Emerald Dagger events for Dr. Rhylance

Emerald Dagger events
Event ID
Emerald Dagger
Non-site XP
1500 XP
Requested by
Moff Alethia Archenksova
Primary reason

In addition to his extensive work for and activity in Arcona and the club at large, as detailed by his clan summit below, Eleceos has been one of my most reliable staffers in renovating the Shadow Academy. Eleceos was the sole author on Personal Starships, developing 2500 words of course notes as well as the exam. After developing the framework for Personal Starships, he created the course notes for the sister course, Personal Speeders, addressing land vehicles.

Even though the Possessions system launched almost seven years ago and starships received a special upgrade system three years ago, until recently the SA effectively ignored how member-owned starships work in the Brotherhood. What we had instead was, judging by my PMs, some of the most widely feared courses in our catalogue. Although we're still working on migrating those from the course catalogue to the wiki, Eleceos' work already provides members with a clear and comprehensive guide to how to realize their dream of having their own X-Wing.

Additionally, Eleceos was one of the very few HM staffers who has stepped up to help with grading any courses the professors haven't taken care of within 16 hours of submission. This has been a big help in ensuring we maintain our standard turnaround of under 24 hours.

Thank you for all your hard work and congratulations on your first case of ED!

Alethia Archenksova

Moff Alethia Archenksova, 2023-08-23 20:06:57 UTC
Additional reasons

Eleceos, also known by his aloof Chiss doctor's name Rhylance or just Rhy, has been hard at work since his last award back in February. So get ready for some stats mixed with blind Miraluka jokes and blue doctor cracks.

Since that last award of his, our resident blind bowman (whoever let him have that thing needs to get their head examined) participated in 227 competitions (bumped to 257 if we count ze containers and brackets) and organized an additional 27. Of those, he placed in 170, an impressive 66% placement rate. Seems the science Chiss found the formula to all those puzzles he was churning through. His next biggest activity though is fiction, cranking out shy of sixteen thousand words (specifically 15,831 words) across 4 fictions, 9 participant roleplays, and 3 roleplays as the DM, earning him 32 Clusters of Ice. He's also an avid gamer, collecting 234 Clusters of Earth from a whole bunch of Cards Against Humanity, where we can only assume he channels his inner Rhylance and associated questionable ethics. Because it's the ones that are karked in the head that win that game. Eleceos also found quite the niche in the art world between at the art comps he participates in (earning 66 Clusters of Graphite) in addition to the stuff that he simply does for fun. Though we don't know how he sees any of it through his blindfold. Hell, he's even managed with this busy schedule to pass 3 courses and knock off a Shadow Academy degree in the process.

Now his bosses will touch on the particular deets, but just for moar numbers purposes, it's worth mention that Rhy's also kept busy as Magistrate to both the Headmaster's and Fist offices, grading exams for the former and running games for the latter. His work for the Headmaster has specifically earned him 3 Scrolls of Foundation in addition to his course creation and curation work (more on that from our resident HM). But with all this said, it stands to reason that Eleceos hasn't been blind to the goings on in Arcona and the club. He's been tap-tapping away in Discord on the regular, conversing and sharing art in equal measure when he's not busy competing or magistrating (which my holonet says isn't a word, but he's the science Chiss, not the spelling Chiss; he won't even notice).

But truly, Rhy has continued to remain ever-present in the Brotherhood and Arcona since stepping down from his Consul spot rather than going into full retirement mode. And that's something we notice, appreciate, and couldn't do without. So while I've injected mostly just numbers for our doctor, hopefully it won't make him blue-da-ba-dee. Congrats Rhy! Thank you for everything and keep up the awesomeness.

Qyreia Arronen
Consul, Clan Arcona

Qyreia Arronen, 2023-08-23 18:43:19 UTC

Ele, Rhy, or whatever he may go by, is one of the constants of our community, always participating, reaching for new goals and new numbers, and always happy to help and mentor his fellow members, including his current apprentice. He's quick to offer an ear or hug, enjoys developing fictional assets, running competitions, coming up with personal benchmarks and cheering others on to their own goals in Societies and Rankings, and he's always sharing, as Q mentions, not only his art skills but his time. He'll offer to make character images or Possessions portraits for other members at the drop of a hat, and has done several full color pieces for his clan mates and brethren out of kindness alone, including Sagitta's ship most recently. It's hard to say if there's a day that goes by where he doesn't do something, even if we'd hope he gets some rest.

