Character Snapshot (Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna)

Character Snapshot for Knight Zujenia (2016/09/10, Mystic Aiden Lee Deshra vs. Knight Zujenia)

Knight Zujenia

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Arcona
Female Human, Force Disciple, Shadow
Height: 1.68 m / 5'6" - Weight: 71.67 kg / 158 lbs
Age: 20 years - Left Handed
Physical Description

Daughter of a combat medic Ryn and a Human Jedi, Zujenia has inherited a hodgepodge collection of traits. She inherited her mother’s thick, wild, and white hair, usually banded into a very low ponytail or a loose braid. Her dark amber eyes are separated by a round Human-like nose, a chitinous diamond sitting on its tip, the only remanence of the Ryn’s musical beak. Tan skin washed with a blue hue stretches across tuned muscles on her pear-shaped body. Blue birthmarks speckle across her left shoulder and right hip. She lacks the fur of full-blooded Ryns, but has thicker body hair than the average Human female. Zujenia has a shorter version of the Ryn’s prehensile tail at 2 ft. (60.9 cm) of length. It cannot hold an item much larger than a small vial.

Zujenia prefers to wear loose clothing for increased movement and to better hide most of her Ryn traits in order to avoid unfavorable interactions. Long, flowing pants are wrapped tight to her calves to prevent tripping, and hide the form of her tail, which she ties against her leg. A shoulder-cut, long-sleeved shirt overlaid with a wrap-styled vest is complimented by the utility belt hanging loosely on her hips with various compartments, her lightsaber, and vibroblade. She wears fingerless gloves and a faded rebel bandanna tied upside down on her left arm. Ankle-high shoes cover her feet.

Equipped Weapons (Legacy)
* electrostaff * slugthrower w/ bayonet * vibroblade * yellow lightsaber
Preferred Weapon Loadout (Legacy)

1x electro staff

1x Tuskan Cycler with 1x bayonet

1x Yellow-bladed Sharp lightsaber (last resort)

1x vibroblade

Zujenia normal garb

Strategist (General Aspect)

Through a combination of preparing, studying, and analyzing, Zujenia creates detailed battle plans and tries to think two steps ahead of the enemy. At times, however, this can lead to Zujenia creating complicated schemes that can baffle less intelligent subordinates.

The Tail That I Have (General Aspect)

As the daughter of both a unrespected war veteran and Ryn, Zujenia has seen the darker side of society, the mistreatment of those looked down upon, the lack of respect. Because of this, the Half-Ryn has developed a strong sense of protection and respect for those in similar situations. Thus, she will throw her life on the line to protect undesirables. Zujenia also pushes for equality, frowning upon the noble Human class that had been the source of most of her suffering and others. Her acute awareness of society's prejudice has an equally negative effect on the hybrid. To avoid unwanted conflict and to frankly survive in the brotherhood, Zujenia hides away most of her Ryn-ish traits, tying her tail away, covering her sleeves, and using the Force to alter her facial features. She also tends to keep to herself, quiet and reserved to lessen drawing attention.

Outside The Box (Personality Aspect)

Zujenia is a lateral thinker, and when she encounters problems or dilemmas, she is very good at improvising and coming up with alternative solutions. This allows Zujenia to find ways out of situations others might give up on. While these solutions are often not so obvious to others, Zujenia can typically explain and lead others through her long as they are patient and willing enough to trust her outside thinking.

Swinging My Golden Hammer (Personality Aspect)

Zujenia is a fiercely determined and focused individual. When assigned a mission, she will use whatever skills necessary to complete it. She strives to work with similar individuals who stick to the plan. Those who lack care about their duties generally cause her to groan inwardly, possibly even successfully getting a rare lecture from her. Zujenia’s strong-will, however, makes it difficult for her to abandon the mission when things get hairy, often pushing forward a little too long. It is also possible to distract her with sparkly, shiny things that the Half-Ryn has a strong urge to retrieve.

Way Of The Jerboa (Combat Aspect)

Like the wild Space Jerboa, Zujenia prefers to rely on her stealth, size and quickness to avoid unnecessary combat. When detected or forced to engage in combat she will aim to swiftly incapacitate her opponent in a non-lethal manner. Favoring the versatility of her Electrostaff, the half-Ryn will target her opponent's hands and feet in order to bait, trap and disarm them. If caught without a weapon, she will fall back on her training in Sliding Hands to deflect strikes away from her body while looking to use her opponent's aggression or momentum against them. When everything goes according to plan, this approach is not only effective but also tends to sooth Zujenia’s conscience during a mission. This focus on pursuing non-lethal take-downs, however, can often work against her when she is faced with a more talented fighter that does not have similar moral qualms with killing her.

It's A Trap (Combat Aspect)

Zujenia has an uncanny knack for identifying traps and alerting others to them. Now, if only she could consistently do it BEFORE the trap goes off...

Skill Feats
Lightning Reflexes Sleeping Rancor
Force Feats
Escape Artist Telekinetic Strike I
Granted Feats
Faceless I Ghosting I Order Feat: Force Disciple Human: Eye Of The Tiger Human: Just Another Face
  • Basic
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Sliding Hands
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form III (Soresu)