- Event ID
- 186525
- Award
- Sapphire Blade
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Moff Alethia Archenksova
- Primary reason
Ka Tarvitz has been an exceptional member of Odan-Urr for quite some time. In terms of pure activity he has been a consistent and solid rock for House Hoth, whether it be large scale events (GJW, RoS, Clan) or normal everyday events. Since his last recognition in march, he has participated in 76 competitions, all of which are a wide variety of types. Simply put, he does whatever is needed to help the clan regardless of type, something that we greatly appreciate. Whilst doing these competitions he racked up an impressive tally of awards. They include the following: 2 Gold Nova, 24 Seals of Fury, 1 Crescent with Diamond Star, 4 Crescents with Ruby Star, 13 Crescents with Amethyst Star, 9 Crescents with Sapphire Star, 1 Crescent with Emerald Star, 4 Crescents with Topaz Star, 91 Clusters of Fire, 86 Clusters of Ice, and 32 Clusters of Graphite. Note that if you add up these awards for placement, Tarvitz has placed in a staggering 34/76 competitions. Even more impressive, he had full participation during the recent Rite of Supremacy and worked extra hard to acquire 2 Gold Nova, beating out the rest of the Dark Brotherhood.
In addition to his competitions, he has completed a number of other diverse activities. He has completed 3 PvP matches, 7 PvE matches, 1 ACC battle, 17 fiction activities, 33319 words of fiction, 9033 words for run on posts, 6 shadow academy courses, and 18 news post comments. Besides numbers, which are quite impressive by themselves, it’s important to note that they tell a story of a member who has done almost everything he can do to support Odan-Urr. He’s been there for every event, hit every bin, answered every call for increased activity, and put forth 200% for any events solidly in his skill zone. That’s exaggeration but if you’ve ever worked on a team with him you’ll know why I used that number. From the Rite of Supremacy example, he already had several pages worth of well thought out draft material for a competition that asked for very few. If you’ve ever seen his battleplans, their detail and complexity are legendary and more often than always place high, if not first place. He’s never merely content to do the bare minimum but instead uses the vast depth of his Star Wars knowledge in its fullness to present the best possible strategies. Last example for now, though there are certainly more, he once put together and painted a model ship for an art competition in exquisite detail. He could have simply opened notepad and doodled but instead he chose to painstakingly paint and construct small pieces with accuracy and dedication to final product that few can rival.
Lastly, Tarvitz does more for his clan than simply numbers of competition submissions. I’d like to point out a few and leave the rest for my fellow clan leaders below. First and foremost, Tarvitz is an excellent helper to his fellow clanmates. He is whatever we need him to be. At times he has been a wonderful cheerleader, prompting his fellow clanmates to participate more in both the recent GJW and the Rite of Supremacy. He readily helped his fellow clanmates with any questions or concerns they might have on competitions or official events. This also took the form of much needed Star Wars advice, such as which ships to pick or lightsaber forms or historical knowledge on past events (clan lore, SW lore). Tarvitz also helped willingly, to the full breadth of his knowledge, and unless time prevented him from doing so with his full dedication. None of this should be taken lightly. On behalf on Odan-Urr and the help he has offered myself, we are greatly indebted to his advice and assistance. Secondly, Tarvitz has always actively engaged in the Odan-Urr community. Whenever I’ve hosted Cards against Humanity events or related ones he almost always showed up, even if the time wasn’t the most convenient. Whenever clan fiction questions were brought up, he would would take the time to answer them.
In short, Tarvitz is a great multi-faced asset for the clan. I haven’t listed everything or it would go on for several pages so I’ll let you read it in more readable chunks below. Based on everything above and below, I highly recommend that Ka Tarvitz receive a Sapphire Blade for his service, dedication, and achievements. My friend, you more than deserve it.
Aura Ta’var
PCON, Odan-Urr
Moff Alethia Archenksova, 2019-01-07 00:15:59 UTC
- Additional reasons
Blade’s recommendation was very comprehensive, and it’s a testament to the sheer breadth of Tarvitz’s contributions that I can come up with anything else at all to add. Everyone who’s spent any amount of time in unit leadership knows that it’s difficult at best to find members who are eager to step up for unglamorous, unpositioned project work, and even harder to find ones who will follow through with the task. While his massive pile of gold novae and crescents and his unparalleled activity speak for themselves, his work on the wiki and COU lore building are easily taken for granted.
This includes some minor, admittedly low-effort activities. For example, Tarvitz maintained the article for his battleteam after its creation, added links to missing official fictions to the Twelfth Great Jedi War article on multiple occasions, and fixed my own stupid typos. These are obviously not the sort of contributions that earn a sacramental award by themselves, but I do think it is important to realize that in a club with hundreds of active members, I can count the number of people who take the moment to fix an error on a someone else’s page on one hand. This is a small and very easily overlooked trait, but one that I think perfectly illustrates Tarvitz’s character.
