Sapphire Blade events for Aedile Tali Sroka

Sapphire Blade events
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Lucine Vasano
Primary reason

Tali Sroka is an inspiring leader in the Brotherhood and a great teacher that I have the honor of working closely with. Since his last promotion, Tali has led House Qel-Droma as an Aedile for 2 months and now as a Quaestor for 9 months and counting. During this time, Tali has kept the fictional development of the House interesting and fresh. Tali has co-organized House events that helped shape the fictional direction of Qel-Droma. Furthermore, Tali has embraced the arduous task of updating and renovating Port Ol’val’s wiki page with several new entries provided by the House members and has also created the new Qel-Droman Headquarters wiki page from scratch.

On personal achievements, since his last promotion Tali has organized 16 competitions and co-organized 2. He has also participated in 66 competitions, having received for those competitions 15 Crescents (3 Diamond, 2 Ruby, 1 Amethyst, 5 Sapphire, 3 Emerald, 1 Topaz). Tali has also amassed 2 Clusters of Fire, 64 Clusters of Ice and 37 Clusters of Graphite. He has participated in 18 Fiction events and has posted 4 RO posts. Finally, Tali has passed 4 Academy courses, having gained 1 new Degree. He has also received 1 Scroll of the Master for having mentored Sera Kaern to her knighthood, and 24 Seals of Discord for his participation in the GJW XIII. Recently, Tali has been awarded 2 Bronze Novae, 1 Silver Nova and 1 Gold Nova for placement in the GJW XIV

Tali is an ever-present voice in Telegram chats, always ready to help with anything he can. He has taught me much of what it takes to lead a Unit and I cannot thank him enough for that. Tali Sroka has showed incredible leadership of the House, even through these tough times we are currently facing, keeping its members united and motivated, and always coming up with ways to make sure everyone’s needs are tended to. He is more than deserving of an award for all his work and I am most happy to recommend him for a Sapphire Blade. You really deserve it Tali!

Aru Law Aedile, House Qel-Droma

Tali is without a doubt one of my favorite Twi’leks in Arcona. As a member, he is hard-working and consistent. With his constant activity, he leads by example, as detailed by the raw numbers that Aru has listed above. In addition to all of the shinies his efforts have landed him, they have also resulted in earning 8th place in the GJW XIV, which is no small feat!

As a leader, I have been intensely proud of the work he has done, in expanding on the fictional storyline of House Qel-droma. He has done an outstanding job delegating responsibilities and keeping his Aedile and BTL (and sometimes his Consul) on track. I don’t know what I would do without his attention to detail, sarcastic wit and his obsession with being a pedant.

Tali, you are an outstanding leader, and I am so thrilled with all of your hard work. I am proud that you are a member of Arcona, and I am proud to call you my friend, and as such I am thrilled to recommend you for a Sapphire Blade. Enjoy your highly fashionable cutting instrument! I am certain it will be all the rage on Coruscant this year.

Lucine Vasano
Consul, Clan Arcona

Lucine Vasano, 2020-08-04 15:25:15 UTC
Additional reasons

Tali has been an excellent member of the Clan and leadership. They’ve been encouraging, led by example throughout both regular House and Clan activities and the War. They’ve shown a solid understanding of meeting the needs of their members and of helping them meet their goals.

He’s also been a good friend and pretty good Lek-head! Time to get a shiny stabby, Tali, just don’t use it on me!

Rollmaster, Arcona

General Stres'tron'garmis, 2020-08-04 15:24:45 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Dr. Rhylance
Primary reason

Tali is an invaluable addition to Arcona's family. He is a hardworking leader and a strong voice for his House. He ensures communication within the House chats, keeps his Summit running efficiently, and keeps his members updated with timely and efficient reports. He has worked well with his Aediles, Aru and Jazzy, and his Battleteam Leader, Wally, to ensure that HQD has a story that is engaging and keeps the members invested.

Since his last recognition, Tali has organized 3 Competitions and co-organized 2 others. He has participated in 73 competitions as well, netting himself a slew of crescents(5 Ruby, 2 Amethyst, 5 Sapphire, 3 Emerald, 1 Topaz). He has participated in 15 PVP matches, and 16 Fiction activities, writing 57,094 words. His efforts have earned him 39 Clusters of Fire, 132 Clusters of Ice, and 25 Clusters of Graphite. He has also earned a Scroll of Foundation for work in the Shadow Academy.

In the Rite of Supremacy Tali earned 4 Gold Novae, 2 Silver Novae, and 1 Bronze Nova, as well as 26 Seals of Enmity. He was also named Second Heroine of the Rite of Supremacy Escalation!

