Dark Cross events for Akaarn Tayl'cor

Dark Cross events
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Headmistress Alethia Archenksova
Primary reason

Talented artists are always in high demand and short supply, so it’s always a thrill to see someone like Akaarn come in and nab crescents for Odan-Urr. He’s participated in 7 competitions since joining us, and won 2 Ruby Crescents from them. More specifically, Akaarn submitted to the prologue and both phases of our recent feud with Plagueis. Additionally, he’s passed 3 SA exams. Akaarn is also a welcome presence in the Clan’s Telegram channel, becoming something of a fixture there in recent weeks. For these reasons, I recommend that he be awarded a Dark Cross. I know this is only scratching the surface of what he’s capable of, and I look forward to seeing him earn many more awards in the future.

Alethia Archenksova
Aedile, Satele Shan

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 2016-05-01 18:35:48 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Headmistress Alethia Archenksova
Primary reason

Akaarn is a bit unusual among DB members in that he neither writes for the Club nor games with it. Despite that, he still manages to be one of the cornerstones of Satele Shan. Since his last recognition, he's participated in 15 competitions, including two each during the two most recent Clan events. He's also taken home 2 Crescents with Amethyst Stars and 2 Crescents with Emerald Stars in victory. Akaarn remains a fixture on both the Clan and House Telegram channels where he is a friendly and engaging presence.

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 2016-10-05 19:02:32 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Mauro Wynter
Primary reason

Akaarn has been increasingly active since the GJW and has amassed a considerable amount of activity. Akaarn has participated in 18 competitions, and was a major factor in the recent House Satele Shan event, Shadow of the Kesaret. For his efforts he has earned 4 crescents and has been reaching out and engaging other members of the House, specifically in coop writing as part of the Kesaret event and being active in House communications. Congratulations Akaarn!

Mauro Wynter, 2018-04-06 22:13:34 UTC