Dark Cross events for Janos Breaker

Dark Cross events
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade
Primary reason

Janos Braker has done an excellent job during Operation: Firestorm, his attitude towards the Clan wide Run-On was one of determination and great fervor as he jumped in headfirst into his first ever fiction event. As a new member these things can be daunting and sometimes confusing. Having to go through so much information in so little time and in a high tempo, he has taken a great leap forward in the Club. Janos gave it his best shot and in the joint Run-On he even placed 4th, with 614 words written.

For being a member of little over a month, the positive thinking and hands on attitude of Janos should be rewarded. If he can catch on to something as wide-scale as a Clan Run-On in just a few days and write 3899 words for it, I really look forward to how he will continue to grow within the Clan!

Congratz on your first Merit medal, Janos Braker!

Quaestor of Shar Dakhan

Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade, 2016-04-12 19:12:55 UTC