Speaking of easily overlooked, I am ashamed to admit that one of his more concrete additions to clan lore was not even mentioned in his EQ2 promotion or last merit award, much less properly highlighted. Notable Fauna: Strokera, his thorough write-up of the wildlife on House Hoth’s planet, Solyiat, was the primary accomplishment of Hoth’s wiki working group as other pages and updates fell through. Despite the lack of formal recognition for this, he has continued to contribute, first through the creation of the Wildcards page, and more recently with more work on Solyiat that Jael will discuss.
There are many members who improve Odan-Urr through their enthusiasm and activity, and several who volunteer to do a lot of hard work as part of a position. Tarvitz is almost unique in his willingness to step up and generate content for his fellows, proofread fictions, share knowledge, and generally act like a leader while steadfastly refusing anything resembling a prestigious title. We would be worse off without him.
Alethia Archenksova
Consul, Odan-Urr
Moff Alethia Archenksova, 2019-01-06 23:19:18 UTC
Since I’ve known Tarvitz in COU and Hoth, he has been a fiercely dedicated person to the house and the clan. He has shown great strides to work upon the Wikipedia for an article that measured 15 pages as a Google document to introduce fauna and flora on Solyiat, Hoth’s current planet, without it being required of him. Aside from this addition to the information provided in previous recommendations, I speak to the highlights and positives of Tarvitz in that he has always been a very helpful and engaged member as well as a great friend. He has always sought out to assist me, even as a regular member before I got involved with leadership. He has expressed his appreciation and value into my own opinion when it comes to things like character creation. I know Tavitz as someone who takes a lot of pride in his own creations so this means a lot to me. He has also given me advice on a personal level which makes me feel like he not only cares about the health of the house overall, but also the members within. Tarvitz is highly intelligent and very empathic to those around him. I hope that he knows he is well appreciated and accepts this award for all that he has done.
Jael Chi’ra
Quaestor of Hoth, COU
Jael Valsi Chi'ra, 2019-01-07 00:15:48 UTC
- Event ID
- 202545
- Award
- Sapphire Blade
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
- Primary reason
Essik Lyccane is a pillar of both House Sunrider as well as Battle Team Tython Squadron. He is always ready to respond when you need him, on every server the club uses. Essik has participated in 48 competitions, organized 2 of his own unprompted, is an active member of our community events participating in 10 events ranging from roleplay to gaming. While doing this, he earned three Crescents with Ruby Star, four Crescents with Amethyst Star, two Crescents with Sapphire Star, two Crescents with Emerald Star, two Pendants of Blood, five Clusters of Fire, sixty-two Clusters of Ice, twenty-six Clusters of Earth, thirty-four Clusters of Graphite, one Seal of Loyalty, twenty-five Seals of Vision, one Scroll of the Master, two Gold Novae, two Silver Novae, one Bronze Novae.
Since joining Tython Squadron, Essik has been a godsend in helping keep the storyline active, with reliable run-on posts and actively joining our discussion for where the team goes next. In addition, he has written 22852 words of fiction in ten fiction activities.
One of his most frequent and significant, contributions, however, is that he is one of the most active editors of our wiki pages I’ve ever met keeping Odan-Urr’s pages up to date and accurate, so that we all have that information at our fingertips, providing a key service to the clan. Since his last recognition in April, Essik has performed 530 picture category/tag updates for the entire club. He’s also updated the pages on the Severian Principate, Tenixir Revenants, Starblade Hangar, TAW-6A Autopistol, Valheru, Shi, Kaiburr (Planet), Explosives, for 241 words. He also performed 15 Minor edits to Clan Odan-Urr History, House Satele Shan, Vauzem Dominion, Vatali Unsettled, House Sunrider, Trepus Mine, and Major edits: Clan Odan-Urr History, House Sunrider, Quorahi, Kiast (Planet), Vauzem Dominion, Vatali Unsettled, Trepus Mine for 8081 words.
Essik Lycane has proven himself an invaluable part of our Clan, and for these reasons the Summit has seen fit to award him with a Sapphire Blade. Well done, Lieutenant. Thank you for your service.
Jon Silvon
BTL, Odan-Urr
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2020-08-18 01:35:30 UTC
- Additional reasons
Essik Lyccane, one of our most dedicated members to the Clan. I don’t say this lightly but rather base it on the excellent activity shown above as well as some additional extracurricular activities he has done for Odan-Urr. First, he was an excellent help during the Great Jedi War by helping put together guides for each of the phases. These guides were very much appreciated since at the time I had broken my elbow and typing was difficult. These efforts, worth 7 pages in total for both combined, helped increase our clan participation, which was one of our goals in this war. Second, he has been very active as a community hoster. He has hosted 4 community roleplay events, which take several hours of his day per event. Duties include hyping up the event in advance, getting people to attend, keeping the roleplay going in a pseudo DM role, and post event actions like the paperwork and congratulating everyone. All in all, it can be a lot of work, but Odan-Urr greatly appreciates the time put into it. Lastly, I would just like to spotlight the excellent Great Jedi War performance he had this year. Not only did he participate in all the bins but he also placed seventh overall in the entire war by earning the Clan 1225 points! Hitting the top ten is very difficult and I’m so proud of you.
