Steel Cross events for Qyreia Arronen

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade
Primary reason

If Qyreia Arronen isn’t an example of a motivated member then I don’t know what is. Qyreia has blown everyone away, proving that he is a force to be reckoned with and an invaluable member to Naga Sadow.

Let’s start off with his amazing effort in the December Episode VII competitions. Placing first in the overall competition. The versatility Qyreia has shown here only creates an image of pure awesomeness as he lets everyone know what a multi-talented guy he is.

Since his last recognition on December 26th, 2015, Qyreia has participated in twenty-two competitions and placed in fourteen of them. This has earned him five Diamond Crescents, two Ruby Crescents, four Amethyst Crescents, one Sapphire Crescent and two Emerald Crescents. He even found the time to organize a poetry competition for the Clan, which had seven submissions.

Furthermore, he has been sighted on the gaming fields. In five PvP matches and five PvE matches he has earned himself two-hundred and fifty-one Clusters of Fire and thirty-three Clusters of Ice. Rounding off his gaming superiority with one Pendant of Blood.

Taking a break from stomping other people in games, he has visited the Shadow Academy and completed four courses and earning himself one degree whilst also participating in seven fiction activities writing a staggering total of thirteen-thousand four-hundred and nine (13409) words. Qyreia has also participated in Clan Run-Ons, posting three times for a total of one-thousand eight-hundred and five words (1805).

This all during his time as Battleteam Sergeant for Devil’s Shroud for the duration of one month, and stepping up as an impressive Battleteam Leader for another month posting his first report as BTL in January, 2016. In this report Qyreia made an excellent impression not only to the rest of the Summit, but also for his members. I look forward to his further endeavors and plans he has for Devil's Shroud.

I hope you continue to impress us in this way and encouraging your fellow peers to increased forms of activity as a Battleteam Leader! Well done Q.

Quaestor of House Shar Dakhan

Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade, 2016-02-26 12:06:03 UTC
Additional reasons

What is there to say about Qyreia's activity that hasn't already been said? There are few members I can look to who (at such a relatively young rank) have made their way to the front page of the DJB and been recognized by the Grand Master for their exemplary achievements.

Since presiding over Q's launch through the ranks he has always been my go-to member when I look at activity. It would be unfair to attempt to use Q's results as a measuring stick for others, as the bar has been set by Qyreia to such a level that it becomes downright ridiculous. Having placed in the top three for five of the Episode VII competitions, with three first place finishes, Q managed to attain first overall and all the recognition (and infamy) that goes with it. Beyond that, this Professional continues to place in event after event within Clan Naga Sadow itself, and the Brotherhood at large, having earned fourteen Crescents out of a potential twenty-two competitions.

The sheer level of activity, Telegram presence, and results speak for themselves and I am honoured to recommend Qyreia for the merit to recognize those accomplishments.

Quaestor Emeritus of Shar Dakhan

Darth Renatus, 2016-02-26 11:42:08 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade
Primary reason

Qyreia participated in twelve of the seventeen CNS/CSP Feud competitions, placing in two of them as first and second place for which he received a Diamond and a Ruby Crescent, whilst earning a respective 4th and 7th place once and 10th place twice. What makes this remarkable is that Q was preparing for Ranger school and making a document to help his replacement BTL once he announced he was stepping down. With the limited time available to Qyreia our lovable Zeltron managed to still get in quality entries and help support CNS in the Feud. I want to personally thank you for the effort you put into this, despite having other more pressing matters that required your attention.

More importantly though, Qyreia managed to complete the long awaited Myrmidon wiki page. The new headquarters for Devil's Shroud is finally finished and the new city is a welcome addition to the domain of House Shar Dakhan. This project spanned two previous BTL's and a BTS. Whilst not all credit can go to Q here for the idea and work, I feel that he is most deserving of the recognition since he actually put in the final effort to finish it and upload it to the wiki. He also spearheaded a Run-On in order to get the members to contribute to the growth of the new HQ, and explore some of it's background. He has finally given Devil's Shroud a home once again. I feel confident that Myrmidon will stand tall for years to come.

As your final act as BTL this is a most distinguished way to leave the team behind, and you will be remembered for your hard work and service in Devil's Shroud during your six month tenure as it's leader. You have definitely made a lasting mark with the completion of this long awaited project!

Besides the above mentioned twelve competitions Q has participated in, he has done another ten and placed in three of them, earning himself another Diamond, Ruby and Emerald Crescent. So in total since his last recognition, Qyreia has participated in a total of twenty-two competitions and placed in five of them! Q has further earned four CF for one PvP match and 27 CI for 11475 words of fiction running across six fiction activities.

Qyreia Arronen, whilst we had a rough start I am extremely happy to have seen you grow and develop this past half year in the DJB. Being BTL is not always easy or fun, but you stuck through it thick and thin, and tackling the project no one else wanted to complete. I hope this award shows how thankful I am for your time and service within the Summit! I hope to see you continue to rock the DJB just as you have before!

Quaestor of Shar Dakhan

Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade, 2016-08-09 23:01:57 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade
Primary reason

Qyreia makes me do much work. Every time I go to check member activity, Qyreia tends to have done what all my other members have done combined. It should come as no surprise that Q has definitly earned this medal for his outstanding efforts and hard work in the past months since his last recognition. I dread the day he actually does leave us to complete his ranger training. Those months will be a dark hole in my heart. Q-man, keep your head high and continue to smash skulls and the keyboard with your outstanding fiction entries!

Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade, 2016-10-21 20:36:07 UTC
Additional reasons

Q-ball is a phenom. Since his last recognition a little over two months ago, Qyreia has participated in thirteen competitions netting two Crescent with Diamond Stars, two Crescents with Ruby Stars and two Crescents with Amethyst Stars with an amazing nearly fifty-percent success rate! In addition, Qyreia brought in twenty-one Clusters of Fire and three Clusters of Graphite and won an ACC match. What is simply astonishing to me is this: Qyreia brought in seventy-eight Clusters of Ice within five Fiction activities by writing an incredible thirty-three-thousand-four-hundred-and-three words! Does he ever stop writing?

Not just looking out for himself, Qyreia also organized one competition and is a regular, positive presence in the Telegram rooms. His map of Myrmidon, which won him a competition, is now proudly displayed on the Wiki.

Thank you, Qyreia, for being an exemplary member. Your efforts do not go unnoticed by your summits, nor your peers.

For his top-tier level of activity, I wholeheartedly recommend Qyreia be awarded a Steel Cross. Congratulations, Q!

Aul Celsus, 2016-10-21 15:56:18 UTC