Dark Cross events for Aedile Tali Sroka

Dark Cross events
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
Primary reason

Tali Sroka has been busy with some major lek-activity since her last merit award in February. She has participated in 11 competitions, earning herself 1Diamond Crescent, 1 Ruby Crescent, 4 Amethyst Crescents, and 2 Sapphire Crescents. Completing 14 fiction activities with a total off 28,263 words, Tali has been rewarded for those accomplishments with 57 Clusters of Ice. She has even submitted to an art comp which gained her 2 Clusters of Graphite. Tali is an active and helpful member in her units’ Telegram communities, where she collaborates with other members on fiction and provides support when needed. Broadening her reach even farther, Tali has stepped up and extended a hand in writing reports. She has been aiding with the Shadow Gate reports, where she is learning how to use Markdown, collect members’ activity, and the basic setup and purposes of reports — all the while getting a taste of leadership, what it is about, and why leaders do the work they do. This level of dedication and drive is something we hope to foster in all our members, and it is a wonderful thing that Tali has presented openly.

I recommend Tali Sroka for a Dark Cross as reward for her dedication and commitment. Well done, Head-tails! I look forward to what you do next.


__ BTL, Shadow Gate of Arcona__

Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna, 2017-04-30 21:54:47 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Lucine Vasano
Primary reason

Tali Sroka is one of the most consistent and active writers in Arcona. Since his promotion to Equite I two months ago, he has written a total of 3978 words of fiction and participated in two ACC matches in the Winds of Change tournament. He continuously demonstrates steady activity, having participated in eleven competitions since his promotion, which has earned him a Crescent with Ruby Star, a Crescent with Sapphire Star, three Crescents with Amethyst Stars, and fifteen Clusters of Ice.

In addition to his competition activity, Tali is a constant friendly presence of Telegram, where his wit and unique sense of humor never fail to entertain. Tali is a model Arconan, and if I could clone him, I gladly would. As such, it is my honor to recommend him for a Dark Cross. Thank you so much for all you do, Tali!

-Lucine Vasano, Battleteam Leader, Shadow Gate

Lucine Vasano, 2017-09-17 19:44:32 UTC