Character Snapshot (Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna)

Character Snapshot for Savant Zujenia (2019/02/05, Seer Aiden Lee Deshra vs. Savant Zujenia)

Savant Zujenia

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Female Ryn, Force Disciple, Defender
Height: 1.63 m / 5'4" - Weight: 69.4 kg / 153 lbs
Age: 25 years - Left Handed
Physical Description


At first glance, this young woman looks just like any other normal Human and a second pass may cause thoughts of a Near-Human lineage. Her tan skin is washed with a blue undertone that meshes with aegean birthmarks speckled across her left shoulder and right hip. Her wild, shoulder-length, white hair contrasts against her skin and is usually tied up in a partial up-do with a small decorative metal band incorporated within. Her dark amber eyes are separated on her oval-shaped face by a round Human-like nose, a small chitinous diamond composing its tip — one of the few Ryn traits visible at most times. Zujenia’s pear shape body is well tone despite her stockier appearance. The hybrid lacks the fur of her heritage, the genotype manifesting as thicker body hair. But what truly gives away her heritage is her short, sandy-brown prehensile tail, about two feet long, that cannot hold an item much larger than a small vial.

Distinguishable Markings

Besides her birthmarks and obvious Ryn traits, Zujenia has a few notable marks on her. On the back of her left hand is a collection of knotted, thorned vines tattooed with the word ‘Hybrid’ inside, reading 'Hybrid and Proud' when matched with its counterpart on her former master, Atyiru. The half-Ryn has a second tattoo, a stylized upper set of fangs with three crimson blood drops beneath the right tooth, the symbol of the Crimson Hounds gang. Lastly, Zujenia has a lightsaber width scar on her abdomen. The circular jagged mat of lines has inked on top of it, in matching color, the abstract symbol of the White Lotus — hidden in plain sight.

Loadout: The Usual Attire (Snapshot)
Ryn Proud Since 14 ABY (General Aspect)

Although born a half-breed, Zujenia’s soul has sung the song of the Ryn. She had fallen in love with their culture, tales, and strength. However, she had also developed an acute awareness of society's prejudice towards Ryn and other lowly-casted species through witnessing and experiencing their adversities herself. Because of this, to avoid unwanted conflict and to frankly survive in the Brotherhood, Zujenia had hidden away most of her Ryn-ish traits, something she now resolves to no longer deny herself of or be ashamed of, freeing her tail and herself. This leaves her open to the same adversities as before, but she will be loud in her defense of her people and of others who had been slotted their niche in life by species and classes deemed above them.

Blasters Make Great Splints (General Aspect)

Growing up in a household where the kitchen was used as an emergency med bay about as much as it was for actual cooking, Zujenia had picked up first aid fairly well: how to stanch bleeding, immobilize a broken limb, resuscitate, and so on, often with very creative and unorthodox use of supplies, from household junk to battlefield debris. It makes her a useful aid in the field to medics and a support to her comrades. However, Zujenia lacks any further knowledge in medicine. She would be clueless in the surgical field and with illnesses. She’ll leave that to the professionals.

Treading On Vipers (Personality Aspect)

The galaxy is a dark and violent place — despite Zujenia’s belief there’s some good in it — and she’s aware of that. As a coping method to hyperalertness birthed from built up traumatic stress in her life, the half-Ryn has developed a set of routines to help stay alive and return home each day. From assessing exits while traveling the streets to entering a room, or counting down a hypothetical time for completing a task, these behaviors are many and typically subtle to all but those with a trained eye to such. Yet, her thoroughness can dictate certain aspects of her leadership as she influences others with her sincerity and responsibility to their safety. Her high Perception and Precognition certainly proves helpful in the field. However, there is such thing as over stimulation and Zujenia can miss important details and dangers through the sheer amount of information she tries to keep track of, sometimes paralyzing her.

Threads Of Silver In My Burrow (Personality Aspect)

Whether Zujenia is aware of it or not, she tends to seek stability for herself and for others. She quietly establishes standards of expectations in her home, with her comrades, and in the community through example, the half-Ryn utilizing her Perception, Empathy, Resolve, and other notable mental skills to influence conformity. She takes care to be seen as dependable, benevolent, and respectable; and rarely happy leading others down an uncertain path. This behavior is spurred from anxiety as she acknowledges that many things are out of her control. Sureness is her safety net, and home and relationships are the threads that she builds it on. Unfortunately, once Zujenia sets a ‘fact’ in stone, she often falls oblivious to any unraveling of it, leaving her prone to being blindsided by events or betrayals. And if she does take notice? Well, ignoring the problem solves it, yes?

Lotus Snaps: Stahp That (Combat Aspect)

Zujenia has learned that the Force, while harnessable for good, is dangerous and those who utilize it equally so. In order to protect those she fights for and her comrades, she is hyper-focused on combating other Force-users with whatever means she can. This includes her improved Suppression skills, remastered Barrier, martial skills with her bo-rifle, or various supportive Force-fueled actions aimed towards her allies or wards. However, much as Zujenia tries to aid others, her tendency to embed herself in the front lines of combat often leaves her wide open when she turns to help or causes her to be delayed in assisting. Similarly, her reluctance to resort to lethal measures may leave the threat lingering longer than a swift killing strike would, prolonging the encounter.

Momma Said Knock You Out (Combat Aspect)

Versatility is something that had been drilled into Zujenia through training and actions more than words. Her ex-combat medic of a mother had taught the halfling to not only shoot a gun, but to utilize one equally as a club and bayonet. She still prefers this technique and, with the unfortunate destruction of her rifle, has mixed them with her electrostaff skills when utilizing her new bo-rifle. This makes her a combatant to watch out for in both close and ranged encounters. While one may think they have the advantage when engaging a shooter in close quarters, they would quickly find themselves facing a determined and practiced half-Ryn swinging and jabbing right back. However, Zujenia finds herself at a disadvantage when she transitions to and activates her weapon’s electrostaff mode — leaving her wide open to any opponent’s well-placed and timed attack.

Skill Feats
Cry No More Pistol-cuffs To The Pain
Force Feats
Energy Dispersion Shield Wall I
Granted Feats
Order Feat: Force Disciple Ryn: Made'ya'look Ryn: Shady Palm Tree Synergy II Force Pulse II
  • Basic
  • Ryn
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Mandalorian Core
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None