Character Snapshot (Aul Celsus)

Character Snapshot for Ranger Gen Solari (2018/04/17, Vanguard Aurora "Aura" Ta'var vs. Ranger Gen Solari)

Ranger Gen Solari

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Human, Jedi, Shadow, Consular
Height: 1.85 m / 6'1" - Weight: 95.0 kg / 209 lbs
Age: 41 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Gen Solari is a tall, lean human with broad, rope-like muscles laboriously crafted by many hours of repeated practice in the traditional martial arts of his homeworld. Gen's fists are dense and stone-like, with knuckles that have been hardened and calloused by thousands of hours of conditioning against striking posts. His light skin tone is contrasted by the dark brown of his carefully groomed medium-length hair and closely trimmed beard, though some streaks of gray are beginning to betray his age. His dark brown eyes are thoughtful and calm when idle, but become expressively agressive in combat, with his brow narrowing to a tight crease set between his eyes.

Loadout: Sen Sen No Sen (Snapshot)
We’ll Break Their Legs (General Aspect)

Gen Solari can be very protective, and when any of his friends are being bullied or threatened, he will step in to defend them. This can gets Gen Solari in trouble when he refuses to back down during these exchanges, and sometimes has trouble discerning between friendly teasing and intentional insults. However, because of this fierce loyalty, his friends know that no matter what, Gen Solari will be there for them.

We Must Protect This House! (General Aspect)

Gen Solari is devoutly loyal to his House or Clan and will follow orders unquestionably. He would sacrifice his own life to protect his House or Clan from harm. This attitude, however, often clouds his ability to see things from an arbitrary or objective point of view and he can come off as extremely narrow-minded.

I Am Selfless (Personality Aspect)

The Jedi are selfless, caring only about others. Gen Solari is compassionate, brave and always strives to represent the common good. He tries to help everyone he can, even at his own expense, and is a fine role model for others to follow.

Easy Going 'Till the Fight Starts (Personality Aspect)

While generally laid back and more than happy to offer a quip of sarcasm, Gen Solari's entire demeanor changes once combat begins. He becomes focused and quiet, with his smile replaced with a look of grim determination.

Tonight, We Dine in Hell! (Combat Aspect)

Gen Solari possesses a single minded drive for victory, and a deep-seated martyr complex. When presented with a chance to wade into battle versus overwhelming odds, Gen Solari does not hesitate, and instead rushes in, relying on skill, fate or chance to let him survive.

Duelist (Combat Aspect)

Through careful study and dedication to isolated martial-combat, Gen Solari has turned the act of dueling into an art form. A keen eye and attention to detail allows him the ability to learn their opponent's idiosyncrasies while fighting. Gen Solari then uses his own skills to capitalize on the opponent's weakness. Because of this calculated approach to isolated duels, Gen Solari has a harder time taking on multiple opponents at once at higher skill levels.

Skill Feats
Droid Whisperer Lightning Reflexes
Force Feats
Blinded By The Light Enhanced Sight I Reflexive Counter
Granted Feats
Ghosting II Faceless II Order Feat: Jedi Human: Eye Of The Tiger Human: Just Another Face
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Broken Gate
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form VI (Niman)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None