender and fine-boned. Her movements are graceful and deliberate, owing to a youth spent in dance classes and finishing schools. Out of uniform, she’s anything but intimidating - but at work her icy demeanor and carefully cultivated aura of omniscience and control are enough to chill the blood of her close friends, to say nothing of her enemies.

Alethia has a generally cool complexion, with fair, even-toned skin. She has been dyeing her hair a silver color since her teens, although she has been known to freely change the color while under cover. Alethia keeps her hair about shoulder-length and usually wears it pulled back.

Alethia wears her uniform only around Satele Shan's base of operations and aboard its starships. Elsewhere, flowing gowns, billowing sleeves, and even cloaks serve both as decoration and distraction. Alethia spends a considerable portion of her pay having her outfits tailored to her exact specification. These modifications usually have more to do with form than function: tear away seams, concealed pockets, collar- or cuff-mounted comlinks, and in one case even a plastoid armor corset. Archenksova favors cool shades of blue, purple, and green; soft, light fabrics; and cuts that hint at or accentuate her figure rather than blatantly displaying it.

It's very rare to see Alethia without her hair and makeup in perfect order, and many wonder why a such a practical woman devotes such time and expense to cosmetics.

Loadout: Standard (Snapshot)
To Defeat the Enemy, You Must Know Them (General Aspect)

Information and intelligence have always been Alethia's favored tools, because they represent control. Her weaknesses are not really weaknesses unless an enemy discovers them, while knowing her opponent and feeding him false information allows her to completely control his movements. Thus information is an obsession for Alethia, and she constantly conducts espionage and fact-finding missions, even against her allies. While this usually pays impressive dividends, her need to know and be prepared occasionally raises the ire of her targets. In other cases, it causes her to put off action in favor of research. Those around Archenksova are never quite sure what she does and doesn't know, but it's usually more than they would like.

A Safe and Secure Society (General Aspect)

Alethia spent her entire adult life, before joining Odan-Urr, fighting for the New Order and, although the Empire itself may have failed her, she still hold to its ideals. She appreciates order and devotion to duty, believes the government and military have a central role in civilized society, and suspects that ‘democracy’ is just a euphemism for anarchy. Her belief that this is the only path to a peaceful life for the average citizen is so overwhelming that she has difficulty even grasping the concept that others disagree. Alethia expects unwavering loyalty, to Odan-Urr if not to her personally. Those who disappoint her find the consequences most unpleasant. This puts her at odds with many of her Clanmates, who view her idea of ‘a safe and secure society’ as a totalitarian dystopia, and worry about the extreme lengths she’ll resort to in order to build it.

Never Let Them See You Bleed (Personality Aspect)

Between her desire to control other's impressions of her, and the genuinely horrifying things she's seen and done over the years, Alethia has become generally unflappable. Most people who manage to impress her or shock her never even realize they've done so. This makes her an excellent gambler and gives her a great deal of personal satisfaction, and usually provides more comfort than frustration to those under her command. Genuine expressions of fear, disgust, or horror tend to be dismissed by those familiar with her as bluffs or attempts at humor.

There Is No Civility, Only Politics (Personality Aspect)

A naturally gregarious woman who was raised for life as a socialite, Alethia has an almost instinctive understanding of etiquette and can be exceptionally charming if she’s in the fight frame of mind. However, years of deceit and paranoia prevent her from lowering her guard enough to truly connect to people. Alethia has many superficial friends, but hardly any that she really trusts. Moreover, this charm vanishes when she’s ‘at work,’ and for every barfly or dance partner who’ll tell you how sweet she is, there are two SeNet operatives who will grow pale at the mere mention of ‘Major Archenksova.’

The Architects Of Their Own Destruction (Combat Aspect)

Alethia is hardly the galaxy's deadliest warrior, and she's certainly no Jedi or Sith. While she's competent in several forms of combat, she realized a long time ago that her training is simply insufficient for a fair fight against most of her enemies: so she cheats. An abundance of grace and cunning, charm, stealth, surprise, unusual weaponry, and a thorough understanding of her enemy can prove every bit as deadly as a Sith's lightsaber or a sniper's blaster. In combat, Alethia steers her opponent into hazards and does whatever she can to lure him into situations that turn his strengths into weaknesses. Ideally, she will attack her enemy in a way that he won't recognize until the damage is done. Unfortunately, this only works in situations where she is able to move freely and control the initiative of the fight.

Do Not Hesitate, Show No Mercy (Combat Aspect)

Many Jedi and their allies seek to preserve life even when their own is under threat. They use their abilities only for defense, never attack. Alethia is not one of them. Like Tarkin, she believes that winning this battle isn’t enough; the only way to protect yourself is to win every battle by taking away your enemy’s will to ever oppose you again. She doesn’t care about elegance, technique, or fairness in combat. Her only concern is finding a way to crush any resistance as efficiently as possible. Consequently, she fixates on destroying her enemy and is loath to withdraw and negotiate a peaceful settlement, even if it would be more beneficial to her or her allies.

Skill Feats
Assess The Situation Go Ahead, Make My Day Classic Misdirection The Hand Is Quicker Sociopath Pulling. It. Off. Sleeping Rancor Disarming Smile
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Checkmate II Silver Tongue II Human: Just Another Face Human: Eye Of The Tiger Order Feat: Loyalist
  • Basic
  • Fine and Performing Arts of the Galactic Empire
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Mandalorian Core
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Weapon Specialization None
Secondary Weapon Specialization None
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None