I know it won't be long before you're attaining new heights, cousin, so until then, know we appreciate and see all you do, and that you are worth beyond measure. Enjoy this emerald stabby.

Proconsul, Clan Arcona

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2023-08-23 19:30:23 UTC
Event ID
Emerald Dagger
Non-site XP
8175 XP
Requested by
Bale Andros
Primary reason

Aiden has worked as Magistrate to the Herald only for a short three months, yet in that time, they made themselves an indispensable part of the team. Working alone, they have completed 1 solo robe, 9 accessories, 1 regular warbanner, 1 custom warbanner, 8 basic possession items, 1 custom graphic, and approved 8 avatar requests. In addition, they collaborated with fellow staff members to create 2 more custom robes and 1 custom weapon. Their work has generated a total of 84 unique images. His crowning achievement was his brilliant contributions to the June Accessories release. He took my idea, ran with it, and made it better. It was his idea to create accessories for clan titleholders and he brought it to fruition with talent and enthusiasm. The results speak for themselves.

Aiden, thank you. No task is too big or too small, and I am immensely grateful for your continued involvement. You are always ready to take on a good challenge and I truly appreciate your entrepreneurial spirit. You’re a hard worker. You take initiative. You’re friendly and helpful. You’re downright relentless in your pursuit of improvement and I find that invigorating.

The crazy part? I speak only for the Herald’s office. Your level of activity beyond our tight-knit team is just as impressive. I’ll let your Consul list your achievements, but color me impressed.

Congratulations on your Emerald Dagger, my friend. Here is to many more artistic projects!


Bale Andros, 2024-07-04 00:09:20 UTC
Additional reasons

Aiden's work is far from limited to his activity in the Herald's office. He remains a bright, active member of Arcona, offering help and advice and being available for when it's needed. Just recently, I released the return of the monthly credit allowance for the Houses. There was around a 2 year gap since the last one had been performed and the number lost in a report back then presumedly. Awarding the houses their missed cash, as well as having the structure from before to continue the credit pull was only really doable thanks to Aiden retrieving the spreadsheet for us and training me on how to use it. It was only a few hours of effort total but it was one that allows our Houses to progress toward goals in a fresh way for many of our newer members. He's an active voice to us all and I can't speak to how reliable, kind and industrious he is.

He's also been a busy bee on the site with, drumroll...

355 competitions participated in since March, only 53 of which containers, collecting himself a total 285 Crescents, 94 of Diamond Star, 74 Ruby, 62 Amethyst, 27 Sapphire, 18 Emerald, 10 Topaz and 2 Quartz. He's also earned 114 Clusters of Graphite, 25 Clusters of Ice from 10 Fiction activities, 50 Clusters of Fire from 12 gaming activities, 1 Dark Side Scroll, 1 Seal of Loyalty and 14 Scrolls of Foundation. This is probably something to do with the *54 * SA courses he's graded, passing one himself during this time.

Aiden has also hit the ACC, finishing a battle of his own with 2320 words as well as judging 3 others. In total, he's earned 3,101,260 credits for Clan Arcona.

As I stated above though, these numbers are nothing in comparison to who Aiden is and what he pushes himself to do beyond site metrics. It's a pleasure to see him set his mind to something, and all I can say is thank you. Keep being you, and enjoy the newest stabby for your collection. It's more than earned.

Envoy Zuza Lottson, 2024-06-26 19:05:56 UTC

For a long time, I was fidgeting with the idea of asking Aiden for a help with an item that I wanted to incorporate into a roleplay I would like to DM. I am a very visual person and wanted to have an item to enjoy, have the players be excited about it, and add it to the wikipedia when the mission is over.

Aiden did not hesitate and immediately went to work, showing me sketches along the way! I wanted a simple music box but this man right here, went above and beyond by adding Sith Runes, Sith Symbols, and Writings! I really cannot wait to get better so I can have it in a roleplay and finally show it off like it deserves to be!

Thank you so much Aiden for making an item for a roleplay. Doesn't seem like much to others, but it's a huge deal for a visual person like me.

Sofila "Spicy" Douve Armis, 2024-06-27 22:19:39 UTC
Event ID
Emerald Dagger
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Lord Dacien Victae
Primary reason

Rhylance has been absurdly active in competitions since his last medal, competing in 374 and winning 159 Diamond Crescents and 72 Ruby plus dozens of other crescents. He's also earned an impressive 158 Clusters of Graphite. He's been active in the ACC as both a participant and as a judge, and took part in seven RP sessions. Congrats!

Lord Dacien Victae, 2025-02-12 13:29:46 UTC