Tali has been a great Quaestor during these past 9 months. He ran an event for the House called Law and Droma, centered around the new possessions he purchased for Qel Droma. He has also taken charge of running bi-monthly audits of his House members alongside his Aediles and Wally. He pushes his members to compete, keeping HQD the top-performing House for Arcona. He has been extremely helpful in the change for the Club from Telegram to Discord, staying a constant presence and helping to redirect traffic to our Clubs new home. Without his assistance, Arcona wouldn't have eased into Discord as easily as it has.

For all of his hard work and dedication, I am extremely proud to award Tali Sroka with a Sapphire Blade. Amazing job!!!


Consul of Clan Arcona

Dr. Rhylance, 2022-01-08 18:41:35 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Qyreia Arronen
Primary reason

Tali is one of our longest sitting members in Arcona’s Summit, holding the Quaestor position of House Qel-Droma since 2019, and he’s never flagged in his capacity as a competing member of the Brotherhood. Since his recognition in January, he’s maintained regular activity through organizing seven competitions, co-organizing one, and competing in seventy-four. Of these he placed in thirteen, including two Silver Novae and two Bronze Novae from his twenty-nine participations in GJW XV, evidenced by the name number of Seals of Ascension! This comes with it three Clusters of Fire and twenty of Earth from gaming, as well as twenty-seven Clusters of Graphite from his many submissions to the DB art community. The truly staggering activity comes from his fiction work, producing one hundred three Clusters of Ice across over thirty eight thousand words of fiction. And in between all that, he still managed to take a trip over to the Shadow Academy and knock out three of its courses.

In leadership, Tali has likewise continued his powerhouse work. In addition to running a House-level event over the fall and keeping up the motivation during GJW XV, he found time to collaborate with another Arconan and completely revamp the Arconan Expeditionary Force (AEF) in a detailed proposal that included broad organization and detailed cost analysis. The current state of the AEF is the product of that refined proposal, and forms the foundation for our future Possessions plans.

What’s more, Tali is simply a good leader within Arcona and the Brotherhood. His patience and let’s-make-it-happen attitude have driven me as Consul to work harder and on things that I might have otherwise overlooked. So to Tali: I hope this serves as some small thanks for all of your hard work.

Consul, Clan Arcona

Qyreia Arronen, 2022-12-11 15:32:37 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Non-site XP
450 XP
Requested by
Envoy Zuza Lottson
Primary reason

Since his Ruby Sceptor back in July Tali has not let that slow his leks. Participating in 53 (63 w/ Containers), the war proved to perhaps be too easy for Qel Droma's favourite purple people eater, earning 3 Bronze Novae and a Silver one across 24 competitions that were participated in. During this time line Tali has also earned 1 Cluster with a Diamond star, 3 with Ruby, 1 Amethyst, 4 Sapphire, 6 Emerald and 3 Topaz, which is an awesome ratio of effort considering that throughout all of this time he has been HQD's Quaestor as well, training up our newest AED, Sofila and helping Doon keep the fur out of the Voidbreaker's air conditioning systems.

He keeps QD running like a well oiled machine, regular on the news posts, regular on checking his numbers, regular events and regular shenangins. This is espeically obvious when we come to look at Sofila, his Aedile. He specifically has taken the time to call with Sofila, streaming his screen so she could see the new menus and functions available to her and type out all his explanations to ensure that she had the strongest entry into Arconan leadership that she could. Not only that but he maintains the most reliable of our reporters, producing 8 full reports across the last 7 months, with his monthly House reports calculating activity awards for his members and providing fictional plot points and updates to the House. All of this included in what was given to Sofila as part of her onboarding. Of course, Tali's business lekking didn't stop there, as he was always prompt in writing and submitting recommendations for members to ensure they receive timely awards, working with his AED and BTL to provide House lore for upcoming plots, and providing competitions either through assisting his previous Aedile in running a set recently, or in the creation of his upcoming house event.

Thank you for your lekication Tali.

Envoy Zuza Lottson, 2024-01-14 01:30:11 UTC
Additional reasons

I was so nervous becoming an Aedile but you made it smooth sailing! With your lek powers, we got along quickly and you were more than happy to adapt to the fact that I cannot hear and typed everything out you were showing me while streaming so I can learn! Thank you for being patient with me and taking over when I've been ill.

While I do groan at your dad puns, ALOT, I do love and appreciate them. That's the only time you'll hear this from me.

Congrats on your Grand Cross! I cannot wait to keep working with you to make sure Soufflek rises well!

Sofila "Spicy" Douve Armis, 2024-01-13 22:59:52 UTC