Thank you so much for the time and energy you put into the Clan and the club. Odan-Urr very much appreciates all you do for it. Congratulations on your well earned Sapphire Blade!
Aura Ta’var
Consul, Odan-Urr
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2020-08-18 01:34:20 UTC
- Event ID
- 225492
- Award
- Sapphire Blade
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Ambassador Revak K'Urr
- Primary reason
Essik is a consistent powerhouse when it comes to this club. His behind-the-scenes work, which he does without anyone asking is unmatched. His most recent endeavor, taking it upon himself to backup all of the COU stories and content from discourse without even being asked. He saw the importance in salvaging over 10 years worth of work and wanted to preserve this history. This speaks of his mentality when going into projects, many of which he gives himself. His interests are in what's best for this club and his Clan. You would be hard-pressed to find someone more passionate and concerned with the overall well being of this club. This is one of the main reasons I hired him as my Aedile. Just in the month that he has been back in a leadership position he has helped me organize a parent competition, created three competitions, has helped me in the back end with tracking membership progress, is helping me develop a new Storyline for the HGC, and is currently running our House RO on Discord where he can always be found dropping messages to stir activity and pushing to maintain our community vibe (so far producing 622 words in addition to the staggering 16352 words he's written for various competitions).
But his achievements extend beyond the Clan as well. Essik was recently awarded 1 Anteian and 1 Steel Cross for proofing page after page of new item prototypes after he noticed a few discrepancies. He took it upon himself to ensure the items would roll out without a hitch. Additionally, and one of the things he is known the most for, are his Wiki contributions. Since his last award he received 4 Dark Side Scrolls for being Wikipedian of the Month for October '21, November '21, January '22 and March '22 with a combined 154 edits and 10744 overall words.
Essik has also participated in 80 competitions and has earned, 3 Crescents with Diamond Stars, 14 Crescents with Ruby Stars, 19 Crescents with Amethyst Stars, 9 Crescents with Sapphire Stars, 6 Crescents with Emerald Stars, 2 Crescents with Topaz Stars, and 1 Crescent with Quartz Star. He also has 34 Clusters of Ice and 102 Clusters of Graphite.
A good friend, a hard worker, and an earner/big brother to the Clan, Essik is a shining example of what it means to do work because it needs to be done over working for recognition. I am honored to write this recommendation and know that he will continue to do what he does best, being awesome!
Marl Gondor
Quaestor, Odan-Urr
Ambassador Revak K'Urr, 2022-04-01 19:46:56 UTC
- Additional reasons
Essik, the work you put into this club is hard to put a price on. We greatly appreciate everything you do, especially the easily overlooked things like wiki work or backing up years of content.
Again, thank you, and congratulations on your Sapphire Blade!
Ambassador Revak K'Urr, 2022-03-31 15:58:10 UTC
I often wish I could clone Essik, he not only leads from the front on individual activity but his level of initiative is unparalleled. He sees things that need to be done and often has them completed and moved on to something else before we can think to ask. Much of what he does, namely in the wiki realm, is done quietly and without fanfare. Well Essik, we see you.
On behalf of the Guardian Corps and the clan at large, thank you for everything you do!
Turel Sorenn
Proconsul, Odan-Urr
Councillor Turel Sorenn, 2022-04-01 00:47:14 UTC
- Event ID
- 260168
- Award
- Sapphire Blade
- Quantity
- 1
Non-site XP
- Requested by
- Daro Vane
- Primary reason
My lord, what can I say about Essik?
The man is a workhorse who diligently works behind the scenes and is consistently earning Wikipedian of the month for his work on articles. Where some sit back and complain about doing work. This is what Essik does for fun, because to him, it’s something that needs to be done. This act is greatly appreciated and a task he takes on himself without anyone asking him to do it. On top of this, he remains one of Clan Odan-Urr’s elites in terms of overall activity. Since his last recognition he has participated in 36 competitions earning - 15 Crescent with Ruby Stars, 4 Crescent with Amethyst Stars, 5 Crescent with Sapphire Stars, 1 Crescent with Emerald Star, 7 Clusters of Ice, 2 Clusters of Graphite, 1 Darkside Scroll, 1 Scroll of Foundation, and 14 Seals of Transcendence. He has also written 3360 words of fiction. It is my honor to award him with yet another sacramental award to further encourage and thank him for his service and dedication. Well done, my friend!
Daro Vane, 2024-02-23 04:02:09 UTC
- Additional reasons
Last year's recipient of the Scimitar of Lord Hoth and an ever-steady voice in Odan-Urr, you've taken time out of your busy life to return to the Clan a few times over the last few months to give some solid advice, despite having little time to spare, and welcomed me with open arms. In recent days you've pointed out things I've missed in the history of COU to help me find my way forward and make sure the system stays in line as we move ahead. Thank you for everything you've done, and I look forward to the day you're back in full stride and we can work more actively together, until then, I hope the Blue Stabby adds nicely to your collection!
Ever Onwards, Essik!
High Councillor Masahiro Haku, 2024-02-06 05:50:24 UTC